TV Station "Newsmax" CANCELS on Dinesh after his new Film 2000 Mules turns out to be Junk

Guess what? None of this explains the multiple trips to the boxes and the non-profits by the same people. You have yet to come up with any plausible reason and you know it. And having Tonto help you is not helping a bit.
For the third time, I’m happy to school you on you “multiple trip” narrative as soon as we close the book on your false felony claims. Are you going to stop spreading this lie? Say yes and then I’ll address the multiple trips topic
The gullible think there is some other reason to go to multiple drop boxes and non-profits and do it daily before the election besides fraud. They cannot tell me what it is but insist it is not fraud.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
I’ll say it for the 4th time. Happy to discuss the multiple trips topic as soon as we put to bed your felony lies. Be a man and fess up to being wrong. Weak people change the subject.
Are you having a hard time reading or being intentionally dishonest again? I said stricter. Having voterID is stricter than not having voterID. Same for the other items you listed…
You never described stricter, dumbass. And why shouldn't an election have strict rules? They were meant to to keep them honest and give them integrity. 2020 had no integrity. The last thing you want is a fair election.
You never described stricter, dumbass. And why shouldn't an election have strict rules? They were meant to to keep them honest and give them integrity. 2020 had no integrity. The last thing you want is a fair election.
Haha, you’re such a moron. I literally wrote stricter. Not my problem if you can’t read good :cuckoo:

The purpose for the manipulators is to pass stricter voting regulations which will give the GOP an advantage.

First you say the rules aren’t strict and now you’re defending strict rules. You’re all over the place except for on the topic.
Haha, you’re such a moron. I literally wrote stricter. Not my problem if you can’t read good :cuckoo:

First you say the rules aren’t strict and now you’re defending strict rules. You’re all over the place except for on the topic.
You are trying to change what I said, and failing like usual.
You are trying to change what I said, and failing like usual.
Except for you lied and I showed it.

The purpose for the manipulators is to pass stricter voting regulations which will give the GOP an advantage.

You never described stricter, dumbass.

Don’t be bitter, just be a man and admit it. While you’re at it you can also admit you lied about the felony thing. Then we can move onto the actual topic, the fake movie, and I can school you on your 30-40 trip theory. Having fun yet?!
Except for you lied and I showed it.

Don’t be bitter, just be a man and admit it. While you’re at it you can also admit you lied about the felony thing. Then we can move onto the actual topic, the fake movie, and I can school you on your 30-40 trip theory. Having fun yet?!
You keep saying that based on what you believe. Do you understand it means nothing to me or anyone else but you?
You keep saying that based on what you believe. Do you understand it means nothing to me or anyone else but you?
It’s not a belief it’s a fact. I wrote stricter. You lied and said I didn’t. I posted the quotes. There no belief there, just dishonesty
It’s not a belief it’s a fact. I wrote stricter. You lied and said I didn’t. I posted the quotes. There no belief there, just dishonesty
Fraud is the topic. I do not care what you said about voting laws because no matter what the law says the criminals will not care.
Fraud is the topic. I do not care what you said about voting laws because no matter what the law says the criminals will not care.
Whether you care or not makes no difference, just stop lying. You lying has be some the topic because you are posting false things. Be honest for once in your life and admit you were being dishonest when you mischaraterized my “stricter” comment and when you cited a 2010 Georgia law and claimed that anybody dropping of somebody else’s ballot was committing a felony. Both these statements of yours were untrue. Not because of what I believe but from the evidence I showed. See that’s how you are supposed to engage in debate.

Now fess up and then we can move on to the 30-40
Whether you care or not makes no difference, just stop lying. You lying has be some the topic because you are posting false things. Be honest for once in your life and admit you were being dishonest when you mischaraterized my “stricter” comment and when you cited a 2010 Georgia law and claimed that anybody dropping of somebody else’s ballot was committing a felony. Both these statements of yours were untrue. Not because of what I believe but from the evidence I showed. See that’s how you are supposed to engage in debate.

