Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

Put up the funding for the wall or shut the fuck up.
He should not have lied to us all, and said, under no uncertain terms, Mexico, would PAY for the wall....

The Trumpster also could have kept 30 billion of the 1000 billion dollar tax cut for the corporations, to pay for the wall......

Me thinks you have no wall, because Trump never had any true intention of building one..... :rolleyes:

Don't count your chickens. He may be able to use some of the military spending for the wall. Wait and see.
At this moment, no, definitely not. The Regressives are driving this bus.

However, I guess it's possible that regular liberal voices could regain a foothold if the blowback you're predicting comes to fruition. I suspect the bigger concern than the sanctuary city thing is the possibility that a Kanye West or some similar cultural figure created enough momentum for change. The Regressives have controlled popular culture for so long that it's their, uh, Safe Space. They can't lose that.

Pompous Mac, making the Democratic Party safe for White People again.

One more time- THIS GUY


Is not going to vote Democratic. He didn't vote democratic when Bush crashed the economy and the banks foreclosed on his double wide. He didn't vote Democratic when Mitt Romney moved his factory job to China. So sucking up to him isn't going to work, ever. There's really no point wasting your time on him.

All the Democrats have to do is wait for Trump to crash the economy, and enough people will realize what an awful mistake they made electing him. Then we redistrict congress to keep them out!

Problem solved.
If Democrats would offer a bill that would have certain things like:

1. Dreamers should be offer four year service which mean join a branch of the Military, serve four years and be switched to resident with a pathway to citizenship.

Those that do not and do not have a criminal records would be given a five year work or student visa but after the five year they must leave the country and either return to their birth land or a country that will accept them.

Why should we do that? Frankly, besides the fact that you would have a military entirely made up of foreigners (ask the Romans how well that worked out) why should these kids have to serve twice as long in the military to get citizenship?

4. Doing away with the Anchor Baby Status.

This must be changed because it os abused too much.

Um, sorry, bud, it's in the constitution...

5. Going after private and corporate employers that knowingly hire illegal workforce with harsh penalties that includes cash fines with prison time.


Many of Trump voters would not go for this and I doubt many of on yhe left would either but I believe this is the best answer.

Many Trump voters are the ones who hire a pickup full of Mexican day laborers to hang drywall at their house when their friends stop helping with the DIY project that turned out to be much harder than HGTV made it look.

Here's the reality... there are some jobs Americans don't want to do because they are too labor intensive or don't pay enough or both. so we all do a nod and a wink when these folks come over the border and do them. And we all tolerate bigots like Trump railing against them.
Last edited:
In 2045 America will be minority white. At that point we can say goodbye to our freedoms and have a Brazilian style government.

This is why the Democrats have become the anti-white party. They can't wait that long. They need to make whites a minority as soon as possible. That's why they are fighting the wall, sanctuary cities, Voter-ID, anything that stops them from their goal of making the US a one-party country forever.
My God, you're stupid.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

We tried amnesty once. All it did was lure more illegals in, hoping they would someday get the same deal. Another amnesty would guarantee a third wave into America.

Descendants of immigrants themselves, Americans have a long, complicated history with immigration

Had limits on immigration through history. Why we need it now

1. From 1924 'til 1965, immigration was reduced to near zero.

2. To prove that everything Democrats do is designed to increase their power, a rightwing pundit offered this suggestion:

Give amnesty to all the immigrants, as Democrats wish, but stipulate that they will not be allowed to vote for 25 years.

Why are no Democrats interested in this proposal?
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

Also as far as the blacks most people can see how Obama was treated with so much hate and the racists have come out in droves..I also feel that the GOP is doing everything they can to keep them down... They were born here just like you and I were..
Obama is and was a pure racist, A hate filled piece of shit...
His mother was white and he lived with his grandparents after she died.
And you call him racist?

You're the racist. Admit it. Come on, tell the truth. You hate Obama because you are angry we had a black president. Be truthful.
Steve Bannon said your kind should just come out and be proud of being racist. Let everyone know. Walk with your head held high.
First of all I’m a minority, don’t you progressives believe minorities cannot be racist?
And by the way Obama is only half black
Are you indian Rustic?
Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?
At this moment, no, definitely not. The Regressives are driving this bus.

However, I guess it's possible that regular liberal voices could regain a foothold if the blowback you're predicting comes to fruition. I suspect the bigger concern than the sanctuary city thing is the possibility that a Kanye West or some similar cultural figure created enough momentum for change. The Regressives have controlled popular culture for so long that it's their, uh, Safe Space. They can't lose that.
they use to be the party of civil rights, instead they are operating as disrespectful and anti-american openly telling the blacks f you. They truly have not moved on from the civil war.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully

The notion of repubs hating on anyone not white is msnbc propaganda and discredits your argument.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

Put up the funding for the wall or shut the fuck up.
He should not have lied to us all, and said, under no uncertain terms, Mexico, would PAY for the wall....

The Trumpster also could have kept 30 billion of the 1000 billion dollar tax cut for the corporations, to pay for the wall......

