Two Polls Show Highest Support Of Affordable Care Act Since 2010

I doubt very seriously if a majority of American people like being forced to buy a product they can't afford or pay a fine if they don't. Who did they poll, illegals and deadbeat liberals who collect welfare?
This is what happens when you start down the road of entitlements.
Once people start getting used to someone else subsidizing their healthcare costs, they think they are entitled to picking the pickets of others, and will throw a shit if you try and take it away from them.
This is what happens when you start down the road of entitlements.
Once people start getting used to someone else subsidizing their healthcare costs, they think they are entitled to picking the pickets of others, and will throw a shit if you try and take it away from them.
That's exactly what my food stamp post was about.
You'd have similar poll results if you asked blacks about food stamps in 1970.
what about whites
That would be more recent than 1970 and more of a reflection of Obama economic policy.
Wrong. Whites have always used food stamps way more than any other demographic since inception up to and including modern times.

Percentage wise, blacks are the largest group on welfare.
Kaiser has been an Ocommiecare pimp since day one: GIGO.

Pew polled a scant 1,500 adults: Sketchy, if not completely unreliable
I doubt very seriously if a majority of American people like being forced to buy a product they can't afford or pay a fine if they don't. Who did they poll, illegals and deadbeat liberals who collect welfare?

your demographic is roughly 35% of the population tops

not up to you to speak for 'American people'
pretty simple, even a cheetolini gomer can see it

the majority of Americans want to keep obamacare, too bad

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