Two Blue Dogs Get The Boot


Gold Member
Aug 27, 2011
Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries | The Nation

Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

Congressmen Tim Holden and Jason Altmire, both members of the conservative “Blue Dog Coalition,” were swept out of office by Democratic primary voters who opted for candidates who were more clearly critical of corporate abuses and right-wing policies.

One thing that distinguished Holden and Altmire was their support for the Republican balanced-budget amendment in 2011—a vote that put them at odds with the vast majority of Democrats in Congress. The GOP proposal sought to make deep cuts in Medicare funding and in support for education and healthcare initiatives.

Holden was defeated by northeastern Pennsylvania trial lawyer Matt Cartwright, a proud “Roosevelt Democrat” who placed himself in Paul Wellstone’s “Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.” Cartwright ran with strong support from the League of Conservation Voters and other groups that objected to the incumbent’s following of the corporate line on environmental issues such as fracking. While Holden, the dean of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation, cast a critical vote against the Democrat’s healthcare reform proposal, his challenger’s campaign declared: “Matt would have supported President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. He remains dissatisfied, however, that it did not go far enough to expand health care coverage for more Americans and hold insurance companies more accountable for what they charge families.”


Well, here we go.

The left whines about the Tea Party extemists and they turn around and do the same thing. I guess, in one way I am happy. This should wake up the right to the fact that the liberals are only interested in one thing.

Whining about extremism on the right.

While practicing that same extremism themselves.

Looking forward to November.
Imagine that...getting jumped for voting for the balanced budget amendment.

Good thing PA is going to send people who don't care about a balanced budget. The state already has enough issue as it is. Who needs a balanced budget ?

I mean, in the end.....according to Reid....who needs any budget.

The liberal hypocrite machine grinds on.
Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries | The Nation

Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

Congressmen Tim Holden and Jason Altmire, both members of the conservative “Blue Dog Coalition,” were swept out of office by Democratic primary voters who opted for candidates who were more clearly critical of corporate abuses and right-wing policies.

One thing that distinguished Holden and Altmire was their support for the Republican balanced-budget amendment in 2011—a vote that put them at odds with the vast majority of Democrats in Congress. The GOP proposal sought to make deep cuts in Medicare funding and in support for education and healthcare initiatives.

Holden was defeated by northeastern Pennsylvania trial lawyer Matt Cartwright, a proud “Roosevelt Democrat” who placed himself in Paul Wellstone’s “Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.” Cartwright ran with strong support from the League of Conservation Voters and other groups that objected to the incumbent’s following of the corporate line on environmental issues such as fracking. While Holden, the dean of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation, cast a critical vote against the Democrat’s healthcare reform proposal, his challenger’s campaign declared: “Matt would have supported President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. He remains dissatisfied, however, that it did not go far enough to expand health care coverage for more Americans and hold insurance companies more accountable for what they charge families.”


Well, here we go.

The left whines about the Tea Party extemists and they turn around and do the same thing. I guess, in one way I am happy. This should wake up the right to the fact that the liberals are only interested in one thing.

Whining about extremism on the right.

While practicing that same extremism themselves.

Looking forward to November.


That's hilarious.
Maybe I'm missing your point. What exactly are you "outraged" about?
Speaking of in extremely stupid.....our good-for-a-laugh-DNC Chair went on Fox and said......

Our buddy Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared on Fox News last night, an occasion that typically guarantees some sort of embarrassing meltdown. True to form, when anchor Bret Baier pressed the DNC chair on why Senate Democrats haven't produced a budget in nearly 1,100 days, Wasserman Schultz informed Baier that Americans aren't "interested in" these types of "process" questions (the key bit starts at the two minute mark):

More DWS: Americans Really Don't Care About the Budget "Process" - Guy Benson

My guess is that she was glad to see these two go. After all, how can you manage a push towards total government takeover of everything imporant when you have people in your party who tend to the center.

Now where I have I heard that before.
Rep. Shuler Deficit Reduction Amendment Met with Bipartisan Support | Blue Dog Coalition

Washington - On Wednesday evening during markup of Chairman Paul Ryan’s proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Budget in the House Budget Committee, U.S. Representative Heath Shuler (D-NC), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Administration, offered an amendment calling for a balanced approach to deficit reduction that includes both spending cuts and tax reform. The amendment received bipartisan support from members of the House Budget Committee, falling just one vote short of passage.

