Two cities downtown drive. One controlled by conservatives. The other, hasn't been controlled by conservative for over 50 years.

Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
You miss the point by miles. How are your critical thinking skills?
The point is that Baltimore is a thriving major city visited by millions every year. It has significant historical sites, museums, great restaurants, a nightlife, major sports stadiums. Places to see, things to do.

Kennesaw Georgia is a bland suburb of Atlanta with no redeeming social value
Baltimore is a shithole. If it's "thriving," then why is it always asking the federal government for handouts?

I‘d rather spend a week in Baltimore than a day in Kennesaw Georgia.

Lot of things to do in Baltimore
Yeah, like dodge bullets, file police reports, etc.
I have visited Baltimore dozens of times.
Never heard a shot fired

Did hear cannons fired at Ft McHenry
Oh yeah, there is absolutely no gun problem in Baltimore....and Chicago is totally safe, huh.

Walked around Chicago also. Had a great time, never saw any gunfire.
Go out around midnight in the south side.
More Baltimore homes

View attachment 433816
This one belongs to Cal Ripken

Yeah. We know rich people live well. The point is the middle class lives well in kennesaw. it doesn't in baltimore. You're not too swift are ya.

Kennesaw has a population of 34,000. Baltimore has a population of 602,000. Kennesaw has a median family income approximately $5000. per year above the US median family income, while Baltimore residents have a median family income of $2,000 less than the US median family income.

The OP has picked one of the best places to live in America, with high income, versus one of the poorest cities in America, and one with a very high cost of living.

I've lived in big cities and small towns and my beautiful two bedroom with private ensuite laundry, two blocks from the water, would cost me three times what it costs me here. I moved here because I could not afford to live in the city on my pension, without going into geared to income housing - and the waiting list was 5 years.

He should have compared Baltimore with El Paso - comparable sized population, although the median income is much lower in El Paso - $11,000 below the American median income, but unemployment is lower.
The old tired leftist propaganda that poverty equals crime. Character determines how you act in society, not how much money you have. Moron.
Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?

View attachment 433732
People that want to visit a great place in Dixie have good food and sweet tea. Be around people with manners and values..

Good food?

Try Crabs in Old Bay, Crab Cakes and Chesapeake Oysters in Baltimore.

Beats grits any day
No one has ever even heard of Kennesaw.

You should've used Hot 'Lanta, as it's of comparable size to Baltimore.

View attachment 433743
Damn! I rolled through Camden a couple years ago heading to the Adventure Aquarium. Glad I took the train because these urban shitholes that have been run by Democrats FOR DECADES make the East Side of my hometown of Buffalo, New York look like the suburbs.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years
More Baltimore homes

View attachment 433816
This one belongs to Cal Ripken

Yeah. We know rich people live well. The point is the middle class lives well in kennesaw. it doesn't in baltimore. You're not too swift are ya.

Kennesaw has a population of 34,000. Baltimore has a population of 602,000. Kennesaw has a median family income approximately $5000. per year above the US median family income, while Baltimore residents have a median family income of $2,000 less than the US median family income.

The OP has picked one of the best places to live in America, with high income, versus one of the poorest cities in America, and one with a very high cost of living.

I've lived in big cities and small towns and my beautiful two bedroom with private ensuite laundry, two blocks from the water, would cost me three times what it costs me here. I moved here because I could not afford to live in the city on my pension, without going into geared to income housing - and the waiting list was 5 years.

He should have compared Baltimore with El Paso - comparable sized population, although the median income is much lower in El Paso - $11,000 below the American median income, but unemployment is lower.
The old tired leftist propaganda that poverty equals crime. Character determines how you act in society, not how much money you have. Moron.

I didn't say poverty equals crime. Poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime. Crime rates are always higher when there is poverty. People will steal to feed themselves or their families, or engage in other illegal acts.