Now fess up and then we can move on to the 30-40

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Not 1000s of people 30-40 times a day, there’s not one shred of evidence showing that.
So you are saying that that's what it would take to make it happen eh (thousand's of people) ? Hmmmm one wonder's how much weight at a time a mule could carry, and how many trips would have to be made depending on the ballot weight, otherwise therefore controlling the rates of distribution in a possible ballot box stuffing scenario ??
Well that has zero to do with geo data. But there are a few videos of people dropping off multiple ballots. Now how is that a felony?!
Those ballots have to be matched for signature's etc, and they had to meet all other means of integrity checks that were being hap-hazzardly done prior to a win taking place or during the voting stage of the game.... Many ballots were revealed as inadequate or not legit due to all sorts of irregularities found, and this after checking them by way of certain criteria then used, and so the 2020 ballots became highly suspicious in the various audit's taken after the fact...The court's however, with the controlling effects that are used through intimidation method's as is used, wouldn't or decided not to go near anything with less than a 30' pole these days.. :)
So you are saying that that's what it would take to make it happen eh (thousand's of people) ? Hmmmm one wonder's how much weight at a time a mule could carry, and how many trips would have to be made depending on the ballot weight, otherwise therefore controlling the rates of distribution in a possible ballot box stuffing scenario ??
No that’s not at all what I was saying. What’s with all these crazy misinterpretations of basic English? These conversations aren’t hard to follow. I wasn’t claiming anything, I was questioning the absurdity of the claims being made.
Those ballots have to be matched for signature's etc, and they had to meet all other means of integrity checks that were being hap-hazzardly done prior to a win taking place or during the voting stage of the game.... Many ballots were revealed as inadequate or not legit due to all sorts of irregularities found, and this after checking them by way of certain criteria then used, and so the 2020 ballots became highly suspicious in the various audit's taken after the fact...The court's however, with the controlling effects that are used through intimidation method's as is used, wouldn't or decided not to go near anything with less than a 30' pole these days.. :)
My ballot was one of those. Didn’t get counted because my signature didn’t match what they had on file. Know what that tells me… the system is working.
haha, are you really posting a law from 2010?! Come on man who do you think your fooling... The law has been amended several times since then.

Code Section 21-2-385 says that an elector with an absentee ballot: "shall then personally mail or personally deliver same to the board of registrars or absentee ballot clerk, provided that mailing or delivery may be made by the elector's mother, father, grandparent, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, spouse, son, daughter, niece, nephew, grandchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, or an individual residing in the household of such elector."

So that means a long list of relatives can legally return a completed ballot on behalf of an elector — including a grandchild for their grandparent. (The section also states that caregivers of disabled electors can mail or deliver completed ballots as can jail employees on behalf of inmates.)

Ok so are we clear on this now?? No more spreading lies that anybody turning in somebody else ballot is committing a felony??
Now what was the purpose of changing any of the old law's ??? Give it your best excuse, we can't wait.
No that’s not at all what I was saying. What’s with all these crazy misinterpretations of basic English? These conversations aren’t hard to follow. I wasn’t claiming anything, I was questioning the absurdity of the claims being made.
Questioning and making excuses that aren't very good... Carry on.
My ballot was one of those. Didn’t get counted because my signature didn’t match what they had on file. Know what that tells me… the system is working.
Ok, so Joe got more votes than Obama while he held up in the basement along with million's more leftist that feared the virus extremely before attempting to return to mainstream living, but they made sure to get out and vote no matter what eh ??

The whole thing reeps of investigation, but due to the extensive convincing by bad political apparatuses and their handler's, it's all just swept nice and neatly underneath the rug.
Now what was the purpose of changing any of the old law's ??? Give it your best excuse, we can't wait.
Well that depends on who did the changing. For elections the Dems try to do as much as they can to make voting easy and accessible because larger voter turnout out favors them. Republicans change the laws to be stricter in the name of security… their unspoken agenda is the fact that the more regulations the less the turn out which is in their favor.

Did you not know this or did you just want to see me explain it??

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