Two decades in the making, Rep Rosa DeLauro’s plan to cut child poverty in half (since 2003) passes the Senate, will be signed by President Biden


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.

Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!

Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!
Son. We've spent near 5 trillion on The Great Society failure for 60 fucking years. If we haven't figgerd it out by now, what good will Vegetable do signing another piece of garbage What do you mean making in THE

Please. Don't use Ivanka as a tool here when you call her a daddy fucking whore the next time out of a different ass cheek. Bullshit artist.

Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!

Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!
Son. We've spent near 5 trillion on The Great Society failure for 60 fucking years. If we haven't figgerd it out by now, what good will Vegetable do signing another piece of garbage What do you mean making in THE

Please. Don't use Ivanka as a tool here when you call her a daddy fucking whore the next time out of a different ass cheek. Bullshit artist.
Ivanka once asked to marry me
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
So, if My total adjusted taxes, each and every year, come back with a $5,000 dollar refund, I haven't paid any taxes. That means a child credit gives Me $5,500 or whatever the credit is.

That is called welfare.
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
So, if My total adjusted taxes, each and every year, come back with a $5,000 dollar refund, I haven't paid any taxes. That means a child credit gives Me $5,500 or whatever the credit is.

That is called welfare.

Yes, you likely paid taxes, but your withholding was $5000 in excess of your taxes owed. However, yu are correct that your refund would be even higher.
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
So, if My total adjusted taxes, each and every year, come back with a $5,000 dollar refund, I haven't paid any taxes. That means a child credit gives Me $5,500 or whatever the credit is.

That is called welfare.
I agree with all of that.

But one thing. Those little crumb snatchers cost a hell of a lot to keep em living for sure.
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
There are 2 types of tax credits refundable and nonrefundable.

The latter can only reduce the tax owed to zero the former is the one that is a welfare program
even Obama's excited!


Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!
you can't fix stupid--it's not a $$$$ thing--it's a stupid thing.....there's already a child deduction AND the EIC/ETC
..this is a feel good deal only
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
So, if My total adjusted taxes, each and every year, come back with a $5,000 dollar refund, I haven't paid any taxes. That means a child credit gives Me $5,500 or whatever the credit is.

That is called welfare.
So what it boils down to is "Money for Nothing"
2018 tax reforms doubled the standard deduction and child tax credits that most all Democrats had voted against.
This little stunt is just an attempt to usurp credit for it all by virtue signal Democrat hypocrite's .
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Ivanka supports this...i do too...Children are a good thing!
OMG>.the stupidity--this will not cut child poverty. This will encourage the welfare drug whores to have more kids to collect more money for themselves.

If you gave a shit about the kids, you wouldn't support this nonsense....
How do you give tax credits (cuts) to people who don't pay taxes?

Tax credits have nothing to do with whether you pay taxes or not. If you owed $100 or got a refund of $100, you still would get that credit added to adjust your total taxes. That would likely result in a refund for taxes you didn't even pay.
So, if My total adjusted taxes, each and every year, come back with a $5,000 dollar refund, I haven't paid any taxes. That means a child credit gives Me $5,500 or whatever the credit is.

That is called welfare.
I agree with all of that.

But one thing. Those little crumb snatchers cost a hell of a lot to keep em living for sure.
If you cannot afford them, you should not have them.
The working poor don't have a crystal ball or a fat unemployment average or 401K to cash in when hard times hit as when the Chicom viral attack hit us all .. except for bureaucrats and big business who saw all their small business employment engine competition crushed by mandate.

My limited understanding, having no kids, is that the EIC actually pays lower income people with children who work and pay in or owe income tax on their income.

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