Two Friends, black & white, have fun racially taunting each other, Libs go berserk


Gold Member
Jul 24, 2014
Note - I'm not putting this in the race forum because the topic is not focused on race, it's about liberal thought control. Mods, do what you must.

I can't believe the totalitarianism of so many liberals, especially those with power. Look at this sad story which even includes a liberal version of a Hitler Youth informer:

. . . two friends and football teammates—one black, one white—were punished for joking about race during a game of beer pong at a private dorm party in November 2013. No one at the party was offended, but an informer in another room overheard the banter and turned them in.

The black student had jokingly named his beer pong team “Team Nigga” and would shout the name whenever the team scored. At some point, the white student—reprising a running joke on the football team, in which black students would greet white teammates with the phrase “White power!”—said, “Can I get a white power?” The black student replied, “White power!”

The noise from the party awakened a student in another room in the residence hall (no doubt, college football players of all races, creeds, and colors can be loud and rowdy while playing beer pong). She reported this exchange to the Campus Living office, and an inquisition began. Campus Living turned the matter over to the campus police, which launched an investigation into the “racial and biased comments” at the party. Learning of the comments’ origins on the football field—where not only did black players greet white players with “White power!”, but blacks and whites both used “What’s up nigga?” as a friendly greeting—the investigating officer spun into full Inspector Javert of the Left mode. . .

Justice was swift. Several days after the party, on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the two students were charged with inflicting “Physical or Mental Harm” and “Discrimination or Harassment,” as well as with disorderly conduct.​

Look at those charges. Who's the victim? This is like prosecutors charging 16 year old girls who take nude selfies with child abuse wherein the abused child is the one who is also doing the abusing. In this case the two friends are charged with mentally harming each other. Who says that they mentally harmed each other? Some freaking liberal, not the two friends. This leads to a situation where one, or both, of these men is being harmed but they're unaware of it, only an enlightened liberal can see the harm done to these two men and so it's fitting that the two men be punished for harming each other in ways that they couldn't detect.

Let's continue with this sad tale:
Within days after the hearing, the two were found guilty of all charges, placed on probation, and ordered on threat of suspension to undergo “Bias Reduction Training.”​

Oh, a re-education camp. That's to be expected. The Soviets had their psychiatric hospitals and we have mandatory re-education camps to teach people the "correct way to think and speak."

Why do liberals have to let their inner totalitarians run rampant like this? Think about how this unfolded. At any point in the process someone sensible could have spoken up and said "Are you guys kidding? These are just two friends." No one spoke up. They came for the football players and no one spoke. Who's next?
Sounds like any normal day in the US military. Playful banter including even vile racist 'taunts' is SOP. Watch "Generation Kill" and you see this sort of 'play' depicted very accurately. It's simply a way of releasing stress among comrades. Despite whatever words might be used it has no reflection on peoples'-involved true feelings. It's simply pack mentality and dominance challenging like you'd see with wolves in the wild fighting one another to establish dominance. It's not a fight to the death as much as a very physical challenge. With humans, we talk the challenge rather than bloody one another.

Glad this PC crap wasn't going on when I was in the Navy or working afterwords. Things I said and had said to me would be more than cause for a jihad :)
I think what's really going on when these things make the press is people on both sides are using the incident for their own purposes moreso than caringespecially about the actual incident. Doesn't take a lot of intelligence to know playful banter when you hear or see it. So unless people responding are profoundly stupid, that they make hay out of it suggests ulterior motives.
It's the downside to moral relativity. There's no right or wrong except what feels good or bad for the moment. No thinking required.
I went back and forth like this with a college pal back in the ought-70's. He'd call me corn-fed mark, I'd call him Oreo. No biggie.
This is crazy. And a bright exmple of how we as a society are slowly losing our common sense.
If the two kids were some sort of charged with inflicting “Physical or Mental Harm” and “Discrimination or Harassment,” who was the plaintiff?
And I personally don't like the crazy girl who snitched on the kids.

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