Two Republicans have a strange request. Vote for Democrats

TDS is the ONLY explanation why anyone who pretends to be a Republican urges anyone to vote for the morally bankrupt democrats. What Whitman and Taylor don't seem to understand is that Trump may not even be on the ballot in 2024. So they are supporting AOC and her "Squad" over real Republicans. That makes no sense no matter how I look at it.
No Republican voters would be swayed by any NYT article anyway.
I was going to call them RINO's but Whine-O's is the more appropriate term.. These two morons are idiots and democrats posing as republicans. FU*K them
Why can't you recognize a slow rolling coup? That is exactly what trump is concocting. The future of our democracy is at stake. trump cares NOTHING about this country. He cares about regaining power and gaining revenge on those that have not bought into his 10 month Big Lie.

And if you keep bowing to his mental illness and his unmitigated thirst for will share in the demise and fall of the United States. That will be your legacy. The reason? Because of a man who is clearly narcissistic and has the wealth and power to regain the power he lust for through any means he can.

The repub party will be complicit to his planned overthrow of the US government.
TDS is the ONLY explanation why anyone who pretends to be a Republican urges anyone to vote for the morally bankrupt democrats. What Whitman and Taylor don't seem to understand is that Trump may not even be on the ballot in 2024. So they are supporting AOC and her "Squad" over real Republicans. That makes no sense no matter how I look at it.
No Republican voters would be swayed by any NYT article anyway.
Actually, they see what is coming. They see trumpism eating the repub party alive. They see the guard rails of our democracy being eroded on a daily basis. I have to give it to trump, he is setting up one of the greatest slow moving coups in modern times. Hitler came to power in a similar fashion. How did that turn out? Does this sound familiar?

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Why can't you recognize a slow rolling coup? That is exactly what trump is concocting. The future of our democracy is at stake. trump cares NOTHING about this country. He cares about regaining power and gaining revenge on those that have not bought into his 10 month Big Lie.

And if you keep bowing to his mental illness and his unmitigated thirst for will share in the demise and fall of the United States. That will be your legacy. The reason? Because of a man who is clearly narcissistic and has the wealth and power to regain the power he lust for through any means he can.

The repub party will be complicit to his planned overthrow of the US government.
The slow rolling coup is what Biden is doing right now... you really are a low IQ moron..
Can't imagine what it's like for them, but it's good to know that at least some aren't willing to sell their soul.
I expect they are being seen as outcast. I look at the demise of Eugene McCarthy and I wonder how long and how much destruction it will take before someone asked....
The slow rolling coup is what Biden is doing right now... you really are a low IQ moron..
Biden was elected by the largest number of voters in US history. Over 60 court cases, including judges appointed by trump, have affirmed the victory. Here we are 10 months later and the former guy, the Liar in Chief, is still trying to have the 2020 election results invalidated. trump is a treasonous SOB.
I expect they are being seen as outcast. I look at the demise of Eugene McCarthy and I wonder how long and how much destruction it will take before someone asked....

Biden was elected by the largest number of voters in US history. Over 60 court cases, including judges appointed by trump, have affirmed the victory. Here we are 10 months later and the former guy, the Liar in Chief, is still trying to have the 2020 election results invalidated. trump is a treasonous SOB.


They'll be on CCPNN, MSNBCCP, Jimmy Kibbles and Bit's Hate Night show... Relevant again for the first time in 30 years.

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