“To responsibly address our fiscal challenges, we need a budget that puts all options on the table and takes a rational, comprehensive approach to deficit reduction,” said Rep. Shuler. “Crafting a balanced budget that puts our country on a long-term fiscally sustainable path cannot be done along party lines, and I was encouraged to see both my Democratic and Republican colleagues come together in a show of support for my amendment. This is a step in the right direction for achieving meaningful, bipartisan compromise down the road.”

Since January 2011, Rep. Shuler has been working to reach a long-term deficit reduction solution with the “Go Big” Coalition, a bipartisan group of more than 150 House and Senate Members from across the political spectrum. Rep. Shuler and other leaders of the “Go Big” Coalition are currently in the process of crafting a comprehensive deficit reduction package based on the recommendations of the Bowles-Simpson Fiscal Commission. This legislation is expected to be completed by early spring.

“Over the past year the ‘Go Big’ Coalition has made tremendous progress in bringing Democrats and Republicans together on the issue of deficit reduction, and last night we saw promising signs that even more Members of Congress are ready to embrace a balanced, bipartisan approach to fiscal reform,” said Rep. Shuler. “I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to reach the comprehensive deficit reduction solution we need to put stability back in the economy and move our country forward.”


Well, PA will do it's part to make this less plausible.

Instead, we will have one more hack in there trying to shut down the Boeing plant in S.C.

This country needs and enema.
To clarify: The Tea Party is not extremist. We want to restore fiscal sanity. The rest of Dems and Republicans alike are reckless.
Good riddance. Why would the Democratic Party want Blue Dogs?

Absolutely !

Fiscal responsibility has never been in the democratic platform except to provide an additional sheet of printer paper should the regular toilet paper run out.
I hiked this from another thread.....fracturing gets a bad rap.....and that is one of the issues a blue dog gets nailed on.

The left whines about lying only because they can't do it as well.


EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens

Inhofe quoted a little-watched video from 2010 of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official, Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz, admitting that EPA’s “general philosophy” is to “crucify” and “make examples” of oil and gas companies.

In the video, Administrator Armendariz says:

“I was in a meeting once and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement, and I think it was probably a little crude and maybe not appropriate for the meeting, but I’ll go ahead and tell you what I said:

“It was kind of like how the Romans used to, you know, conquer villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go in to a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d find the first five guys they saw and they’d crucify them.

“Then, you know, that town was really easy to manage for the next few years.”

“Not long after Administrator Armendariz made these comments in 2010, EPA targeted US natural gas producers in Pennsylvania, Texas and Wyoming.

“In all three of these cases, EPA initially made headline-grabbing statements either insinuating or proclaiming outright that the use of hydraulic fracturing by American energy producers was the cause of water contamination, but in each case their comments were premature at best – and despite their most valiant efforts, they have been unable to find any sound scientific evidence to make this link.”

EPA Official's 'Philosophy' On Oil Companies: 'Crucify Them' - Just As Romans Crucified Conquered Citizens |
Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries | The Nation

Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

Congressmen Tim Holden and Jason Altmire, both members of the conservative “Blue Dog Coalition,” were swept out of office by Democratic primary voters who opted for candidates who were more clearly critical of corporate abuses and right-wing policies.

One thing that distinguished Holden and Altmire was their support for the Republican balanced-budget amendment in 2011—a vote that put them at odds with the vast majority of Democrats in Congress. The GOP proposal sought to make deep cuts in Medicare funding and in support for education and healthcare initiatives.

Holden was defeated by northeastern Pennsylvania trial lawyer Matt Cartwright, a proud “Roosevelt Democrat” who placed himself in Paul Wellstone’s “Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.” Cartwright ran with strong support from the League of Conservation Voters and other groups that objected to the incumbent’s following of the corporate line on environmental issues such as fracking. While Holden, the dean of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation, cast a critical vote against the Democrat’s healthcare reform proposal, his challenger’s campaign declared: “Matt would have supported President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. He remains dissatisfied, however, that it did not go far enough to expand health care coverage for more Americans and hold insurance companies more accountable for what they charge families.”


Well, here we go.

The left whines about the Tea Party extemists and they turn around and do the same thing. I guess, in one way I am happy. This should wake up the right to the fact that the liberals are only interested in one thing.

Whining about extremism on the right.

While practicing that same extremism themselves.

Looking forward to November.

