Two Republicans have a strange request. Vote for Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.
Who gives a fuck what a couple of RINO scum say?

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.
I was going to call them RINO's but Whine-O's is the more appropriate term.. These two morons are idiots and democrats posing as republicans. FU*K them

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.
Common sense from two.

Only two.
ROLMFAO, it's the commiecrats that are holding up infrastructure. nazi palousey delayed the vote a month to appease the commies and marxist in her party.

The rest of us don't appreciate the heavy property tax burden and the astronomical home foreclosure rate due to the capital expenditures and maintenance costs on all this bloody critical infrastructure proposed by red commies in Congrsss. Cue the bonds and levies at all local elections. No wonder they're stuffing the ballot box, city hall is about to go bankrupt if even one of their proposed property tax increase measures fails.

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.

These 2 never-Trumpers are like Jane Fonda sitting on top of the anti-aircraft gun in Viet Nam, making Democratsc and Snowflakes the anti-'Anerican enemies of the US-supporting' scum bags who only like them because they are saying bad things against Trump, which helps your propaganda.

You are so pathetic.....

Go luck, Brandon. :p

ane Fonda
The rest of us don't appreciate the heavy property tax burden and the astronomical home foreclosure rate due to the capital expenditures and maintenance costs on all this bloody critical infrastructure proposed by red commies in Congrsss. Cue the bonds and levies at all local elections. No wonder they're stuffing the ballot box, city hall is about to go bankrupt if even one of their proposed property tax increase measures fails.

And that has what to do with the commies gumming up the works?

For the love of God, what greater good now? The US is turning into an shxt hole now.

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.
All the horrible things Trump did:
1. Actual control of the border.
2. Believing we should be a sovereign nation with borders.
3. Prior to the Democrats pandemic, brought companies and thereby jobs back to the United States.
4. Signed Operation Warp Speed to reduce red tape and thus getting the vaccines out much faster.
5. Signed the "Right to Try Act," for those suffering from terminal illnesses, so that they at least had the right to try experimental treatments.
6. Prior to the Pandemic, reduced minority (including blacks) unemployment to its lowest level in decades.
7. Actually took out noted terrorists, not cars filled with kids.
8. Made us energy independent, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia in crude oil, as opposed to now, where we are begging for oil from OPEC again.
9. Mediated a peace treaty between Kosovo and Serbia.
10. Mediated non-aggression pacts between the Arab nations and Israel.
11. Signed the "First Step Act," to help non-violent prisoners in our nations federal prisons.
12. Fair and reciprocal trade between nations.
13. Signed three bills that benefitted the Native peoples.
14. Finalized the creation of the "Space Force," to catch up to the Chinese.
15. Gave 100 million to fix the water structure in Flint, Michigan.
16. Signed the "Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex-Trafficking Act."
17. Signed a Bill, "requiring airports to provide spaces for breast-feeding mothers."
18. Signed the "Save our Seas Act."
19. Issued and Executive Order, requiring the Secretaries of Defense, Homeland Security and Veterans Affairs, to submit a joint plan to provide veterans access to mental health treatment as they transition to civilian life.
20. Signed into law, up to 12 weeks of paid paternal leave for millions of federal workers.
21. Received the Bipartisan Justice Award at a historically black college for his criminal Justice reforms accomplishments.
22. Appointed five openly gay ambassadors.
23. Created "Opportunity Zones" incentives to promote investment in low-income communities. The problem with this, is that funds are provided to the "Democrat" run cities and the funds just seem to disappear. That should be looked into.
24. Signed a measure funding prevention programs for veteran suicide.
25. Prior to the pandemic, the median household income hit the highest level ever recorded.
26. Prior to the pandemic, women's unemployment was at a 65 year low.
27. All previous presidents promised to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, but never did. He made it happen.
All of that was soooooo awful.
Biden's accomplishments, undoing the good that Trump did.

Gee....someone has finally seen what trumpism is trying to do. They recognize that even bowing to the unthinkable of voting for Democrats is much more preferable to the country that trumpism is trying to create. You can call it fascism, authoritarianism, or whatever un-democratic form of government you want to. The repub party....which is not the real Republican Party....has become a victim of a man who cannot tell the truth and who is placing his thirst of power over the well being of this country.

trump IS THE GREATEST DANGER TO OUR COUNTRY SINCE THE CIVIL WAR. I shutter to think what his plans are for America. It is very scary.
They are entitled to their opinion. Manchin and Sinema are not….the Hypocrisy of the left is never ending.
I guess it beats talking about Biden's son's involvement in money laundering, the mess on the borders and the crisis in energy costs and filling store shelves.

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