Two Benghazi parents sue Clinton

They have no standing to sue. This will get tossed out

I agree. You can't sue the Federal Govt. and Hitlery was working for the Fed as SOS.

Hitlery and her State Departments incompetence caused the deaths of those four men and its just to bad the parents will never see anyone held accountable for their deaths.

The suite will get tossed.
How could private contractors be part of a lawsuit? They obviously had waivers and the Secretary of State is immune from lawsuits anyway, so what's the point?

BENGHAZI!!! Is the point.
They have no standing to sue.

But they have standing to get in the news.

You’ve hit the nail on the head. Cons are too busy exploiting people today to care much about tomorrow.
Yes let's go back through and hold all the Secretaries of State responsible for all American deaths, or all American deaths at a US embassy, or all American deaths by bonga.

Conseratives only want to hold one Secretary of State responsible for deaths at a US embassy in all the history of the country. Does it have anything to do with deaths? Not at all. They are using the dead bodies as political hammers to hit other people over the head with. Even when ambassador Stevens family asked them to stop using his corpse for their political gain they ignore them.

Human lives are not the issue for conservatives, political vomitosus is.
2 people suing Hillary


3500 Lawsuits, RICO and Fraud charge

Any lawyer will tell you this case had zero chance the moment it was conceived by Reince Pribus, Trump's fake lawyers, and Gingrich. Zero chance. Just like everything else Republicans have thrown against the wall like Ben Gassy, this is only and entirely about another Republican hail mary. This is all they have. No substance.

They tell a big lie and then support that big lie with everything they have.
Two Benghazi Parents Sue Hillary Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation

I feel for the parents I truly do. Its a disgrace what happened at Benghazi. Hopefully they can get Clinton's assets as soon as Trumps AG throws her in prison.
That fat bag of Orange shit is NEVER going to be President, so Fuck those Benghazi Parents..

Not enough inbred white trailer trash to vote the cocksucker in..

:fu:, You dumbass white mayonnaise monkey's love voting for losers, Mccain, Romney, now this fat bag of shit:laugh:

Hillary will beat his ass by 10 Million+votes, look at the polls you dumbfuck..

No. Those are still grieving parents. I feel sorry for them. I'll bet some rat bastard lawyer talked them into it.

Leave the senseless prejudice for the assholes on the other side.
you win the prize. that rat bastard lawyer would be Larry Klayman

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