Why Is Dinesh D'Souza Attacking A Conservative Hero???

Fascism was first embraced by Italian conservatives for Mussolini. Franco in Spain was also conservative.
Claiming to be conservative doesn't make it so. There is nothing about actual conservative philosophy that advocates for an all powerful & intrusive govt that allies themselves with & controls the production for business.
What you call conservatives I call totalitarians with a collectivist agenda. Add in their eugenic policies & you have todays left.
Nice try though

"An author and conservative political commentator is publicly voicing his frustration with a Fox News host and a news outlet over the coverage of his new documentary. On social media Monday morning, Dinesh D'Souza, an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump, accused Tucker Carlson and his team at Fox News of controlling what Catherine Engelbrecht could and could not say on his program. Engelbrecht, who partnered with D'Souza on the film 2000 Mules, is the founder of True the Vote, an anti-voter fraud group. "BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of 2000 Mules. I was booked on Grant Stinchfield's Newsmax show and then the network canceled on me."

The film alleges that widespread voter fraud took place during the 2020 presidential election, However, many organizations have debunked the claims and the Department of Homeland Security called the 2020 presidential election "the most secure in American history." MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a vocal Trump supporter who continues to push claims of widespread voter fraud, told a reporter Friday evening that the leak of a Supreme Court document concerning abortion was timed too well to be a coincidence, calling it "election deflection."

So Dinesh, who is one of the few good darkies, believes that Fox News and Tucker are in cahoots with Biden and the Dems?? He also claims that Tucker is a fraud, that he and Fox are nasty and vicious liars....wow...but doesn't he have a point?? I mean, as Mike Lindell pointed out; the latest Supreme Court draft opinion leak was just a distraction from the evidence that was coming out that the election was stolen by Biden and North Korean submarines....Dinesh has all of the evidence, his documentary shows that 2000 mules were paid to illegally steal ballots and take them secret Democrat drop boxes where they would switch those votes to Biden....The evidence is clear....why is Fox not reporting this?? Why are they trying to cancel Dinesh?? Why did Newsmaxx and OAN all release public statements claiming that there was no widespread voter fraud?? Why are these supposedly patriotic Conservative news organizations allowing Biden to control them and tell them what to say???

[O]ne of the few good darkies?
Claiming to be conservative doesn't make it so. There is nothing about actual conservative philosophy that advocates for an all powerful & intrusive govt that allies themselves with & controls the production for business.
What you call conservatives I call totalitarians with a collectivist agenda. Add in their eugenic policies & you have todays left.
Nice try though
Both Franco's regime and Mussolini's are considered Fascist. So was Hitler after he broke from the Socialists in 1926. Hitler had racism going as well.. Fascism is totalitarian. Eugenics was extremely popular in the US long before the war.
Why is D'Souza so important to the left these days? You almost gotta laugh that a disagreement between conservatives seems to rise to a "current event" in the minds of lefties while the Country goes down the drain under the "leadership" of a doddering old fool.
Why is D'Souza so important to the left these days? You almost gotta laugh that a disagreement between conservatives seems to rise to a "current event" in the minds of lefties while the Country goes down the drain under the "leadership" of a doddering old fool.
Dinesh should take his evidence to the police. Were you quacking about ethics earlier?
Its not just Fox. My local cinema "has no plans to screeen this film"
Its obviously a Soros funded conspiracy to stop the truth getting out.
But Tucker is one of the good guys as well. You state that Souza is a darkie so maybe Tucker is uncomfortable in dealing with him.
They are both on the same page regarding fraud so maybe Souza should get Mike Lindell or Charlie Kirk to front or him ?
Whether you believe it or not there are alternative histories than the ones we are used to. In fact the progs are changing history to their advantage now. The history of central banks, industrialists, globalists in politics and elites of the world and modern tech giants has a different take. And it fits the modern era.
A faked feud among conservatives is far better for lefties to focus on than dealing with the reality of high energy prices, a crisis at the border, empty shelves and even a shortage of baby formula.

"An author and conservative political commentator is publicly voicing his frustration with a Fox News host and a news outlet over the coverage of his new documentary. On social media Monday morning, Dinesh D'Souza, an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump, accused Tucker Carlson and his team at Fox News of controlling what Catherine Engelbrecht could and could not say on his program. Engelbrecht, who partnered with D'Souza on the film 2000 Mules, is the founder of True the Vote, an anti-voter fraud group. "BTW @newsmax is also blocking coverage of 2000 Mules. I was booked on Grant Stinchfield's Newsmax show and then the network canceled on me."

The film alleges that widespread voter fraud took place during the 2020 presidential election, However, many organizations have debunked the claims and the Department of Homeland Security called the 2020 presidential election "the most secure in American history." MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, a vocal Trump supporter who continues to push claims of widespread voter fraud, told a reporter Friday evening that the leak of a Supreme Court document concerning abortion was timed too well to be a coincidence, calling it "election deflection."

So Dinesh, who is one of the few good darkies, believes that Fox News and Tucker are in cahoots with Biden and the Dems?? He also claims that Tucker is a fraud, that he and Fox are nasty and vicious liars....wow...but doesn't he have a point?? I mean, as Mike Lindell pointed out; the latest Supreme Court draft opinion leak was just a distraction from the evidence that was coming out that the election was stolen by Biden and North Korean submarines....Dinesh has all of the evidence, his documentary shows that 2000 mules were paid to illegally steal ballots and take them secret Democrat drop boxes where they would switch those votes to Biden....The evidence is clear....why is Fox not reporting this?? Why are they trying to cancel Dinesh?? Why did Newsmaxx and OAN all release public statements claiming that there was no widespread voter fraud?? Why are these supposedly patriotic Conservative news organizations allowing Biden to control them and tell them what to say???

Because he can and should. The media should have covered the movie. Everyone knows why they did not. They are scared shitless.

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