Blue Dogs vote against the Democratic Majority. They vote WITH the Republicans. Funny republicans complain that democrats are no different than Republicans and when we toss out the ones that prove them right, they cry foul? Nice spin. Trying to suggest that the radicals have taken over the Democratic party like the tea baggers have taken over yours. Not even close. We are getting rid of the corporate Democrats. The DINO's.

This is how far the republicans have pulled this country to the right. Now they tell us our right wing democrats are moderates and our moderate democrats are flaming socialist liberal hippies. Allen West can kiss my white ass.
Listening: Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

in Pennsylvania ...

a Bell Weather State indeed, with plenty more to follow.
Yes....the democrats don't want corporatists....

Obama's Tainted Bundler - Jonah Goldberg - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

Jon Corzine left Goldman Sachs with a net worth far exceeding even that of Mitt Romney today. Many accounts of his tenure at Goldman suggest he "failed up" the corporate ladder.

Pushed out of Goldman in a power struggle (sparked in part by his support for a government bailout of Long-Term Capital Management), he nonetheless pocketed somewhere between $350 million and $500 million when the company went public. He used the cash to buy himself a Senate seat, spending $62 million out of his own pocket.

After the Senate, he spent nearly $40 million of his own money to win the New Jersey governorship. While he was running for senator, the married-but-separated Corzine struck up a romantic relationship with Carla Katz, also married and head of Local 1034 of the Communications Workers of America. They broke up in 2004, but the flirting apparently never ended. In 2007, Katz and Corzine were both involved in negotiations over a state workers contract. In one email during that time obtained by the Newark Star-Ledger, Katz informs the governor, "BTW, I had an over the top erotic dream about you last night. Bad boy!!"
Yes....the democrats don't want corporatists....

Obama's Tainted Bundler - Jonah Goldberg - Townhall Conservative Columnists - Page 1

Jon Corzine left Goldman Sachs with a net worth far exceeding even that of Mitt Romney today. Many accounts of his tenure at Goldman suggest he "failed up" the corporate ladder.

Pushed out of Goldman in a power struggle (sparked in part by his support for a government bailout of Long-Term Capital Management), he nonetheless pocketed somewhere between $350 million and $500 million when the company went public. He used the cash to buy himself a Senate seat, spending $62 million out of his own pocket.

After the Senate, he spent nearly $40 million of his own money to win the New Jersey governorship. While he was running for senator, the married-but-separated Corzine struck up a romantic relationship with Carla Katz, also married and head of Local 1034 of the Communications Workers of America. They broke up in 2004, but the flirting apparently never ended. In 2007, Katz and Corzine were both involved in negotiations over a state workers contract. In one email during that time obtained by the Newark Star-Ledger, Katz informs the governor, "BTW, I had an over the top erotic dream about you last night. Bad boy!!"

Jon Corzine doesn't hold any office anymore. What's your point?

All politicians are corporatists - at least all the ones you've heard of.
Listening: Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

in Pennsylvania ...

a Bell Weather State indeed, with plenty more to follow.

Here is another one: Missouri...

in 2008, but with a tough reelection battle looming, the Missouri Democrat is trying to recast herself as the moderate she was in 2006 — a prosecutor-turned-politician who prevailed in a red state.

In the last month alone, McCaskill has signed onto a budget bill with a half-dozen Republicans, heralded a two-year ban on earmarks that other Democrats were reluctant to embrace and said she’d consider changing the individual mandate requirement in the health care law that passed last year. She even challenged the president on the night of the State of the Union, saying his proposed five-year discretionary spending freeze does not go far enough because it didn’t include military cuts.

McCaskill, whose approval rating hovers in the low 40s, isn’t the only endangered lawmaker sure to shuffle her way to the middle this year and attempt to connect with voters back home. With 23 Democratic senators up for reelection in 2012, McCaskill — keenly aware of how powerful the tea party’s anti-spending rhetoric was in the midterm elections — plans to tout her moderate side, focus on Missouri rather than national issues and distance herself from Obama, which could serve as a tempting blueprint for other vulnerable members of her party.

“This is not about me. This is about the people at home,” McCaskill told POLITICO. “Whether I’m here or not, this isn’t my seat. It belongs to the people of Missouri, so it seems to me, I ought to focus on them and not on myself, and that’s kind of what led me to this place.”

