Twitter Bans qanon.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

Good for them! Q anon fucking idiots.
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

Who left Twitter over the fact that there are Qanon believers on Twitter? Seriously.

Hate, lies, and conspiracy theories, also, ARE free speech. Harassment and threats are, legally, exceptions, but there's nothing in US case law or in the 1st Amendment that suggests that hate, lies, or conspiracy theories are excluded.

The fact that some of the Qanon believers threaten and harass people is hardly reason to ban everybody talking about it. You know how, even when a police station gets torched to the ground at a BLM protest, you're still able to view that protest as mostly peaceful? Try to apply that same logic to this: A few bad actors don't justify indiscriminate elimination of an entire movement. That's why, when the bottles and bricks start flying at them, the police don't just start emptying their magazines into the crowd.

But hey, if media billionaires exercising complete, censorious control over our public discourse is a future to which you want yourself and your descendants to be subjected, keep on cheering. Who am I to question the rationality of the left transitioning almost instantly from a movement that distrusted wealthy corporations, to a movement that's happy to give a tiny handful of tech oligarchs absolute authority over all political discourse?
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Twitter has a point.
What hate?
Who gets to decide truth? Shouldn't we let people speak the let the rest decide the truth?
conspiracy theories
See above.
attacking people
Physically? What do you mean?

Challenging people? Oh, the horror!!!
harassing people
No argument there. Proof that Q did that?
threatening people
Same. Proof?
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

Good for them! Q anon fucking idiots.

Yes they are.

A person would think that the stupid lie that started all this being exposed as the lie it is would have stopped these crazy people. Instead they just grew in numbers and stupid conspiracies.

These are the same people who read and believe the national enquirer.

Their favorite cable channel is the tabloid entertainment channel fox news. Though there's not much actual news. Just a bunch of tabloid trash.

I'm glad Twitter is doing this. More companies need to do it.
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

Who left Twitter over the fact that there are Qanon believers on Twitter? Seriously.

Hate, lies, and conspiracy theories, also, ARE free speech. Harassment and threats are, legally, exceptions, but there's nothing in US case law or in the 1st Amendment that suggests that hate, lies, or conspiracy theories are excluded.

The fact that some of the Qanon believers threaten and harass people is hardly reason to ban everybody talking about it. You know how, even when a police station gets torched to the ground at a BLM protest, you're still able to view that protest as mostly peaceful? Try to apply that same logic to this: A few bad actors don't justify indiscriminate elimination of an entire movement. That's why, when the bottles and bricks start flying at them, the police don't just start emptying their magazines into the crowd.

But hey, if media billionaires exercising complete, censorious control over our public discourse is a future to which you want yourself and your descendants to be subjected, keep on cheering. Who am I to question the rationality of the left transitioning almost instantly from a movement that distrusted wealthy corporations, to a movement that's happy to give a tiny handful of tech oligarchs absolute authority over all political discourse?
Ignorant nonsense.

The First Amendment and the doctrine of free speech concern solely the relationship between government and those governed – not between or among private entities or private persons, such as Twitter and its subscribers.

Twitter is at complete liberty to edit its content as it sees fit, where such editing in no manner ‘violates’ the doctrine of free speech.

And if Twitter subscribers have an issue with how the platform edits its content, those subscribers are also at complete liberty to unsubscribe.
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

I'm on Twitter more nowadays than I'm here. I've run into numerous Q's. Don't mind seeing them go.
I'm not on twitter or most social media platforms. I am not surprised with what the far right radical extremists are doing on those platforms.

Twitter is doing something about it.

They've closed thousands of qanon accounts and basically banned them from Twitter.

Twitter has a point. Hate, lies, conspiracy theories, attacking people, harassing people, threatening people, are not free speech.

Plus it just drives normal, rational and sane people from their platform.

I'm on Twitter more nowadays than I'm here. I've run into numerous Q's. Don't mind seeing them go.

Those people are a very special kind of crazy.

Unfortunately they are also dangerous.

That pizza child sex lie resulted in one of their crazy followers going to that restaurant with a semi automatic weapon. He never found that child sex ring that didn't exist. He shot up the place. The owner had to close to repair the damage he did.

The crazy qanon person went to prison.

Their whole movement is based on a lie. With more lies piled on top of it.

That's not free speech. Not when it's lies and results in people or property being harmed.

A private company doesn't have any obligation to allow free speech.

The government is.
1. This 83-year-old computer illiterate senior citizen has never been to Twitter or Facebook.

2. I have read that the tech companies that own those platforms are censoring pro-Trump comments.

3. If anyone thinks that what they are doing is unfair, you ain't seen nothing yet!

4. In January, the Dems (in one way or another) will be taking back the Executive branch (and probably the Senate, too).

a. Censorship on the Web will then begin in earnest.
b. Comments that are considered offensive will be immediately deleted (as is the practice in China).

(i) For example, if anyone posts news about violence in, say, Chicago, that report will probably be immediately removed as "hate speech."
Wikipedia said:
QAnon is a far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against President Donald Trump, who is battling them. No part of the theory is based on fact.
The Satanism is manifested by overbearing, solicitous parents who have their children professionally diagnosed with "oppositional-defiant disorder" and other life-ruiners.

The only question is, 'Who's hosting the pedophile house parties since Jeffery Epstein was arrested and suicided?"

These adults have plenty of means to feed their inclinations and appetites, and obviously they are not going without or "childless" anywhere — and furthermore the kids are getting online and sounding off against their party-parents on various boards.
I like Q and I follow Q! :2up:

It's too late for twatter to stop the stop Q


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