*Two Doors To Crazy House!*

Is Ford crazy?

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Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
I don't think Ms. Ford is crazy. I think she had some kind of a bad experience some time in the past and that Diane Feinstein decided to use her accusation letter as a forum to help women who had been abused at the expense of Judge Kavanagh, who of course would be pardoned since he is such a sterling human being, but inconvenient to Democrats who scrape their boots on Republicans every chance they get.

If I'm wrong, I still don't think Ms. Ford is crazy, but should receive an Academy Award for her performance yesterday, unless she, too, was used badly for her emotional difficulties from her past experience in which she could not remember exactly where or when, and obviously who used her in the abusive way she described, hoping her political wishes might be fulfilled while smiting someone she despised and wished to humiliate and destroy Judge Kavanagh, his career, and his family.

I am hoping it was just a case of her not receiving the appropriate care the victims of sexual abuse needed, resulting in a false accusation for lack of a more euphemistic phrase that would not offend such a sick mind..
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
/——/ Remember when democRATs demand iron clad prof that Bill sprayed his man juice on Monica? They wouldn’t take the word of the girl. My how things changed
I notice all the male talking heads on cable news that support Kavanaugh are saying they found her credible. I guess they need to stay PC or face the consequences. There was nothing about her that was credible. Her own four "witnesses" don't recall the story. She can't recall the day, time or house this occurred in. She remained quiet even when he was named the the 2nd highest court. His own diary had him out of town every weekend. She wasn't nearly as emotional as he was. In fact she was smiling at times.

Democrats terribly misplayed this whole ordeal. Withholding this information for nearly 2 months until the final minute made their political play obvious. It's just more bullshit from the party of lowlifes and liars.
I don't think Ms. Ford is crazy. I think she had some kind of a bad experience some time in the past and that Diane Feinstein decided to use her accusation letter as a forum to help women who had been abused at the expense of Judge Kavanagh, who of course would be pardoned since he is such a sterling human being, but inconvenient to Democrats who scrape their boots on Republicans every chance they get.

If I'm wrong, I still don't think Ms. Ford is crazy, but should receive an Academy Award for her performance yesterday, unless she, too, was used badly for her emotional difficulties from her past experience in which she could not remember exactly where or when, and obviously who used her in the abusive way she described, hoping her political wishes might be fulfilled while smiting someone she despised and wished to humiliate and destroy Judge Kavanagh, his career, and his family.

I am hoping it was just a case of her not receiving the appropriate care the victims of sexual abuse needed, resulting in a false accusation for lack of a more euphemistic phrase that would not offend such a sick mind..

I initially believed that, but after her testimony I do not. I believe she is an integral part of an attempt to derail the tipping of the Supreme Court further to the American side.
Don't know if she is crazy, but she is certainly vile and evil
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
/——/ Remember when democRATs demand iron clad prof that Bill sprayed his man juice on Monica? They wouldn’t take the word of the girl. My how things changed
Notice the consequences? That B. Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Republicans elected one of their perverts president...they had another one as Speaker of the House...and a third one they are trying to get into the Supreme Court.
Don't know if she is crazy, but she is certainly vile and evil
I know....I know....good ole boys are sweating in their shoes that any woman would actually report sexual assault. What's this world coming to?
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
/——/ Remember when democRATs demand iron clad prof that Bill sprayed his man juice on Monica? They wouldn’t take the word of the girl. My how things changed
Notice the consequences? That B. Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Republicans elected one of their perverts president...they had another one as Speaker of the House...and a third one they are trying to get into the Supreme Court.
/—-/ Clinton wasn’t impeached for being a pervert, he lied under oath. I know facts are confusing to you.
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
/——/ Remember when democRATs demand iron clad prof that Bill sprayed his man juice on Monica? They wouldn’t take the word of the girl. My how things changed
Notice the consequences? That B. Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Republicans elected one of their perverts president...they had another one as Speaker of the House...and a third one they are trying to get into the Supreme Court.
Not one Democrat believed Lewinsky until the blue dress was public, you kniw, actual physical evidence with DNA

