Two fathers exchange gunfire in Florida...only one charges

I've never even yelled at someone. My wife would honk the horn when we were cut off or something and I would get angry at her. Really, what good can come from it at this point? Though I did honk once I think.

One time a guy came out of nowhere when he was pulling out of a plaza and came up to my window calling me every name and demanding to fight, blaming me, the guy who remained in his lane while driving, for almost causing him to hit me when he pulled out. To be honest neither my wife or I saw him even come close to hitting us so I was perplexed. I didn't get out of my vehicle, he was an idiot.

I suppose his approach wouldn't go over very well in a place where guns are customary.
Before I retired I worked graveyard shift.

One night one of my co-workers came in and looked a little upset so we asked him what was wrong.

He said some driver got pissed at him and he had been involved in a road rage incident. The driver followed my co-worker until they came to a traffic light and were stopped in the traffic. My coworker had a car beside him and in front of him and a deep ditch on the other side.

The angry guy got out of his car with what my co-worker described as a tire iron. He walked up to my co-worker‘s driver’s door. My co-worker noticed him coming so he reached in his glove box and pulled out his 9mm carry pistol. He then just placed his hands across his steering wheel and turned his inside light on.

The angry motorist noticed the pistol. He turned around and walked back to his car swearing. My co-worker never pointed his weapon at the guy.

Two day shifters where I worked were using magnetic detectors on a newly vacant lot in downtown Tampa in January. A man walked up to them with a butcher knife in his hand and demanded their money.

One of my co-workers opened his jacket to reveal his 1911 style 45 in a shoulder holster.

The man also walked away swearing.
Florida freeways are awful. Everyone hates each other traffic is insane. It shouldn't be this way. Terrible driving there.
The bad driving in Florida is often due to the snowbirds.


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