Twitter identifying white supremacists, neo-condfederates, Nazi's in racist Charlottesville march

Trump’s agenda of bigotry and hate has given license to hateful rightwing bigots and racists, and has emboldened those rightwing bigots and racists to attempt to propagate their racism, bigotry, and hate.
It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Read the posts for yourself if you's the thread..............

You'll have to go through it yourself..the thread was merged with others a couple of times.

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember. He's SOOO available -- it revolts me a bit. His Tweets are just locker room slogans. But he certainly has other opportunities like his "fan rallies" and daily TV exposure to pester every one of us..

The Tweets are just to OUTRAGE the press. And it works. Because they act like a bunch chipmunks waiting to tear into them and "interpret" them for all us "dummies".... Sad. Really fucking sad...

Most available? Funny! Trump is simply an "attention whore"!

Hey.. Finally -- something we agree on huh? :lmao:
A twitter account has been posting the identities, and in some cases occupation and attending universities of the fascist marchers who invaded and committed a terrorist act in Charlottesville today.

It wasn't that long ago that these scum felt the need to wear pointy white masks, in order to hide their shameless beliefs and behavior. Under Trump, they feel emboldened enough to wear their hatred loud and proud.

Here they are: Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) on Twitter

It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Read the posts for yourself if you's the thread..............

You'll have to go through it yourself..the thread was merged with others a couple of times.

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember. He's SOOO available -- it revolts me a bit. His Tweets are just locker room slogans. But he certainly has other opportunities like his "fan rallies" and daily TV exposure to pester every one of us..

The Tweets are just to OUTRAGE the press. And it works. Because they act like a bunch chipmunks waiting to tear into them and "interpret" them for all us "dummies".... Sad. Really fucking sad...

"He's SOOO available"? Really? How many press conferences has he had where he actually answers questions? Did you see his presser today? We were told he was going to take questions, but when asked about the attack today, he simply just walked out of the room with a disgusted look on his face. Go ahead, tell me exactly how many press conferences he's had where he actually answers questions.

Available my ass.
Trump’s agenda of bigotry and hate has given license to hateful rightwing bigots and racists, and has emboldened those rightwing bigots and racists to attempt to propagate their racism, bigotry, and hate.
I didn't know Trump was head of BLM! Very informative. Thanks for the info!
It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Read the posts for yourself if you's the thread..............

You'll have to go through it yourself..the thread was merged with others a couple of times.

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember. He's SOOO available -- it revolts me a bit. His Tweets are just locker room slogans. But he certainly has other opportunities like his "fan rallies" and daily TV exposure to pester every one of us..

The Tweets are just to OUTRAGE the press. And it works. Because they act like a bunch chipmunks waiting to tear into them and "interpret" them for all us "dummies".... Sad. Really fucking sad...

"He's SOOO available"? Really? How many press conferences has he had where he actually answers questions? Did you see his presser today? We were told he was going to take questions, but when asked about the attack today, he simply just walked out of the room with a disgusted look on his face. Go ahead, tell me exactly how many press conferences he's had where he actually answers questions.

Available my ass.
The questions were stupid?
It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Read the posts for yourself if you's the thread..............

You'll have to go through it yourself..the thread was merged with others a couple of times.

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember. He's SOOO available -- it revolts me a bit. His Tweets are just locker room slogans. But he certainly has other opportunities like his "fan rallies" and daily TV exposure to pester every one of us..

The Tweets are just to OUTRAGE the press. And it works. Because they act like a bunch chipmunks waiting to tear into them and "interpret" them for all us "dummies".... Sad. Really fucking sad...

"He's SOOO available"? Really? How many press conferences has he had where he actually answers questions? Did you see his presser today? We were told he was going to take questions, but when asked about the attack today, he simply just walked out of the room with a disgusted look on his face. Go ahead, tell me exactly how many press conferences he's had where he actually answers questions.

Available my ass.

Available on HIS terms. There's a difference. I agree with him on jilting the corrupted media. It's a GREAT thing to do. BECAUSE they've crapped away every last shred of credibility they had left just OPPOSING the guy.. It resonants with the Big Middle in America. Who's been tired of the Media for a couple decades now.

He's got availability every day -- just not to be baited by morons in makeup who knock off at 3PM...
Trump has yet to answer any substantive questions with actual plans and direction.
Well, he's a Democrat. What do you expect?

Actually, it's because he's an idiot who doesn't know anything. All he can tell you is how great something or someone is or will be, or how bad something is, but you never hear him define why he thinks so, or what he's going to do about it.


So congressmen have to screen anyone that meets them? Idiotic.
A twitter account has been posting the identities, and in some cases occupation and attending universities of the fascist marchers who invaded and committed a terrorist act in Charlottesville today.

It wasn't that long ago that these scum felt the need to wear pointy white masks, in order to hide their shameless beliefs and behavior. Under Trump, they feel emboldened enough to wear their hatred loud and proud.

Here they are: Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) on Twitter
They should be identifying members of BLM and ANTIFA if that's the case. Perhaps someone can create a twitter account to identify the real fascists.
A twitter account has been posting the identities, and in some cases occupation and attending universities of the fascist marchers who invaded and committed a terrorist act in Charlottesville today.