The constant claims of her apolitical motives inside the Capitol make for good politics on the outside, though not everyone thinks voters will buy her recent shift. McCaskill’s ability to distance herself from a president she stood by for years and, instead, reinforce her centrist persona will be a true test of her political dexterity.

Read more: Claire McCaskill returns to moderate roots - Meredith Shiner -


She is going down like the Titanic.....all the way to the bottom.
Listening: Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

in Pennsylvania ...

a Bell Weather State indeed, with plenty more to follow.

Here is another one: Missouri...

in 2008, but with a tough reelection battle looming, the Missouri Democrat is trying to recast herself as the moderate she was in 2006 — a prosecutor-turned-politician who prevailed in a red state.

In the last month alone, McCaskill has signed onto a budget bill with a half-dozen Republicans, heralded a two-year ban on earmarks that other Democrats were reluctant to embrace and said she’d consider changing the individual mandate requirement in the health care law that passed last year. She even challenged the president on the night of the State of the Union, saying his proposed five-year discretionary spending freeze does not go far enough because it didn’t include military cuts.

McCaskill, whose approval rating hovers in the low 40s, isn’t the only endangered lawmaker sure to shuffle her way to the middle this year and attempt to connect with voters back home. With 23 Democratic senators up for reelection in 2012, McCaskill — keenly aware of how powerful the tea party’s anti-spending rhetoric was in the midterm elections — plans to tout her moderate side, focus on Missouri rather than national issues and distance herself from Obama, which could serve as a tempting blueprint for other vulnerable members of her party.

“This is not about me. This is about the people at home,” McCaskill told POLITICO. “Whether I’m here or not, this isn’t my seat. It belongs to the people of Missouri, so it seems to me, I ought to focus on them and not on myself, and that’s kind of what led me to this place.”

The constant claims of her apolitical motives inside the Capitol make for good politics on the outside, though not everyone thinks voters will buy her recent shift. McCaskill’s ability to distance herself from a president she stood by for years and, instead, reinforce her centrist persona will be a true test of her political dexterity.

Read more: Claire McCaskill returns to moderate roots - Meredith Shiner -


She is going down like the Titanic.....all the way to the bottom.

That article is a year old...
And lest we forget to check....

McCaskill is worth about 26 million.

She'll never catch John Kerry if she does not take some good bribes.
Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries | The Nation

Two conservative Democratic congressman who aligned with Republicans during last year’s budget fights and broke to the right on a host of other issues were defeated in primary contests Tuesday in Pennsylvania.

Congressmen Tim Holden and Jason Altmire, both members of the conservative “Blue Dog Coalition,” were swept out of office by Democratic primary voters who opted for candidates who were more clearly critical of corporate abuses and right-wing policies.

One thing that distinguished Holden and Altmire was their support for the Republican balanced-budget amendment in 2011—a vote that put them at odds with the vast majority of Democrats in Congress. The GOP proposal sought to make deep cuts in Medicare funding and in support for education and healthcare initiatives.

Holden was defeated by northeastern Pennsylvania trial lawyer Matt Cartwright, a proud “Roosevelt Democrat” who placed himself in Paul Wellstone’s “Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party.” Cartwright ran with strong support from the League of Conservation Voters and other groups that objected to the incumbent’s following of the corporate line on environmental issues such as fracking. While Holden, the dean of the Pennsylvania Congressional delegation, cast a critical vote against the Democrat’s healthcare reform proposal, his challenger’s campaign declared: “Matt would have supported President Obama’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. He remains dissatisfied, however, that it did not go far enough to expand health care coverage for more Americans and hold insurance companies more accountable for what they charge families.”


Well, here we go.

The left whines about the Tea Party extemists and they turn around and do the same thing. I guess, in one way I am happy. This should wake up the right to the fact that the liberals are only interested in one thing.

Whining about extremism on the right.

While practicing that same extremism themselves.

Looking forward to November.

Blue Dogs vote against the Democratic Majority. They vote WITH the Republicans. Funny republicans complain that democrats are no different than Republicans and when we toss out the ones that prove them right, they cry foul? Nice spin. Trying to suggest that the radicals have taken over the Democratic party like the tea baggers have taken over yours. Not even close. We are getting rid of the corporate Democrats. The DINO's.

This is how far the republicans have pulled this country to the right. Now they tell us our right wing democrats are moderates and our moderate democrats are flaming socialist liberal hippies. Allen West can kiss my white ass.

Really? So you're getting rid of Buffet, Gates, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood?

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