alsi, what Clinton did was textbook workplace sexual harassment
Sorry bout that,

  1. All those references to certain parts of the brain to sound like the smartest person in the room was a dead *giveaway*, (for me).
  2. Only a super crazy person would think of that and express it in her hatchet job story that *not one* person will collaborate, of the, ....no fewer than 4, and maybe, just maybe,..... as many as 6.
  3. Something stinketh in Denmark about this story, and its wafting from the story teller herself.
  4. The careful story telling that sounds like a real life story, with crazy injection of other side stories that she tried to explain, seeing that all this bat shit crazy stuff makes my story ring true.
  5. The *TWO DOORS* she spoke about exposes her mentality, and her admittingly saying she had mental problems further exposes her bullshit story.
  6. What we have here is an insane person using her actions of installing an extra door in her crazy house to help her story be digestible to us all.
  7. I am not believing it one bit.
  8. She had better keep her lawyer she will need the guy likely 10 years.
/——/ Remember when democRATs demand iron clad prof that Bill sprayed his man juice on Monica? They wouldn’t take the word of the girl. My how things changed
Notice the consequences? That B. Clinton was impeached and disbarred. Republicans elected one of their perverts president...they had another one as Speaker of the House...and a third one they are trying to get into the Supreme Court.
/—-/ Clinton wasn’t impeached for being a pervert, he lied under oath. I know facts are confusing to you.
Facts and logic are like Kryptonite to progressives
I don't think Ms. Ford is crazy. I think she had some kind of a bad experience some time in the past and that Diane Feinstein decided to use her accusation letter as a forum to help women who had been abused at the expense of Judge Kavanagh, who of course would be pardoned since he is such a sterling human being, but inconvenient to Democrats who scrape their boots on Republicans every chance they get.

If I'm wrong, I still don't think Ms. Ford is crazy, but should receive an Academy Award for her performance yesterday, unless she, too, was used badly for her emotional difficulties from her past experience in which she could not remember exactly where or when, and obviously who used her in the abusive way she described, hoping her political wishes might be fulfilled while smiting someone she despised and wished to humiliate and destroy Judge Kavanagh, his career, and his family.

I am hoping it was just a case of her not receiving the appropriate care the victims of sexual abuse needed, resulting in a false accusation for lack of a more euphemistic phrase that would not offend such a sick mind..
Ford is obviously mentally unstable.
Mentally unstable people can make up stories they actually come to believe.
That's why they can pass polygraphs so easily.
There's no doubt she believes what she is claiming.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Okay I believe for a fact she trumped up this story, and she is a baby killer abortionist as its *her body*, having had an abortion at 16, and thats it,.... so its also other women's bodies so she contrived this story impregnated into her hippocampus and raddled it out to the world.
  2. Only a crazy person would justify that, which describes a baby killing democrat.
  3. Only a crazy bloodthirsty abortionist would dare stand up and make these outlandish claims not even being actually raped but just supposedly pushed into a room and held down and laughed at.
  4. Now its time the adults laugh at her.
For someone who couldn't remember who gave her the lie detector For someone who couldn't remember where she was and "who" was at the parties. For someone who couldn't recall why she couldn't use the bathroom that was on the main floor; instead of going upstairs in the first place.

Yes, she was beyond insane. It was clear, she wanted Kavanugh guilty without any proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Her mind was made up. Even though, she can't remember a damned thing. Huh? Lol
She couldn't remember if she took the lie detector test the day she attended her Grandmother's funeral? That's two major events planned for one day. Pretty for sure most people would remember that day. She would have had to have planned the test around the funeral and either changed her attire or showed up to the test in her funeral dress. Wouldn't be hard to forget that day. She's just not credible on memory.
Sorry bout that,

  1. Get this through your thick skulls if you still think Ford was credible.
  2. I will explain a real simple fact for you.
  3. What she has described included 4-6 people including her.
  4. If any of that was in fact true one of those 2-4 people would have spoken up.
  6. Oh and Flake is a rino little *r* (no caps) , not RINO, we do have RINO's and rino's he is a pussy rino.
  7. He dragging this out is further evidence about who he is, and we don't need *ANY part of our brain to save it and tell us later.


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