Twitter, Facebook Refuse to Remove Army of Chinese Propaganda Bots


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017

after all the RUSSIA hype that swore up and down russian bots were influencing our lives and information, you'd think people would care if China followed up and did it. but it doesn't appear so.

what i have noticed is quite a few 2nd and 3rd tier "news sites" simply say BIG BAD HATE THIS PERSON HEADLINE and in the story will say "as reported by..." so they are nothing more than an amplifier to make it seem a bigger story than it is. i mean google a topic and go WOW LOOK AT ALL THE ACTIVITY.

same activity under different names. all that is going on here. everyone mad at russian bots, well i hope you're mad at the chinese ones cause they're out there. the chinese also pay our media and educational systems to speak favorably of them but that's another topic.

now - lets see the trolls defend this and go on to slam people not related to the topic at hand.

after all the RUSSIA hype that swore up and down russian bots were influencing our lives and information, you'd think people would care if China followed up and did it. but it doesn't appear so.

what i have noticed is quite a few 2nd and 3rd tier "news sites" simply say BIG BAD HATE THIS PERSON HEADLINE and in the story will say "as reported by..." so they are nothing more than an amplifier to make it seem a bigger story than it is. i mean google a topic and go WOW LOOK AT ALL THE ACTIVITY.

same activity under different names. all that is going on here. everyone mad at russian bots, well i hope you're mad at the chinese ones cause they're out there. the chinese also pay our media and educational systems to speak favorably of them but that's another topic.

now - lets see the trolls defend this and go on to slam people not related to the topic at hand.

The 50 Cent Party - Wikipedia - it's all well known by US intelligence. They are currently invested in pushing out memes undermining the vaccination effort.

after all the RUSSIA hype that swore up and down russian bots were influencing our lives and information, you'd think people would care if China followed up and did it. but it doesn't appear so.

what i have noticed is quite a few 2nd and 3rd tier "news sites" simply say BIG BAD HATE THIS PERSON HEADLINE and in the story will say "as reported by..." so they are nothing more than an amplifier to make it seem a bigger story than it is. i mean google a topic and go WOW LOOK AT ALL THE ACTIVITY.

same activity under different names. all that is going on here. everyone mad at russian bots, well i hope you're mad at the chinese ones cause they're out there. the chinese also pay our media and educational systems to speak favorably of them but that's another topic.

now - lets see the trolls defend this and go on to slam people not related to the topic at hand.
Of course, Twitter is UnAmerican and Pro Chinese.. Did you expect anything else

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