Two cities downtown drive. One controlled by conservatives. The other, hasn't been controlled by conservative for over 50 years.

No, it's not. EVERY progressive run city turns into a balkanized shithole. The poor and middle class must dodge bullets and piles of shit in their neighborhoods, while the rich enjoy a nice area behind their walls.

Yeah, it's stupid. It borders on retarded.

Comparing something so small to something so big is stupid...

Only because it proves progressive policies are horrible for the poor and the middle class. Compare a big, non progressive town with Baltimore. Hell, compare Seattle from 4 decades ago with what it has become.

Compare ANY large city from 50 years ago to what it has become now after half a century of progressive leaders.
Walked around Chicago also. Had a great time, never saw any gunfire.
Wow. That proves the weekly death totals there are made up by Bill O'Reilly.

Tell Bill Chicago is not in the top 10 of major city modern rate
Why doesn’t he report on those?

Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

I hate to be the one to tell you but Baltimore isn't all that bad. I see a poor neighborhood but clean. There us no obvious homeless problem. The trash is picked up. The buildings need some upkeep but are not totally dilapidated.

Try this
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

I hate to be the one to tell you but Baltimore isn't all that bad. I see a poor neighborhood but clean. There us no obvious homeless problem. The trash is picked up. The buildings need some upkeep but are not totally dilapidated.

Try this

Obviously, you have never been there. I lived in Baltimore for 4 years, and it's a shit hole.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

I hate to be the one to tell you but Baltimore isn't all that bad. I see a poor neighborhood but clean. There us no obvious homeless problem. The trash is picked up. The buildings need some upkeep but are not totally dilapidated.

Try this

Obviously, you have never been there. I lived in Baltimore for 4 years, and it's a shit hole.

Not from that clip.
Baltimore is mostly famous for their infestation of big fucking rats.

LOL, here's one in a Baltimore 7-11:


Raise your hand if you thought that was a mountain lion...... yeah, me too.

Baltimore is also famous for being a Murder Capital. It's just a all-round lovely shithole.
Baltimore is mostly famous for their infestation of big fucking rats.

LOL, here's one in a Baltimore 7-11:


Raise your hand if you thought that was a mountain lion...... yeah, me too.

Baltimore is also famous for being a Murder Capital. It's just a all-round lovely shithole.
All major cities have rats

You listen too much to Trump
More Baltimore homes


This one belongs to Cal Ripken
Even the Kennesaw Cutlery Co, where I've purchased a few blades, is in Moultrie, GA. Nowhere near Kennesaw. Kennesaw does have a State College and a Walmart. Just too many red hats for my liking.
Kennesaw, Georgia. Only city in America where it is an actual ordinance to own a gun. Let's take a look at a drive downtown. No commentary, just a drive.

Baltimore MD, and this just one example of many democrat run cities who love to say republicans and free markets are the reason for their plight. Yet, republican haven't made policies in any of these cities for at least half a century.

You have to stand in awe at how propaganda works on the ignorant minds.

You sure do, starting with this cockamamie idea that running a city (or small town) has jack diddly to do with "political parties". :rofl:

"Which neighborhoods should we send the trash trucks to on Tuesday?"
"Well when the Republicans ran this place they went to the 8th precinct but clearly the Democratic thing to do would be the 4th"

SMH Oh the density.

We know now that the political class in those blue cities will let people get assaulted and killed while burning down and stealing from properties for Prog agendas. Only a foolish taxpayer would want to live in that type of scenario.
Kennesaw Georgia?
WTF is Kennesaw Georgia?

People flock to visit Baltimore every day. Who the Fuk wants to visit Kennesaw Georgia?
You miss the point by miles. How are your critical thinking skills?
The point is that Baltimore is a thriving major city visited by millions every year. It has significant historical sites, museums, great restaurants, a nightlife, major sports stadiums. Places to see, things to do.

Kennesaw Georgia is a bland suburb of Atlanta with no redeeming social value
Baltimore is a shithole. If it's "thriving," then why is it always asking the federal government for handouts?

Baltimore is a shithole.
No, it's not. EVERY progressive run city turns into a balkanized shithole. The poor and middle class must dodge bullets and piles of shit in their neighborhoods, while the rich enjoy a nice area behind their walls.

Yeah, it's stupid. It borders on retarded.

Comparing something so small to something so big is stupid...

Only because it proves progressive policies are horrible for the poor and the middle class. Compare a big, non progressive town with Baltimore. Hell, compare Seattle from 4 decades ago with what it has become.

Compare ANY large city from 50 years ago to what it has become now after half a century of progressive leaders.

Compare any large city from 50 years ago to what it has become now after 40 years of Republican economic policies nation wide, and Republican taxation levels nation wide.

You fools keep talking like these cities are like nation states. Separate fiefdoms with no connection to the broader economic policies of the state or the nation as a whole. City governments are like your household. Someone has to be responsible for keeping order, cleaning up after the kids, and keeping the houshold running, but that doesn't mean they're responsible for whether or not the family is living in luxury and wealth or in poverty and squalor.

Republicans have set employment rules, minimum wages and compensation, for decades. How can the cities thrive when the citizens are enduring economic crashes every few years? The fact that these crashes impact low income residents much more sharply and harshly than middle class and wealth residents is another factor.

Stop drinking the Republican Kool-Aid which blames municipal governments for the problems inflicted on them by the State and Federal governments. They're just trying to provide a liveable first world environment for their residents.
Not queer pedophiles sitting little boys in their laps while reading time at the library goes on.
Why are you interested in that? Freudian slip? Projecting? You're a sick fuck.
Not as sick as the libraries that let this stuff go on. To a "genius" like you anyone who discusses the Holocaust must want to exterminate all Jews.

You are as sharp as a river rock.

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