It wasn't that long ago that these scum felt the need to wear pointy white masks, in order to hide their shameless beliefs and behavior. Under Trump, they feel emboldened enough to wear their hatred loud and proud.

Here they are: Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) on Twitter
In some of the tweets, they are identifying some of these Nazis in photos with Republican congressmen and senators, with pound signs for the congressmen and senators.

This is fucking awesome. Those politicians must be shitting bricks right now.

From this vein of pure idiocy:


2. The hard left seemed as hate-filled as alt-right. I saw club-wielding "antifa" beating white nationalists being led out of the park 2/2
Trump’s agenda of bigotry and hate has given license to hateful rightwing bigots and racists, and has emboldened those rightwing bigots and racists to attempt to propagate their racism, bigotry, and hate.

Progressives' Agenda of anti-white and anti-Christian bigotry and hate have given license to hateful leftwing bigots and fascists, and has emboldened those leftwing bigots and fascists to attempt to spread their Agenda through fear and intimidation.
Let the fascist style bullying begin.

More like let the right wing snowflake bitches like you cry like the little girls you are. Cry more, little bitch.

What am I crying about? I'm laughing at you leftist twits exposing yourselfs for the fascist c*nts you all are. The more desperate you loons become, the more unhinged and violent you get. The funny thing is you think you are "mainstream" and people support your cause.
These racist Nazi terrorists say they are willing to die for their cause. I welcome that.
A twitter account has been posting the identities, and in some cases occupation and attending universities of the fascist marchers who invaded and committed a terrorist act in Charlottesville today.

It wasn't that long ago that these scum felt the need to wear pointy white masks, in order to hide their shameless beliefs and behavior. Under Trump, they feel emboldened enough to wear their hatred loud and proud.

Here they are: Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) on Twitter

It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Sean Spicer also stated that Trump's Tweets should be considered "official" statements.

White House: Trump's tweets are 'official statements' - CNNPolitics

Trump's Tweets 'Official Statements,' Spicer Says - NBC News
A twitter account has been posting the identities, and in some cases occupation and attending universities of the fascist marchers who invaded and committed a terrorist act in Charlottesville today.

It wasn't that long ago that these scum felt the need to wear pointy white masks, in order to hide their shameless beliefs and behavior. Under Trump, they feel emboldened enough to wear their hatred loud and proud.

Here they are: Yes, You're Racist (@YesYoureRacist) on Twitter

It's a lot of amateur detective work, smearing and innuendo. The type of nasty horseshit that Twitter is good for. An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed. Keep up the good journalistic research there now. OK???

"An America informed by Twitter is just fucking doomed." Really? If that is true, then America is well and truly screwed because lots of conservatives and Trump supporters take Trump's tweets as gospel (even though we've been told by people in his cabinet not to take them literally, but rather try to sense what Trump is feeling).

The only reason America KNOWS about Trump Tweets is that fucking lazy ass PRESS thinks that's the new AP wire service. WE ------ don't care. 130 characters is NOT a "story". It's a shout. No matter WHO is wasting their time shouting over Twitter.

I've seen a few conservatives on here who would disagree with you. They seem to think that getting information from Trump is the best way to do it because it's straight from the horse's (ass) mouth. And then, there are many Trump supporters who gleefully tell us what Trump is saying via Twitter should be followed. Remember Trump's tweet about trans people no longer being able to serve in the military that many were trying to say was law? The DoD knew that Twitter wasn't the proper way to start policy and publicly said they would wait for the proper guidance. Lots of conservatives lost their minds over that one. One person even started a thread calling the leaders of the military "traitors" for not following Trump's tweet.

Read the posts for yourself if you's the thread..............

You'll have to go through it yourself..the thread was merged with others a couple of times.

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember. He's SOOO available -- it revolts me a bit. His Tweets are just locker room slogans. But he certainly has other opportunities like his "fan rallies" and daily TV exposure to pester every one of us..

The Tweets are just to OUTRAGE the press. And it works. Because they act like a bunch chipmunks waiting to tear into them and "interpret" them for all us "dummies".... Sad. Really fucking sad...
His Tweets are just locker room slogans.

Matters of state are not suited to explication in 140 characters. Moreover, "locker room" remarks are unbecoming the office of the POTUS. "Locker room" remarks are what they are inside a locker room. They have no business coming outside the locker room and becoming surrogates for clear statements of U.S. policy and direction.

TY, but I want a POTUS to consistently make clear, well developed and well presented statements when expressing the nature and extent of policy he intends to implement in governing the U.S. and conducting the business of the U.S. with other heads of state. The position is called "president," not "slogan writer."

Trump is one of the "most available" Presidents I can remember.


What Trump has done is make tons of utterances, but that's a one-way form of communication and i's one that neither exposes the speaker to first-hand scrutiny nor calls them to expound more specifically or more clearly on the nature and extent of the meaning of their remarks. Receivers of thus delivered statements are thus left to guess what precisely the speaker means, and that's especially so in the case of 140 character remarks made about complex matters like healthcare, economics, race relations, and foreign policy.

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