Turns Out Mass Death Is Bad For The Economy


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Turns Out Mass Death Is Bad For The Economy

It depends on the individual’s place in society whether mass death is good or bad for the economy. For the ruling billionaire class, the COVID-19 pandemic has been profitable. For the tens-of-millions who are unemployed and still fighting state agencies for their first unemployment benefits checks, the pandemic has been a financial disaster.

But for families whose breadwinners died after contracting the novel coronavirus, many will never recover. Some are destined to life on the streets. (Of course, conservatives and many centrists have always said, “The homeless people choose to be homeless because they are lazy,” and that right wing misconception is one of many that cannot be changed.)

There is no mistaking Republican politicians at all levels of government have no concern for the well being of their working class constituents. Their duty, as always, is to keep cash flowing into the pockets of the ruling billionaire class. The vast majority of their conservative and centrist voting base agree with this most important GOP principle, and willingly fought every government effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus. After all, COVID-19 is no worse than a cold. The millions of reported cases and deaths are “fake news”.

Unfortunately, Democratic governors, mayors, etc. bowed to the will of the ruling billionaire class and prematurely lifted restrictions necessary to control the pandemic, which re-energized the virus.

The ruling billionaire class have finally realized the majority of Americans are unwilling to sacrifice their lives and the lives of their children to keep profits rolling in. It’s about the same ratio that had Hillary Clinton wining the popular vote over the “corrupt orange criminal” in the White House.

If the ruling billionaire class wants the pandemic to keep going strong, find a way to make the disease selectively attack those who are convinced it’s no worse than a cold, “fake news”, a progressive hoax, or some other right wing idiocy.

But the ruling billionaire class should also begin using caution. The United States is many trillions-of-dollars in debt. All those trillions were borrowed to go into your pockets. The COVID-19 virus, coupled with the trillions-of-dollars more your puppets in congress will borrow to feed your greed could very well kill the Golden Goose, and very soon.

So, you fat cats might consider kicking back some of those trillions-of-dollars your congressional puppets told their constituents went to pay Welfare Queens. You’ve profited off that lie for decades, it’s time to reinvest some of that money here at home, rather than some third world country where the federal government financed moving your manufacturing equipment.


The puerile old "they want profits over life" argument....As though one necessarily precludes the other.

There's no "mass death", puddinhead....And the shutdowns were to keep hospitals from being overwhelmed, not to "control the pandemic".

Yayhoo! nooz is even more full of shit than you, which is no mean feat.
There is no "mass death" up until now, and there will not be in the future. Those who are dying are, by and large, quite elderly and/or medically compromised. The average age of those who have succumbed to the disease in my own Allegheny County is 82. Not a typo: EIGHTY-TWO. This is why they NEVER mention the ages of those who die every day. If they disclosed that bit of information, people would realize that this pandemic is not quite as bad as it is being portrayed.

In fact, healthy adults under the age of 65 are in very little danger from COVID 19 - no worse than the flu. If the criteria that warrants shutting down the country for CV-19 were applied every year during flu season, we would be a society of seasonal workers, living in a country like Bankladesh.

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