Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?
White Democrats are irrelevant and virtually powerless.

Once blacks realize this they will simply take over the leadership positions and you morons will finally understand that black racism was the biggest reason why black people don’t join Republicans.
Someone is afraid of black people it would appear. Care to share where they touched you?

As if Blacks are a beautiful portion of our society.
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

Have you sent along your 'observations' to the Democrat party or do you think they are just too terrified to hear the news?

Why clue them in ?

If they can't figure it out for themselves.....all the better for conservatives.

The GOP on the other hand, can't shoot itself in the foot endough.
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

LOL, but Blacks in the U.S.A are even worse than Mexicans in the U.S.A...
Nobody gives a shit about sanctuary cities

Except Fox News

You only wish that was true.

Lots of people are fed up.

And the GOP is going to lose big :5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
The GOP and gramps are whistling past the grave yard They're getting ready for a super ass kicking at our next elections UNLESS they get more help from their Russian buddies

LOL, yeah! That's it Russians must've rigged the elections so that Trump lost the popular vote.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.

If so, you seem to have celebrated prematurely.

Now-a-days a good deal of Mexican legal citizens, with a lot of Democrat voters, will increase in population size due to higher birth rates..
Nobody gives a shit about sanctuary cities

Except Fox News

You only wish that was true.

Lots of people are fed up.

And the GOP is going to lose big :5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
The GOP and gramps are whistling past the grave yard They're getting ready for a super ass kicking at our next elections UNLESS they get more help from their Russian buddies

LOL, yeah! That's it Russians must've rigged the elections so that Trump lost the popular vote.
They TARGETED the states that were previously Dem Mich Penn etc etc You can't believe russia helped drumph???
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be...

Which Republicans are going after Mexicans who are in this country legally; or otherwise showing any hatred toward those who are not criminals or illegal invaders?

You moron, look at the holocaust deniers who hate on anything the isn't white...Where have you been?
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?


You mean black people?

You.meant DemocratIC party, right?

Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

Put up the funding for the wall or shut the fuck up.

Haaa Haaa Mexico is going to pay for it..but at this point I don't care if my taxes go up to pay for it.. but it is going to be another political backdrop for the Righties next couple elections..
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

The party quadrupled down on stupid and anti-Americanism. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure out that's not a winning policy for an American political party.
This thread reminds me of ones that proclaim the GOP is dying. Wishful thinking on both sides.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be...

Which Republicans are going after Mexicans who are in this country legally; or otherwise showing any hatred toward those who are not criminals or illegal invaders?

You moron, look at the holocaust deniers who hate on anything the isn't white...Where have you been?

Shh. If you don't mention them, maybe they won't come.
You moron, look at the holocaust deniers who hate on anything the isn't white...Where have you been?

You're trying to smear conservatives and Republicans by falsely associating us with a tiny, insignificant group of extremist freaks who have nothing whatsoever to do with the overwhelmingly vast majority of us. Such desperate deceitfulness is not at all surprising from your kind.
You moron, look at the holocaust deniers who hate on anything the isn't white...Where have you been?

You're trying to smear conservatives and Republicans by falsely associating us with a tiny, insignificant group of extremist freaks who have nothing whatsoever to do with the overwhelmingly vast majority of us. Such desperate deceitfulness is not at all surprising from your kind.
You mean there are some good people among the rest?
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

Put up the funding for the wall or shut the fuck up.

Haaa Haaa Mexico is going to pay for it..but at this point I don't care if my taxes go up to pay for it.. but it is going to be another political backdrop for the Righties next couple elections..

I seriously doubt it.

Senior Trump.jpeg
Nobody gives a shit about sanctuary cities

Except Fox News

You only wish that was true.

Lots of people are fed up.

And the GOP is going to lose big :5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024::5_1_12024:
The GOP and gramps are whistling past the grave yard They're getting ready for a super ass kicking at our next elections UNLESS they get more help from their Russian buddies

LOL, yeah! That's it Russians must've rigged the elections so that Trump lost the popular vote.
They TARGETED the states that were previously Dem Mich Penn etc etc You can't believe russia helped drumph???

You can't believe you ran a crooked as hell witch and lost?

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