Zone1 Two Protected Classes: Who Do You Choose?

Who's Right? Muslims or "Wokies?"

  • I pick the "Pride" folks.

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America First!!!
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 31, 2023
As a Christian, I (and Christians in general) are often presented with moral dilemmas. We sometimes have to choose sides, or decide not to choose at all. We have to weigh what life throws at us with the morals standards presented to us by the Bible. In the following instance, I have to side with one community over the other, even though I'm very much opposed to both communities. Most of you will know what I mean when you read the about the situation.

The Far Left has categorized people into special interest groups. This is a strategy they use to determine victimhood status as a means to let everyone know who they're supposed to pander to most. The greater the victim, the higher on the "poor us" scale they go. About the only two groups who don't nor ever will fit into one of the Left's “victim boxes” are white males and/or Christians.

Okay. With that out of the way, which of these two “victim groups” would you side with if you're a Lefty? Which do you side with if you're a Christian? Which do you side with if you're neither political nor religious?

A) The poor Muslims? (“Persecuted” religious group)
B) The Groomers? (“Persecuted” pedophilia group)


Obviously, Muslims have the right to their religious views, which are protected by the Constitution. And, in this case, I have to agree that they have the right to have their children protected from groomers and public school experts in indoctrination.
Obviously, Muslims have the right to their religious views, which are protected by the Constitution.

- not the criminality the desert religions use to persecute and victimize the innocent ...

your thesis is a religion base belief is unique when in fact the true meaning of religion is not a distinction but rather the uniformity that brought life about.

the forgeries and fallacies used by the fanatics, desert religions - action jack - is the problem not the issues they hide behind.
As a Christian, I (and Christians in general) are often presented with moral dilemmas. We sometimes have to choose sides, or decide not to choose at all. We have to weigh what life throws at us with the morals standards presented to us by the Bible. In the following instance, I have to side with one community over the other, even though I'm very much opposed to both communities. Most of you will know what I mean when you read the about the situation.

The Far Left has categorized people into special interest groups. This is a strategy they use to determine victimhood status as a means to let everyone know who they're supposed to pander to most. The greater the victim, the higher on the "poor us" scale they go. About the only two groups who don't nor ever will fit into one of the Left's “victim boxes” are white males and/or Christians.

Okay. With that out of the way, which of these two “victim groups” would you side with if you're a Lefty? Which do you side with if you're a Christian? Which do you side with if you're neither political nor religious?

A) The poor Muslims? (“Persecuted” religious group)
B) The Groomers? (“Persecuted” pedophilia group)


you don't have to choose sides at all if you don't want to.
I picked "other" ... it is strictly illegal to consider someone's membership in a protected class in any decision ... I have been frequently put in this position ... and there HAS TO BE another reason for the decision ... for which I used "time of application" ... two people that screened well, I pick the one that applied first ...

"Protected Class" means protected ... it doesn't matter if Methodists hate Catholics ... Methodists can't refuse service to a Catholic because they're Catholic ... there has to be another reason or just serve the butchers ... money is money ...
I don’t see American Muslims bother anyone. They tend to keep to themselves.
It is our Christians who are constantly in your face, making demands on Government, persecuting others

No such thing as grooming
If it is taking place in schools, there is government involvement.

Unless the government is forcing kids to protest, then no there really isn't any more than there is government involvement when kids walk out in protest of something or the other. That said, since this is Canada, I don't know the nuance of their rights. I just view it from the lens of the US first amendment. Their rights may very well be defined differently.
I don’t see American Muslims bother anyone. They tend to keep to themselves.
It is our Christians who are constantly in your face, making demands on Government, persecuting others

No such thing as grooming
Actually there is such a thing as grooming.

But having a gay person talk in a school or talking about the fact that there are gay people in the world isn't it.
Actually there is such a thing as grooming.

But having a gay person talk in a school or talking about the fact that there are gay people in the world isn't it.
It is fear mongering among Conservatives.
You can’t turn a heterosexual child into a homosexual

What they are “grooming” is grooming children to be tolerant of others.
It is fear mongering among Conservatives.
You can’t turn a heterosexual child into a homosexual

What they are “grooming” is grooming children to be tolerant of others.
That's not what grooming is.

abusers groom children it is a fact.

That's not what grooming is.

abusers groom children it is a fact.

No school is grooming children to be sexually abused
More Conservative fear mongering
No school is grooming children to be sexually abused
More Conservative fear mongering
Hey Shitforbrains, if you bothered to read my post instead just knee jerk reacting you would see that I said that very thing.

You said there is no such thing as grooming and clearly there is.

Tell you what why don't you slow down while you read and follow the words along with your finger? If have to move your lips while you read that's OK too no one will laugh at you.
Hey Shitforbrains, if you bothered to read my post instead just knee jerk reacting you would see that I said that very thing.

You said there is no such thing as grooming and clearly there is.

Tell you what why don't you slow down while you read and follow the words along with your finger? If have to move your lips while you read that's OK too no one will laugh at you.

The question is….Are schools grooming children to be homosexuals or to be be victims of sexual abiuse….of course they are not

Schools are grooming children to be tolerant of others
The question is….Are schools grooming children to be homosexuals or to be be victims of sexual abiuse….of course they are not

Schools are grooming children to be tolerant of others

Just admit you didn't read my post for comprehension.
As a Christian, I (and Christians in general) are often presented with moral dilemmas. We sometimes have to choose sides, or decide not to choose at all. We have to weigh what life throws at us with the morals standards presented to us by the Bible. In the following instance, I have to side with one community over the other, even though I'm very much opposed to both communities. Most of you will know what I mean when you read the about the situation.

The Far Left has categorized people into special interest groups. This is a strategy they use to determine victimhood status as a means to let everyone know who they're supposed to pander to most. The greater the victim, the higher on the "poor us" scale they go. About the only two groups who don't nor ever will fit into one of the Left's “victim boxes” are white males and/or Christians.

Okay. With that out of the way, which of these two “victim groups” would you side with if you're a Lefty? Which do you side with if you're a Christian? Which do you side with if you're neither political nor religious?

A) The poor Muslims? (“Persecuted” religious group)
B) The Groomers? (“Persecuted” pedophilia group)
I opted for other since I don't think Muslims are persecuted enough to warrant protection beyond what already exists in the law and I don't believe 'Groomers' even exist (beyond a few extreme individuals).

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