Turning tragedy into politics. They can't help themselves.

What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Which is exactly what you're doing Ray. How fucking ironic.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Uhhhmmmmm yyyyyyyeah. So decrying the "level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis" is 'anti-gun'.

So you're saying Almighty Gun is the very reason for this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis.

Aren't you.

Isn't that revealing.

I said that? My memory must be getting shorter.

What I do remember saying is how inappropriate this comment by the Mayor was in the aftermath of a horrible tragedy. It's like whenever a Democrat sees something he or she can use as an opportunity, it's the first thing they do.

And I'm sure the families of the victims truly appreciate it.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Instead of more "cheap rhetoric", as Megan McCain said at Donald's roast, I'll just post the fucking facts for you about America, guns and the other developed countries that don't have our problem:



Oh, that's right, you forgot to add in the 12 million unarmed citizens murdered across Europe by the socialists.....innocent men, women and children, and when you average those murders into those numbers our number is better than theirs....

And you also don't add in the 1.1 million times a year Americans use their guns to stop violent criminals....you forgot that too...or the fact that Britain is now facing increasing gun crime...after banning and confiscating guns....forgot that too...didn't you?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

From what I found, the shooter's name was Omar Santa Perez. He had a history of mental issues. He legally purchased the 9mm pistol, had multiple magazines and about 200 rounds on his person. The bank was also posted "No Weapons."

Yeah, you would think that sign would have stopped him right there.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Instead of more "cheap rhetoric", as Megan McCain said at Donald's roast, I'll just post the fucking facts for you about America, guns and the other developed countries that don't have our problem:



Yes.....and of course that chart is only homicide rates....which aren't the accurate picture since gun crime is going up in those countries......in particular the island nations of Britain and Australia where they banned and confiscated guns......their criminals don't use their guns to commit murder.....yet.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Instead of more "cheap rhetoric", as Megan McCain said at Donald's roast, I'll just post the fucking facts for you about America, guns and the other developed countries that don't have our problem:



Hey, genius....where is Switzerland on that list...you know...where every home has a fully automatic military rifle?
My greatest fear right now is that this new Supreme Court Justice will ban abortion while at the same time, reverse all the gun laws.

Then there will be nothing but babies everywhere. And guns!!!

AND BABIES WITH GUNS!!!!!! :ack-1::shok::surprised1:
Crew served weapons are the best for young children. There is no way a baby can handle a firearm at least wait until they have some motor control I was 5 before I got my first real firearm.
Kill the perps on sight. Take the violent off the streets for all time. Lock up the crazies.

Stop hoarding garbage.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

Uhhhmmmmm yyyyyyyeah. So decrying the "level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis" is 'anti-gun'.

So you're saying Almighty Gun is the very reason for this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis.

Aren't you.

Isn't that revealing.

No.... mental illness and a 24/7 news cycle and social media are the problem.

Tell the OP, he's the one who came up with the idea that the gun is the problem.

If he'd believed what you believe he would have said "No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-mental illness and a 24/7 news cycle and social media message to the country". But --- he didn't.
My question is this: they've been doing the same thing for many years now. Since that time, they lost the House, lost the Senate, lost the White House to a candidate that vowed to appoint constitutionalists to the bench.

After a while you'd think they'd figure out their strategies aren't working. The definition of insanity is.........
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

From what I found, the shooter's name was Omar Santa Perez. He had a history of mental issues. He legally purchased the 9mm pistol, had multiple magazines and about 200 rounds on his person. The bank was also posted "No Weapons."

Yeah, you would think that sign would have stopped him right there.

You would think so. But like Dan Stubbs said, the sign wasn't in Spanish.

How was he supposed to know that he's not suppose to shoot people at that location?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

From what I found, the shooter's name was Omar Santa Perez. He had a history of mental issues. He legally purchased the 9mm pistol, had multiple magazines and about 200 rounds on his person. The bank was also posted "No Weapons."

Yeah, you would think that sign would have stopped him right there.

You would think so. But like Dan Stubbs said, the sign wasn't in Spanish.

How was he supposed to know that he's not suppose to shoot people at that location?

That's a very good question.........for a liberal to answer. :auiqs.jpg:
My greatest fear right now is that this new Supreme Court Justice will ban abortion while at the same time, reverse all the gun laws.

