Two sides to every coin: Kim Davis


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
When Prop 8 was in effect in California, you had clerks outrightly ignoring the law by marrying gay couples. There were no consequences, but they violated the law nonetheless. Liberals hailed them as heroes.

When the Supreme Court upheld the right of citizens to bear arms, clerks in Washington DC refused to issue gun permits. Once again, no consequences, and once again, they broke the law and liberals hailed it as an act of courage.

Those states which passed legislation legalizing marijuana did so in the face of established federal laws banning marijuana use. No consequences. None.

When Kate Steinle was murdered San Francisco, it was made clear that the city was one of dozens of "sanctuary cities" across America that do not enforce Federal immigration law. Once again, no consequences. No nothing. Someone died because of the willful noncompliance, because the city chose to let the murderer go instead of handing him over to federal custody. Yet liberals hail these kinds of places. Why?

And then ultimately there's Obama, who completely ignores the Supreme Court and therefore the US Constitution in general, and suffers no consequences for such behavior.

But when we get to the lowly clerk in Kentucky, suddenly the law applies. As it should. I happen to hold both sides accountable to the law. Laws are legal until they are struck down or stayed pending an appeal or what have you and anyone who is anyone should be made to obey the law. Not a difficult concept.

I know, I know, "in Nazi Germany, what Hitler did was legal" and all, but we are not nor will we ever be a country ruled by a genocidal megalomaniac. A great deal (but not all) of our laws are justified and rooted in precedent.

Here's the thing. We are a nation of laws. When we become a nation of men, we are done. Finished. The great experiment will fail. Kim Davis should still uphold her oath and obey the law, and we should hold that same expectation for all government officials instead of looking the other way when they don't.

Man should obey the law, not make the law obey man.
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Clerks have never been able to marry people. They were forced to issue gun permits. Federal authorities busted a lot of businesses that were legal by state law. Your crap about Obama is just stupid right wing hyperbole. None of the situations you mentioned were allowed to continue. She was warned what would happen just as the previously mentioned situations received warnings. Perhaps she should have done what the other clerks chose to do. Obey the law.
Yes, let the butthurt flow through you young one..

So, do you acknowledge that Democratic clerks in the past chose not to do their jobs just like Kim Davis did? Or is what she's doing simply the exception to the rule?

Ahh, and we have to resort to agism. Can it you old crone.
actually, the clerks that issued the same sex licenses were doing their jobs.
When Prop 8 was in effect in California, you had clerks outrightly ignoring the law by marrying gay couples. There were no consequences, but they violated the law nonetheless. Liberals hailed them as heroes.


When the Supreme Court upheld the right of citizens to bear arms, clerks in Washington DC refused to issue gun permits. Once again, no consequences, and once again, they broke the law and liberals hailed it as an act of courage.


Those states which passed legislation legalizing marijuana did so in the face of established federal laws banning marijuana use. No consequences. None.

When Kate Steinle was murdered San Francisco, it was made clear that the city was one of dozens of "sanctuary cities" across America that do not enforce Federal immigration law. Once again, no consequences. No nothing. Someone died because of the willful noncompliance, because the city chose to let the murderer go instead of handing him over to federal custody. Yet liberals hail these kinds of places. Why?

Your comparisons don't work. The SCOTUS hasn't ruled against either Marijuana legalization, or "sanctuary cities", and both are examples of locally passed laws that contradict or circumvent federal laws, not examples of people refusing to do their legal jobs because of "religion".

And then ultimately there's Obama, who completely ignores the Supreme Court and therefore the US Constitution in general, and suffers no consequences for such behavior.

Link? How has Obama "completely ignored the Supreme Court"?

But when we get to the lowly clerk in Kentucky, suddenly the law applies. As it should. I happen to hold both sides accountable to the law. Laws are legal until they are struck down or stayed pending an appeal or what have you and anyone who is anyone should be made to obey the law. Not a difficult concept.

I don't worship at the alter of law and order, and "obeying the law" isn't the issue here - the issue is fulfilling the job requirements for the job you ran for.

I know, I know, "in Nazi Germany, what Hitler did was legal" and all, but we are not nor will we ever be a country ruled by a genocidal megalomaniac. A great deal (but not all) of our laws are justified and rooted in precedent.

Here's the thing. We are a nation of laws. When we become a nation of men, we are done. Finished. The great experiment will fail. Kim Davis should still uphold her oath and obey the law, and we should hold that same expectation for all government officials instead of looking the other way when they don't.

Man should obey the law, not make the law obey man.

The law comes from man. It's not as simple as you make it out to be.

If a law was passed that required you to murder your family, would you follow it?
When Prop 8 was in effect in California, you had clerks outrightly ignoring the law by marrying gay couples. There were no consequences, but they violated the law nonetheless. Liberals hailed them as heroes.

