TV remake of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

Many of the movies and TV shows with Black leads have not done very well lately. Go woke and go broke. Disney had a couple of flops.

I doubt this series will complete a season.
You can say whatever you like in your cuck fantasies but there's no way to make your cuck fantasies sound like anything but embarrassing cosplay. 😆
Capitalism doesn't give a shit about your history. They'll replace you for the emerging minority majority demographic in a heart beat. What's weird about that? 😁
What emerging minority majority demographic?
The one that doesn't watch this crap?
Yes, the argument has been won by the lack of viewers.
What emerging minority majority demographic?
The one that doesn't watch this crap?
Yes, the argument has been won by the lack of viewers.
We don't watch Nascar either and they'd still rather tell white racist cucks to fuck right on off at the mere hope we'd show some interest. 😆
There is no need to remake that classic movie. It's perfect
Excellent point Blues Man, similar to what happened with the remake of John Wayne’s phenomenal movie True Grit and also with West Side Story. I guess next up will be a lackluster failed attempt to remake Gone with the Wind and Dr. Zhivago.

Hopefully, viewers of these remakes would have watched/or will watch the originals to determine for themselves quality acting.
Another thing you pulled out of your ass without any evidence.
I have a suggestion…
List 10 shows 90% centered around a Black character that have lasted more than 3 seasons.
The last one was Batwoman and they only kept it 3 seasons despite no one watching.

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