Turning tragedy into politics. They can't help themselves.

No one gives a shit anymore about mass shootings.
The Republicans and the NRA have made them irrelevant.
They have made human life irrelevant.
It's more important for every fucking idiot in this country to own a gun than it is to save a single life.
But by god they will fight you to the death to save an embryo from abortion.

Actually, nobody gives a shit about them because they realize they can't do anything about them.

Name one effective piece of firearms legislation passed during the entire Obama Presidency.

You mean with the Republican congress that took over in 2010?
If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to make this country do something about background checks, which 90% of Americans support, but the NRA doesn't want, then nothing will.
NRA owns the GOP. Fact.

Hey....dumb shit..... the killer at Sandy Hook murdered the owner of the guns.... he didn't need to get a background check. And guess what, dumb shit....... he could have passed a background check

That 90% number is B******T...... you asshats do not inform the uninformed Americans you ask if they would mind registering their guns in order to get those background checks....or if they want to have to do a background check if they let a friend at the range use their gun......
Well, other countries have car attacks, acid attacks, hand grenade attacks and machete attacks. So we're right up there with normal.

You're comparing the U.S. with a banana republic?
Finally you're being honest here about your ignorance.
That's the kind of country people like you want to live in.
Machete attacks....my ass.

Gun crime is going up in Britain, it is going down in the U.S........is Britain a banana republic?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

The Republicans are the ones calling out the pope, it is left wingers who are defending this pope, you moron.
No one gives a shit anymore about mass shootings.
The Republicans and the NRA have made them irrelevant.
They have made human life irrelevant.
It's more important for every fucking idiot in this country to own a gun than it is to save a single life.
But by god they will fight you to the death to save an embryo from abortion.
I do believe this is the stupidest post I have read today. Congratulations.

No, he will post something else before the day is over.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

Trying to change the subject noted.

Republicans are all for the rule of law. Any priest guilty of such a crime deserves the maximum punishment the law can give him.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
It is a political issue dude, one could just as easily ask how is protesting gun violence a political issue?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.

- Dem's defend and side with illegals.
- An illegal breaks into a home and rapes a 6 year old American girl in her bed.
- Dem's defend and side with illegals.
- An illegal brutally murders a 20 year old American girl out jogging.
- Dem's defend and side with illegals.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

The Republicans are the ones calling out the pope, it is left wingers who are defending this pope, you moron.
Link of said defense?
Well, other countries have car attacks, acid attacks, hand grenade attacks and machete attacks. So we're right up there with normal.

You're comparing the U.S. with a banana republic?
Finally you're being honest here about your ignorance.
That's the kind of country people like you want to live in.
Machete attacks....my ass.

Gun crime is going up in Britain, it is going down in the U.S........is Britain a banana republic?

Her ignorant line was car, acid, hand grenade and machetes... Machetes.
Let that soak in to your fat head.
I already posted the facts that the U.S. outnumbers other developed countries by 9 to 1 in gun deaths.
You have to move to Colombia or Yemen to get more.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
It is a political issue dude, one could just as easily ask how is protesting gun violence a political issue?

Fine with me. But protest the violence, not the gun. No firearm ever committed an act of violence by itself.

I own firearms that were used in the Nazi invasion of other countries, as well as firearms that were used by Communists to murder innocent people. And during the years that I've owned them, not a single one of them has ever shot anyone.
Last edited:
Our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms is SETTLED LAW just like Roe vs Wade...wait for it libs...wait for it...suck it! :auiqs.jpg:
Well, other countries have car attacks, acid attacks, hand grenade attacks and machete attacks. So we're right up there with normal.

You're comparing the U.S. with a banana republic?
Finally you're being honest here about your ignorance.
That's the kind of country people like you want to live in.
Machete attacks....my ass.

Gun crime is going up in Britain, it is going down in the U.S........is Britain a banana republic?

Her ignorant line was car, acid, hand grenade and machetes... Machetes.
Let that soak in to your fat head.
I already posted the facts that the U.S. outnumbers other developed countries by 9 to 1 in gun deaths.
You have to move to Colombia or Yemen to get more.

Yes....and we outnumber most countries in knife deaths and club deaths...especiallly Britain, Australia, France....

And you didn't answer the question shit stain.....how do you explain more Americans owning and carrying guns, and our gun murder rate going down 49%, our gun crime rate going down 75%, and our violent crime rate going down 72%, while in Britain their gun crime rate went up 42% in London alone last year and up 23% in England and Wales?

Hey, doofus...explain this.....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
It is a political issue dude, one could just as easily ask how is protesting gun violence a political issue?

Because it's the left's desire to disarm the public; not that they can, but they want to try and get as much support for that as they can.

But even the leftist leaders know what would happen if they could ever accomplish that. We would all be victims.

Now what would happen if we could stop illegal immigration? People like Mollie wouldn't be murdered.

Now can you show me where Trump (or any other prominent Republican) started preaching their message before her body even made it to the morgue?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

The Republicans are the ones calling out the pope, it is left wingers who are defending this pope, you moron.

Wrong again, as usual.

Look up Josh Shapiro, idiot.

"""The 18-month investigation covered six of the state’s dioceses — Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton — and follows other state grand jury reports that revealed abuse and coverups in two other dioceses. The grand jury reviewed more than 2 million documents, including from the “secret archives” — what church leaders referred to the reports of abuse they hid from public for decades, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference Tuesday."""

What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
It is a political issue dude, one could just as easily ask how is protesting gun violence a political issue?

Fine with me. But protest the violence, not the gun. No firearm ever committed an act of violence by itself.

I own firearms that were used in the Nazi invasion of other countries, as well as firearms that were used by Communists to murder innocent people. And during the years that I've owned them, not a single on has ever shot anyone.

This Mayor slightly protested the violence, but his main message was about the guns. Liberals are tricky like that.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

No, Republicans wanted that story out to push Trump's agenda.
Where's the Republicans ire about 300 Catholic priests molesting over 1000 kids?

The Republicans are the ones calling out the pope, it is left wingers who are defending this pope, you moron.

Wrong again, as usual.

Look up Josh Shapiro, idiot.

"""The 18-month investigation covered six of the state’s dioceses — Allentown, Erie, Greensburg, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh and Scranton — and follows other state grand jury reports that revealed abuse and coverups in two other dioceses. The grand jury reviewed more than 2 million documents, including from the “secret archives” — what church leaders referred to the reports of abuse they hid from public for decades, state Attorney General Josh Shapiro said at a news conference Tuesday."""


Dumb ass....I am talking regular people, not prosecutors....you dumb ass, the left wing loves this pope.
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Ah. So it is ok to turn tragedy into politics if it is YOUR side.

How is wanting to stop illegals from coming here and committing crime against Americans political? If that's political, then the left is involved too, because they want as many of those illegals here as possible killers or not.
It is a political issue dude, one could just as easily ask how is protesting gun violence a political issue?

Fine with me. But protest the violence, not the gun. No firearm ever committed an act of violence by itself.

I own firearms that were used in the Nazi invasion of other countries, as well as firearms that were used by Communists to murder innocent people. And during the years that I've owned them, not a single on has ever shot anyone.

This Mayor slightly protested the violence, but his main message was about the guns. Liberals are tricky like that.

They usually just strike out at anything and everything, on their rage. Rather than focusing on the real problems.

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