The rural midwest is a prime example. After the de-industrialization of the mid-western states, the diseases of desperation set in - alcoholism, depression, drug abuse, suicide, and the rates of violent crime rose. Turns out white people behave just as badly as other races when they're broke, unemployed and desperate. Covid hasn't improved the opoid situation so this is another crisis to be dealt with which Trump mostly ignored.
Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
You miss the point by miles. How are your critical thinking skills?
The point is that Baltimore is a thriving major city visited by millions every year. It has significant historical sites, museums, great restaurants, a nightlife, major sports stadiums. Places to see, things to do.

Kennesaw Georgia is a bland suburb of Atlanta with no redeeming social value
Baltimore is a shithole. If it's "thriving," then why is it always asking the federal government for handouts?

I‘d rather spend a week in Baltimore than a day in Kennesaw Georgia.

Lot of things to do in Baltimore
Yeah, like dodge bullets, file police reports, etc.
I have visited Baltimore dozens of times.
Never heard a shot fired

Did hear cannons fired at Ft McHenry
Oh yeah, there is absolutely no gun problem in Baltimore....and Chicago is totally safe, huh.

Walked around Chicago also. Had a great time, never saw any gunfire.
You spent one day in Chicago, and you believe you should have seen gunfire if it was a shithole?

You're a major fucking idiot.

If it is as big a shithole as you say, I should have been dodging bullets
Fact is, millions of people walk around Chicago every day and Chicago is not in the top 10 in terms of murder rate in major cities

Why do t you take strol just outside the city where the leftists like yourself have been "helping" the black community for over 60 years and get back to us.

What do Republicans do for impoverished black neighborhoods other than build more prisons?

What Trump did and you racist leftists hate him for it.
More Baltimore homes

View attachment 433816
This one belongs to Cal Ripken

Yeah. We know rich people live well. The point is the middle class lives well in kennesaw. it doesn't in baltimore. You're not too swift are ya.

Kennesaw has a population of 34,000. Baltimore has a population of 602,000. Kennesaw has a median family income approximately $5000. per year above the US median family income, while Baltimore residents have a median family income of $2,000 less than the US median family income.

The OP has picked one of the best places to live in America, with high income, versus one of the poorest cities in America, and one with a very high cost of living.

I've lived in big cities and small towns and my beautiful two bedroom with private ensuite laundry, two blocks from the water, would cost me three times what it costs me here. I moved here because I could not afford to live in the city on my pension, without going into geared to income housing - and the waiting list was 5 years.

He should have compared Baltimore with El Paso - comparable sized population, although the median income is much lower in El Paso - $11,000 below the American median income, but unemployment is lower.
The old tired leftist propaganda that poverty equals crime. Character determines how you act in society, not how much money you have. Moron.

I didn't say poverty equals crime. Poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime. Crime rates are always higher when there is poverty. People will steal to feed themselves or their families, or engage in other illegal acts.

The rural midwest is a prime example. After the de-industrialization of the mid-western states, the diseases of desperation set in - alcoholism, depression, drug abuse, suicide, and the rates of violent crime rose. Turns out white people behave just as badly as other races when they're broke, unemployed and desperate. Covid hasn't improved the opoid situation so this is another crisis to be dealt with which Trump mostly ignored.
Food cards are easy to get. Food banks and pantries are abundant. Half the population is overweight. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
More Baltimore homes

View attachment 433816
This one belongs to Cal Ripken

Yeah. We know rich people live well. The point is the middle class lives well in kennesaw. it doesn't in baltimore. You're not too swift are ya.

Kennesaw has a population of 34,000. Baltimore has a population of 602,000. Kennesaw has a median family income approximately $5000. per year above the US median family income, while Baltimore residents have a median family income of $2,000 less than the US median family income.

The OP has picked one of the best places to live in America, with high income, versus one of the poorest cities in America, and one with a very high cost of living.

I've lived in big cities and small towns and my beautiful two bedroom with private ensuite laundry, two blocks from the water, would cost me three times what it costs me here. I moved here because I could not afford to live in the city on my pension, without going into geared to income housing - and the waiting list was 5 years.