Me thinks you have no wall, because Trump never had any true intention of building one..... :rolleyes:
Useless wall

caravan immigrants sitting on the wall photo - Google Search:
That isn't "the wall," dumbass. That's the pathetic useless fence put up by the Bush administration.
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

Also as far as the blacks most people can see how Obama was treated with so much hate and the racists have come out in droves..I also feel that the GOP is doing everything they can to keep them down... They were born here just like you and I were..
Obama is and was a pure racist, A hate filled piece of shit...
His mother was white and he lived with his grandparents after she died.
And you call him racist?

You're the racist. Admit it. Come on, tell the truth. You hate Obama because you are angry we had a black president. Be truthful.
Steve Bannon said your kind should just come out and be proud of being racist. Let everyone know. Walk with your head held high.
First of all I’m a minority, don’t you progressives believe minorities cannot be racist?
And by the way Obama is only half black
Are you indian Rustic?
Yes, 100% Oglala Sioux
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.
The man who got the the bill for the illegals to stay is a mexican. ( he used his own power for this) is not going away, we need to be smart put a good border around and get the ones abusing and allowed to stay after being jailed..not the hard working students and families..they have been here for years doing the minimum wage 10 in a house..
Yes they all broke the law , no one is going to allow the cops to round them all up..but this keeping all of them is bullshit...

Put up the funding for the wall or shut the fuck up.
He should not have lied to us all, and said, under no uncertain terms, Mexico, would PAY for the wall....

The Trumpster also could have kept 30 billion of the 1000 billion dollar tax cut for the corporations, to pay for the wall......

Me thinks you have no wall, because Trump never had any true intention of building one..... :rolleyes:
There will be a can count on it coming sooner than later. Thanks caravan for helping the movement to build a wall gain steam with the American people.
It doesn't matter if there is a wall or not, when it comes to this Caravan of people from Central and South America....

They are not looking to cross the border illegally.

They are seeking asylum, which REQUIRES them to cross the border legally, with border security guards and INS so that they can legally be put in to the system as asylum seekers, and get their due process....

About 70% will be rejected as refugees, once they are processed through the legal protocol, and a Judge determines their status.

I believe, I heard on TV, but not 100% certain, they put ankle monitoring bracelets on them now, until they move through the legal process.

It's LAW that we have to take in Asylum Seekers, and give them due process....most do not get refugee status in the end and are removed, is my understanding of the process...
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
It's not about Mexican vs the GOP. It's about illegal status. We are either a nation of laws or we are not.

If so, you seem to have celebrated prematurely.

Now-a-days a good deal of Mexican legal citizens, with a lot of Democrat voters, will increase in population size due to higher birth rates..

Democrats abort their babies. Don't count on democrat increases in population. They make too much money selling the body parts.
In 2045 America will be minority white. At that point we can say goodbye to our freedoms and have a Brazilian style government.

This is why the Democrats have become the anti-white party. They can't wait that long. They need to make whites a minority as soon as possible. That's why they are fighting the wall, sanctuary cities, Voter-ID, anything that stops them from their goal of making the US a one-party country forever.

And supporting those who kill whites. Those are the real heroes. Why do you think democrats want MS-13 to be bigger and more powerful?
Also as far as the blacks most people can see how Obama was treated with so much hate and the racists have come out in droves..I also feel that the GOP is doing everything they can to keep them down... They were born here just like you and I were..
Obama is and was a pure racist, A hate filled piece of shit...
His mother was white and he lived with his grandparents after she died.
And you call him racist?

You're the racist. Admit it. Come on, tell the truth. You hate Obama because you are angry we had a black president. Be truthful.
Steve Bannon said your kind should just come out and be proud of being racist. Let everyone know. Walk with your head held high.
First of all I’m a minority, don’t you progressives believe minorities cannot be racist?
And by the way Obama is only half black
Are you indian Rustic?
Yes, 100% Oglala Sioux
I know a minister who works at Pine Ridge and we have helped them with some things
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

Anytime people start actually thinking for themselves, it is a real terrifying prospect for the folks at DNC.
Morning Gramps,

If the republicans reached out to the outstanding mexican top students and went after the ones breaking the law...I would back them...But the republicans seem to hate on anything that is not white, at least that is how it appears to be..
My son has a good friend and student going on a obama grant, I pay for my son of coarse 100% and they are both going to make something of themselves.. and I am 100 % ok with helping a kid who works his ass off..Why can't you support that..

I am angry at the way my hospital has gone all quantity vs quality giving free medical care they missed my illness of throwing up for 30 days which is spread allover me. because of being so busy trying to get people through being it is the law that they have to treat you even if you don't have insurance.. I will never go there was awful. I do not support that..

So as far as the sanctuary bills we need to read each one carefully
I've never heard of republicans having issues with legal immigration. I'm sure a few may but that hardly represents an entire base despite how popular that thought process is these days for both sides.

Follow tjr legal process n I'm down to help. Feel above the process or law, I ask why.

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