When the Supreme Court upheld the right of citizens to bear arms, clerks in Washington DC refused to issue gun permits. Once again, no consequences, and once again, they broke the law and liberals hailed it as an act of courage.

Those states which passed legislation legalizing marijuana did so in the face of established federal laws banning marijuana use. No consequences. None.

When Kate Steinle was murdered San Francisco, it was made clear that the city was one of dozens of "sanctuary cities" across America that do not enforce Federal immigration law. Once again, no consequences. No nothing. Someone died because of the willful noncompliance, because the city chose to let the murderer go instead of handing him over to federal custody. Yet liberals hail these kinds of places. Why?

And then ultimately there's Obama, who completely ignores the Supreme Court and therefore the US Constitution in general, and suffers no consequences for such behavior.

But when we get to the lowly clerk in Kentucky, suddenly the law applies. As it should. I happen to hold both sides accountable to the law. Laws are legal until they are struck down or stayed pending an appeal or what have you and anyone who is anyone should be made to obey the law. Not a difficult concept.

I know, I know, "in Nazi Germany, what Hitler did was legal" and all, but we are not nor will we ever be a country ruled by a genocidal megalomaniac. A great deal (but not all) of our laws are justified and rooted in precedent.

Here's the thing. We are a nation of laws. When we become a nation of men, we are done. Finished. The great experiment will fail. Kim Davis should still uphold her oath and obey the law, and we should hold that same expectation for all government officials instead of looking the other way when they don't.

Man should obey the law, not make the law obey man.
And where was that happening?
All the marriage licenses issued by Mayor Newsom in California were nulled and voided. So much for "no consquences".

California Supreme Court Rules Same-Sex Marriages Null And Void

Well, that's the case that triggered it all - the lawsuits filed after that ruling is what led to same sex marriage becoming legal in the first place, which was then followed by Prop. 8.

So you can look at the consequences in other ways, as well.
I guess we can assume there is no link coming....
It would suck if this topic's cries of moral outrage were built on false premises.

Wouldn't be the first time, though. Not by a long shot.
When Prop 8 was in effect in California, you had clerks outrightly ignoring the law by marrying gay couples. There were no consequences, but they violated the law nonetheless. Liberals hailed them as heroes.

When the Supreme Court upheld the right of citizens to bear arms, clerks in Washington DC refused to issue gun permits. Once again, no consequences, and once again, they broke the law and liberals hailed it as an act of courage.

Those states which passed legislation legalizing marijuana did so in the face of established federal laws banning marijuana use. No consequences. None.

When Kate Steinle was murdered San Francisco, it was made clear that the city was one of dozens of "sanctuary cities" across America that do not enforce Federal immigration law. Once again, no consequences. No nothing. Someone died because of the willful noncompliance, because the city chose to let the murderer go instead of handing him over to federal custody. Yet liberals hail these kinds of places. Why?

And then ultimately there's Obama, who completely ignores the Supreme Court and therefore the US Constitution in general, and suffers no consequences for such behavior.

But when we get to the lowly clerk in Kentucky, suddenly the law applies. As it should. I happen to hold both sides accountable to the law. Laws are legal until they are struck down or stayed pending an appeal or what have you and anyone who is anyone should be made to obey the law. Not a difficult concept.

I know, I know, "in Nazi Germany, what Hitler did was legal" and all, but we are not nor will we ever be a country ruled by a genocidal megalomaniac. A great deal (but not all) of our laws are justified and rooted in precedent.

Here's the thing. We are a nation of laws. When we become a nation of men, we are done. Finished. The great experiment will fail. Kim Davis should still uphold her oath and obey the law, and we should hold that same expectation for all government officials instead of looking the other way when they don't.

Man should obey the law, not make the law obey man.

The problem is that the clerk was elected to her position by the people. It is HER office. Legally speaking, those other clerks in HER office work for HER. I venture that any marriage license issued by anyone other than that duly elected clerk is null and void if issued without her permission. These gay and lesbians who are getting these marriage licenses are really not legally married folks because the licenses they were issued were not issued under HER auspices with her blessings.
Same-sex marriage in California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From February 12 to March 11, 2004, under the direction of Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco, officials of the City and County of San Francisco issued marriage licenses to approximately 4,000 same-sex couples. During the month that licenses were issued, couples traveled from all over the United States and from other countries to be married. On August 12, citing the mayor's lack of authority to bypass state law, the Supreme Court of California ruled that the marriages were void.
You have to love when this stuff can be thrown back at these self-righteous people putting down this lady and to think: it's ALL OVER a freaking piece of paper. here they say, throw her in jail and throw the key away. hell one person wanted to make an example of her. I had visions of them wanting to bury her in a hole up to her neck and stoning her to death, Our society has become hateful and downright vicious all over a piece of PAPER

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