He should have compared Baltimore with El Paso - comparable sized population, although the median income is much lower in El Paso - $11,000 below the American median income, but unemployment is lower.
The old tired leftist propaganda that poverty equals crime. Character determines how you act in society, not how much money you have. Moron.

I didn't say poverty equals crime. Poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime. Crime rates are always higher when there is poverty. People will steal to feed themselves or their families, or engage in other illegal acts.

The rural midwest is a prime example. After the de-industrialization of the mid-western states, the diseases of desperation set in - alcoholism, depression, drug abuse, suicide, and the rates of violent crime rose. Turns out white people behave just as badly as other races when they're broke, unemployed and desperate. Covid hasn't improved the opoid situation so this is another crisis to be dealt with which Trump mostly ignored.
Food cards are easy to get. Food banks and pantries are abundant. Half the population is overweight. Drug use, depression and alcoholism have nothing to do with economic status. Sell your propaganda to some naive college kids.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Bullshit. Portland and Seattle are totally run by Democrats. San Francisco, Democrats.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?
More Baltimore homes

View attachment 433816
This one belongs to Cal Ripken

Yeah. We know rich people live well. The point is the middle class lives well in kennesaw. it doesn't in baltimore. You're not too swift are ya.

Kennesaw has a population of 34,000. Baltimore has a population of 602,000. Kennesaw has a median family income approximately $5000. per year above the US median family income, while Baltimore residents have a median family income of $2,000 less than the US median family income.

The OP has picked one of the best places to live in America, with high income, versus one of the poorest cities in America, and one with a very high cost of living.

I've lived in big cities and small towns and my beautiful two bedroom with private ensuite laundry, two blocks from the water, would cost me three times what it costs me here. I moved here because I could not afford to live in the city on my pension, without going into geared to income housing - and the waiting list was 5 years.

He should have compared Baltimore with El Paso - comparable sized population, although the median income is much lower in El Paso - $11,000 below the American median income, but unemployment is lower.
The old tired leftist propaganda that poverty equals crime. Character determines how you act in society, not how much money you have. Moron.

I didn't say poverty equals crime. Poverty and lack of opportunity breeds crime. Crime rates are always higher when there is poverty. People will steal to feed themselves or their families, or engage in other illegal acts.

The rural midwest is a prime example. After the de-industrialization of the mid-western states, the diseases of desperation set in - alcoholism, depression, drug abuse, suicide, and the rates of violent crime rose. Turns out white people behave just as badly as other races when they're broke, unemployed and desperate. Covid hasn't improved the opoid situation so this is another crisis to be dealt with which Trump mostly ignored.
I don't know what Trump has to do with it Einstein, The cities are run totally by democrats. Trump attempted to help Portland and Seattle (two more democrat bastions) and their moronic mayors sued him. Seems you're kind of jaded.
Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
You miss the point by miles. How are your critical thinking skills?
The point is that Baltimore is a thriving major city visited by millions every year. It has significant historical sites, museums, great restaurants, a nightlife, major sports stadiums. Places to see, things to do.

Kennesaw Georgia is a bland suburb of Atlanta with no redeeming social value

Yep, definitely thriving...dumbass.

Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

Same ol same ol with you republicans haven't ran Chicago, Detroit, atlanta in decades or almost a 100 years

Dragonlady put it best. Cities are not fucking independent nation-states.
And they're not run by political parties. Because party ideologies have nothing to do with how you run a city. Which is exactly why I made up that scenario about who gets its trash picked up.

And that point sailed way over your head. I really don't aim these analogies that high. You're ducking out of the way of them because you can't handle them. And you can't handle them because they demonstrate how the premise you started with ---- in this case political parties running cities ---- was complete bullshit.

Democrats gerrymandered cities forever, you can't be this dense can you pogo?

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images (27).jpeg
images (27).jpeg
Everything democrats touch turns to literal shit.
Wall Street is collapsing. The big financial centers are leaving. Will the last company to leave please take the bull?
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

Baltimordor is even more scary than StL snd Detroit . All 3 are all African Americans

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