Two cities downtown drive. One controlled by conservatives. The other, hasn't been controlled by conservative for over 50 years.

This is beyond comparing apples to oranges. It is comparing breadfruit to Kumquats.

You are comparing a city that had a population of 564 in 1950 to a city that had a population of 950,000 in 1950.

Supidest sh~t I ever heard.
And so ....


All turned into the murderous capitals of the world and deteriorated into dilapidated cesspools all under democrat control because....

Kennesaw, Georgia had a population of 564 in 1950?

Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
"People flock to visit Baltimore every day."

to buy crack and heroin homey.

Thug Life

It is a shithole city

I have visited Baltimore often and have a house nearby. Outside of the tourist area in the Inner Harbor (Best Aquarium in the country) there s Fells Point, Ft McHenry, Orioles, Ravens, Great seafood and ethnic restaurants, best Railroad museum in the country.

Why would anyone visit Kennesaw Georgia?
Low Crime------clean city--lower taxes, great southern food of all types including soul and longer life expectancy.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.
This is beyond comparing apples to oranges. It is comparing breadfruit to Kumquats.

You are comparing a city that had a population of 564 in 1950 to a city that had a population of 950,000 in 1950.

Supidest sh~t I ever heard.
And so ....


All turned into the murderous capitals of the world and deteriorated into dilapidated cesspools all under democrat control because....

Kennesaw, Georgia had a population of 564 in 1950?


The point being that there is little opportunity for urban decay in a small city that is essentially brand new.

I mean, at least use a major city like Jacksonville. Geeze.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You are so jaded you are blind. Take a look at CA's democrat-gerrymandered map. Pot meet Kettle.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.

If you don't thing that these major cities have a very evident political leaning then you are either naive, stupid or just plain obtuse. I vote for one of the latter two.
Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
"People flock to visit Baltimore every day."

to buy crack and heroin homey.

Thug Life

It is a shithole city

I have visited Baltimore often and have a house nearby. Outside of the tourist area in the Inner Harbor (Best Aquarium in the country) there s Fells Point, Ft McHenry, Orioles, Ravens, Great seafood and ethnic restaurants, best Railroad museum in the country.

Why would anyone visit Kennesaw Georgia?
Low Crime------clean city--lower taxes, great southern food of all types including soul and longer life expectancy.
Nothing to see, nothing to do

Did you see that drive around town?
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.

If you don't thing that these major cities have a very evident political leaning then you are either naive, stupid or just plain obtuse. I vote for one of the latter two.

Most Major Cities vote Democrat because Democrats actually support programs for the people.

Mass Transit, Parks and Recreation, Schools, Public Services
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.

If you don't thing that these major cities have a very evident political leaning then you are either naive, stupid or just plain obtuse. I vote for one of the latter two.

You can vote for anything you choose to think (or avoid thinking), doesn't change the fact that political parties don't make cities. And yes it is particularly poignant that in this ridiculous thread where Detroit is supposed to be infested with "Democrats", it's another city that doesn't even list political parties in its own elections (you'll find it at #11 here)

Summa these wags will just throw anything at the wall and hope that nobody calls them on it. For instance your attempt to change "political parties run cities" into "cities have X political leaning". That didn't work.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.

If you don't thing that these major cities have a very evident political leaning then you are either naive, stupid or just plain obtuse. I vote for one of the latter two.

You can vote for anything you choose to think (or avoid thinking), doesn't change the fact that political parties don't make cities. And yes it is particularly poignant that in this ridiculous thread where Detroit is supposed to be infested with "Democrats", it's another city that doesn't even list political parties in its own elections (you'll find it at #11 here)

Summa these wags will just throw anything at the wall and hope that nobody calls them on it. For instance your attempt to change "political parties run cities" into "cities have X political leaning". That didn't work.

Intentionally ignoring the facts in deference to symantics is pure stupidity. Just look at SF for instance, Gavin Newsome, mayor, stepped up to being democrat governor of CA, Kameltoe Harris, City Attorney for SF, stepped up to democrat AG of CA and democrat candidate for pres. These are just two of the literally hundreds of democrats that came from admittedly democrat-held stronghold cities that rose from "non-partisan city elections" (tongue firmly implanted in cheek).
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

You just make it all up as you go, right?
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

Gerrymandering is done by the States - Republican States specifically.

You can't read a Chicago ward map, the Democrats have been doing it forever
Detroit was the American Paris. Our most productive and beautiful city - then the Communist Unions and the democrats took it over.


Or if you want the accurate story, Corporatia bombed Detroit with its arrogant hyperconservative mindset of foisting YUGE wildly impractical gas-binging barges that collapsed after four years on the public, while Japan and Germany, hardly able to believe what they were seeing but not above taking advantage of it, went "here, watch and learn how cars are made".

That weren't "Democrats" or "Republicans". That were the people who actually ran the joint.

Hard to believe Frank doesn't know what cars are.

So many post wrong by you in one thread, you sick or something?

It was Deming who taught the japs about quality control.

OK, a li'l post-on-post action, not sure where to go first.

(1) Wards are not Congressional Districts, Blippo. ANYTHING can be 'subdivided" particularly to distribute responsibilities. Congressional Districts is where gerrymandering goes.

(2) Deming should have taught Detroit that, shouldn't he. So I'll see your William Denning and raise you a Charley Maxwell. He ran around warning ALL of them and was shown the door. Because you don't fuck with hyperconservative BigBiz Old Boys Club, ask Preston Tucker about that. And I accept your concession that it was the auto industry upon which Detroit was built whose stubborn blindness condemned it and not friggin' political parties.

shove it noise maker wards /districts act the same as counties in elections, don't deny it .

By ALL MEANS sit on this board and try to make the point that some political party needs to "gerrymander" a city's wards in order to stay in power. That is, in the few cities that even HAVE political parties in their elections, because most do not. Detroit for example. OOPS.

Oughta be hilarious. But not as hilarious as the fact that YOU'VE BEEN SCHOOLED ON ALL OF THIS BEFORE, and yet here you come running the same shit expecting different results.

If you don't thing that these major cities have a very evident political leaning then you are either naive, stupid or just plain obtuse. I vote for one of the latter two.

Most Major Cities vote Democrat because Democrats actually support programs for the people.

Mass Transit, Parks and Recreation, Schools, Public Services

How is overpaying government employees ever a good thing when they are represented by Unions?

Always leads to corruption
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

You are an idiot. Of course the policies of a political party impact the way a city is run. The democrat party judges and prosecutors are releasing violent criminals from jail and prison and attacking the police.....this leads to more crime, not less crime. The democrats bury businesses in taxes and red tape, the businesses leave for red states........this creates more poverty, homelessness and crime.

You are a lying asshat trying to protect the democrat party from the consequences of their policies.

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