Two questions about our "beloved" Trump

They wanted to assimilate and embrace their new country and they came here legally.
These south american peasants are welfare shopping and whichever country has the best benefits and the least oversight is where they'll end up...and our politicians are enabling them so they can dilute and displace white americans.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.

Careful there, your red neck is protruding.
obama is an anti white marxist who believes in the cloward-pivens strategy along with a dose of alinsky activism to undermine the country.
That's it. Double down on the nuttiness. If that's a sign of things to come this cycle, it'll be Hillary in a cake walk. :mm:

Oh..never heard of cloward pivens or alinsky, some reading.
It'll be good for you.

...and hillary? right....sure...whatever you say.....LMAO...
They wanted to assimilate and embrace their new country and they came here legally.
These south american peasants are welfare shopping and whichever country has the best benefits and the least oversight is where they'll end up...and our politicians are enabling them so they can dilute and displace white americans.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.

Careful there, your red neck is protruding.

Advocating for one's race makes one a "redneck"?
1. I guess that's always possible. What is anyone else's reason they leave the race democrat or other wise?

2. You mean like Obama?

No......regarding your first response, Trump (I'd readily admit) use a euphemistic term......"unusual"........His withdrawing from the race would be followed by a long diatribe about how some nefarious cabal against him forced him to leave....just like his bankruptcy HAS to be someone else's fault.....not his own "weaknesses"

For your number 2......the short answer is that you (and other nitwits) are full of shit. Obama CLEARLY stated that if his EO was not acceptable, take it up with Congress who sat on their collective asses and has NOT acted on the issue for years.
They wanted to assimilate and embrace their new country and they came here legally.
These south american peasants are welfare shopping and whichever country has the best benefits and the least oversight is where they'll end up...and our politicians are enabling them so they can dilute and displace white americans.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.

Careful there, your red neck is protruding.

Advocating for one's race makes one a "redneck"?
In your case it makes you a Hitler-youth, which is anything but shocking here. Are you another race is your religion type?
Advocating for one's race makes one a "redneck"?

Short answer....YES !!!! But I'm sure that this is not the first time that someone has called you on this.

We have to get off of this white, black, brown, yellow and red race bullshit
Under a Trump administration, we can expect some young Latina to someday write, "The Diary of Anna Sanchez"....or something along those lines, as jack-booted ICE thugs drag she and her family away from some hiding place.
Oh..never heard of cloward pivens or alinsky, some reading. It'll be good for you.
Who hasn't? You just don't have a clue about how to apply what little bit of knowledge you have. Here's a tip; finish high school and then get back to us.
that's not how humans operate in the real world. Race is real and it matters.

The irony is that your racist baiting places you into a "minority" mid-set.....and as a minority, you should actually empathize rather than repeat the inhumanity of Nazis.
They wanted to assimilate and embrace their new country and they came here legally.
These south american peasants are welfare shopping and whichever country has the best benefits and the least oversight is where they'll end up...and our politicians are enabling them so they can dilute and displace white americans.

Deport. ALL. Illegals.

Careful there, your red neck is protruding.

Advocating for one's race makes one a "redneck"?
No, it illustrates that you're wrong.

Your race is in no need of 'advocacy.'

Neither you nor your race is subject to 'disadvantage,' no one is seeking to 'disadvantage' either you or your race, and it's unfounded nonsense to perceive your race as 'disadvantaged.'
the Socialist in the White House.

Come on.....vent your spleen and openly state that "socialist" is just a more conventional term for "the Black [guy] in the White House."
For a while, we can all succumb to demagoguery; we're all susceptible to the rhetoric of what we want to hear....however, some realize it for what it is.....and some (like many right wingers) embrace it as reality.
The racist meanderings sort of tie into what I was going to post. Who knows what Trump actually would do? I mean the whole 14th not ratified reeks of Orly Tatz insanity. Does anyone actually think Trump hasn't used illegal labor on construction or to work service jobs?

I'm all for securing the border and limiting immigration. But you have to be focking nuts to think that, even if the economy could function with a workforce of only people whose parents were legally here when the birthed, a majority would actually support paying the level of wages necessary to pick the veggies and slaughter the livestock.

So, at what point does the Donald cease being a reality TV star and become a responsible leader? I really don't know. But, I agree that aside from Kasich, none of the gop candidates' positions actually benefit me.
I think Trump would probably spend a LOT of time negotiating with Congress and achieving support before he announced a particular initiative. He has a strong track record of that M.O.

Good response......but, lets review his plan to round up all illegal aliens and his further proposal to repatriate even babies born in the U.S. ....without stating my own opinion on that, let me just state that such a plan IS contrary to the 14th amendment, and Trump's plan could very well be banned by the Supreme Court.
The 14th amendment was about declaring freed slaves citizens. Congress has the power to revoke the citizenship form foreign people.
Acknowledge the history of our constitution and do your home work:

Guide to the Constitution
The racist meanderings sort of tie into what I was going to post. Who knows what Trump actually would do? I mean the whole 14th not ratified reeks of Orly Tatz insanity. Does anyone actually think Trump hasn't used illegal labor on construction or to work service jobs?

I'm all for securing the border and limiting immigration. But you have to be focking nuts to think that, even if the economy could function with a workforce of only people whose parents were legally here when the birthed, a majority would actually support paying the level of wages necessary to pick the veggies and slaughter the livestock.

So, at what point does the Donald cease being a reality TV star and become a responsible leader? I really don't know. But, I agree that aside from Kasich, none of the gop candidates' positions actually benefit me.
If immigrants want to come over and work, let them become citizens like the rest of us.
Free college tuitions?

Lets see........proposal for "free college tuition"........VERSUS.....proposal to "round up 12 million people for deportation"

You judge the ethical caliber of our country.
Free college tuition is not feasible. It will water down "college material" even further. There are remedial classes in college! It's supposed to be, if you can't hack it, you drop out.

Free vocational training for those who aren't college material makes more sense. But the Community vocational training should lead to a certified skill.

Fining (big time!) businesses for hiring illegals will go a long way to rid the country of illegals. When they can't find a means of supporting themselves and can't get welfare, they will self deport.
All the government needs to do is make it illegal to rent a house to an illegal. Take the house or apartment from the owner if they do. Illegals would flood back over the border.

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