Then there will be nothing but babies everywhere. And guns!!!

AND BABIES WITH GUNS!!!!!! :ack-1::shok::surprised1:
Crew served weapons are the best for young children. There is no way a baby can handle a firearm at least wait until they have some motor control I was 5 before I got my first real firearm.

Well those babies would learn a valuable lesson in teamwork with those crew served weapons.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

From what I found, the shooter's name was Omar Santa Perez. He had a history of mental issues. He legally purchased the 9mm pistol, had multiple magazines and about 200 rounds on his person. The bank was also posted "No Weapons."

Yeah, you would think that sign would have stopped him right there.

You would think so. But like Dan Stubbs said, the sign wasn't in Spanish.

How was he supposed to know that he's not suppose to shoot people at that location?

That's a very good question.........for a liberal to answer. :auiqs.jpg:

Maybe the key is education. Perhaps if we had more English classes for people like Mr. Perez, he would have known that he wasn't supposed to shoot people there.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting

From what I found, the shooter's name was Omar Santa Perez. He had a history of mental issues. He legally purchased the 9mm pistol, had multiple magazines and about 200 rounds on his person. The bank was also posted "No Weapons."

Yeah, you would think that sign would have stopped him right there.

You would think so. But like Dan Stubbs said, the sign wasn't in Spanish.

How was he supposed to know that he's not suppose to shoot people at that location?

That's a very good question.........for a liberal to answer. :auiqs.jpg:

Maybe the key is education. Perhaps if we had more English classes for people like Mr. Perez, he would have known that he wasn't supposed to shoot people there.

If he didn't understand English, maybe he would have known he wasn't supposed to be here.
No one gives a shit anymore about mass shootings.
The Republicans and the NRA have made them irrelevant.
They have made human life irrelevant.
It's more important for every fucking idiot in this country to own a gun than it is to save a single life.
But by god they will fight you to the death to save an embryo from abortion.

Actually, nobody gives a shit about them because they realize they can't do anything about them.

Name one effective piece of firearms legislation passed during the entire Obama Presidency.

You mean with the Republican congress that took over in 2010?
If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to make this country do something about background checks, which 90% of Americans support, but the NRA doesn't want, then nothing will.
NRA owns the GOP. Fact.
What a sad day in Cincinnati, Ohio where a shooter left three dead and several more injured before the police killed him. What's even sadder is the comment by the lib Mayor John Cranley.

Even though the McCain funeral (which turned out to be a Donald Trump roast) was a few days earlier and heavily criticized for it's politics, it didn't stop Mayor Cranley from using death to promote his liberal agenda before the bodies were even cold.

"It’s heartbreaking," he said. "This is not normal and this shouldn’t be viewed as normal. This is abnormal. No other industrialized country has this level of active multiple shootings on a regular basis, on an almost daily basis. I think there’s something deeply sick at work here, and we as a country have to deal with it."

No compliments to their police department, no condolences to the families of the victims, just the usual anti-gun message to the country.

People on the right have always jokingly said liberalism is a mental disease, but now I'm beginning to wonder if it's not just a joke anymore.

Cincinnati police say four dead, including gunman, after downtown shooting
Turning tragedy to politics? Mollie Tibbetts ring a bell?

Yes it does. The Republicans wanted her story to get out to help stop terrible things like that happening to another AMERICAN!

The left's only goal is to disarm good people so the bad people have the upper hand. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.
Well, other countries have car attacks, acid attacks, hand grenade attacks and machete attacks. So we're right up there with normal.

You're comparing the U.S. with a banana republic?
Finally you're being honest here about your ignorance.
That's the kind of country people like you want to live in.
"Machete attacks"....my ass.
No one gives a shit anymore about mass shootings.
The Republicans and the NRA have made them irrelevant.
They have made human life irrelevant.
It's more important for every fucking idiot in this country to own a gun than it is to save a single life.
But by god they will fight you to the death to save an embryo from abortion.

Actually, nobody gives a shit about them because they realize they can't do anything about them.

Name one effective piece of firearms legislation passed during the entire Obama Presidency.

You mean with the Republican congress that took over in 2010?
If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to make this country do something about background checks, which 90% of Americans support, but the NRA doesn't want, then nothing will.
NRA owns the GOP. Fact.

A background check? You mean like the one this guy had?

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