Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?

Also as far as the blacks most people can see how Obama was treated with so much hate and the racists have come out in droves..I also feel that the GOP is doing everything they can to keep them down... They were born here just like you and I were..
Obama is and was a pure racist, A hate filled piece of shit...
His mother was white and he lived with his grandparents after she died.
And you call him racist?

You're the racist. Admit it. Come on, tell the truth. You hate Obama because you are angry we had a black president. Be truthful.
Steve Bannon said your kind should just come out and be proud of being racist. Let everyone know. Walk with your head held high.

Do you get paid to look stupid ?
In 2045 America will be minority white. At that point we can say goodbye to our freedoms and have a Brazilian style government.

This is why the Democrats have become the anti-white party. They can't wait that long. They need to make whites a minority as soon as possible. That's why they are fighting the wall, sanctuary cities, Voter-ID, anything that stops them from their goal of making the US a one-party country forever.

And supporting those who kill whites. Those are the real heroes. Why do you think democrats want MS-13 to be bigger and more powerful?

I wouldn't go that far, but they let MS in because they are minorities.

Get them all in here and hiding in sanctuary cities. If Democrats ever regain full power in the federal government, grant citizenship to every single one. Along with citizenship comes the right to vote. Since every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat, they can turn our country into a single party government forever.
They are seeking asylum, which REQUIRES them to cross the border legally, with border security guards and INS so that they can legally be put in to the system as asylum seekers, and get their due process....

About 70% will be rejected as refugees, once they are processed through the legal protocol, and a Judge determines their status.

They already have asylum from Mexico. You can't trade that in for a better asylum. Asylum is to rescue people from some horrible conditions or country. They already have that from Mexico so any judge would refuse them asylum in the US.
In 2045 America will be minority white. At that point we can say goodbye to our freedoms and have a Brazilian style government.

This is why the Democrats have become the anti-white party. They can't wait that long. They need to make whites a minority as soon as possible. That's why they are fighting the wall, sanctuary cities, Voter-ID, anything that stops them from their goal of making the US a one-party country forever.
My God, you're stupid.

And you are blind as a bat.
I wouldn't go that far, but they let MS in because they are minorities.

Get them all in here and hiding in sanctuary cities. If Democrats ever regain full power in the federal government, grant citizenship to every single one. Along with citizenship comes the right to vote. Since every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat, they can turn our country into a single party government forever.

Well, if your racist party hadn't spent the last 40 years alienating minorities with racist campaign, YOU WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION, would you.

Ray's greatest fear... he might have to live as a "minority".

You can believe what you want, Racist From Cleveland, but the courts have upheld birthright citizenship for a long time.

Which is why it should be revisited by the court again. the 14th was not for anchor babies, it was for former slaves and their children.
I wouldn't go that far, but they let MS in because they are minorities.

Get them all in here and hiding in sanctuary cities. If Democrats ever regain full power in the federal government, grant citizenship to every single one. Along with citizenship comes the right to vote. Since every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat, they can turn our country into a single party government forever.

Well, if your racist party hadn't spent the last 40 years alienating minorities with racist campaign, YOU WOULDN'T BE IN THIS SITUATION, would you.

Ray's greatest fear... he might have to live as a "minority".

It should be every white persons fear. What other group outside of liberal whites would support their government making them a minority? Nobody else around the world would do something so stupid.
Which is why it should be revisited by the court again. the 14th was not for anchor babies, it was for former slaves and their children.

The Second Amendment was about Militias, not gun ownership... but you guys will insist up and down that we can't touch your guns.

It should be every white persons fear. What other group outside of liberal whites would support their government making them a minority? Nobody else around the world would do something so stupid.

No, man, I don't worry about it. Just because white people have acted pretty shitty when they were in the Majority doesn't mean minorities will.

You see, here's the thing. YOu see divisions as being on wealth. I realize that if you aren't part of the One Percent, we are all pretty much in the same boat the One Percent tries to sink.

The ONe percent have cancelled your health insurance, left you in a crappy job and a crumbling city, and you STILL support them because they have the same skin tone you do. To them, you are truly expendable.
The Second Amendment was about Militias, not gun ownership... but you guys will insist up and down that we can't touch your guns.

Actually the amendment was for both. But your selective reading won't allow you to process that.

No, man, I don't worry about it. Just because white people have acted pretty shitty when they were in the Majority doesn't mean minorities will.

You think so? Then try moving into one of their neighborhoods sometime and see how they teat you.

You see, here's the thing. YOu see divisions as being on wealth. I realize that if you aren't part of the One Percent, we are all pretty much in the same boat the One Percent tries to sink.

The ONe percent have cancelled your health insurance, left you in a crappy job and a crumbling city, and you STILL support them because they have the same skin tone you do. To them, you are truly expendable.

Yeah, my insurance got canceled because of the one percent.........the one percent that ran our government during Commie Care.

But the actual one percent never harmed a hair on my head. The one percent gives my company work so I have a job. The one percent gives to charities so we rely less on government. The one percent built all those huge buildings downtown so other people have a place to work. The one percent built housing and rentals so people have a place to live. The one percent have built college and hospital wings for sick people to get treated.

So how is it the one percent were so beneficial when Republicans ran the city and so crappy when Democrats took over? Of course, it can't be the Democrats. It has to be the one percent.
Many think it's time for whites to experience how the other half lives.

It's going to be difficult because I do not know how to be irresponsible, family abandoning, blaming, perpetual victim, on government dole, disproportionately prone to incarceration, constantly late, lousy to women, hateful of authority including police, undereducated with hand always out and finger always pointing
Actually the amendment was for both. But your selective reading won't allow you to process that.

Um, not, it really wasn't. Private gun ownership was actually pretty rare in 1776. The "I gots to have me some guns" interpretation is a modern invention.

You think so? Then try moving into one of their neighborhoods sometime and see how they teat you.

I lived in a minority neighborhood (Cicero, IL) for about 13 years. They treated me just fine.

The one percent built all those huge buildings downtown so other people have a place to work.

Guy, I've seen your downtown... most of the buildings are old except or the ones run by the banks... It's kind of the last stage of a malignant cancer.

The one percent have built college and hospital wings for sick people to get treated.

Um, no, it's mostly government that does that.

Again, the mistake you battered housewife Republicans make is you think a parasite is a vital organ. We could do just fine without the One Percent... The Europeans do just fine without the uber rich... so do the Japanese.
Um, not, it really wasn't. Private gun ownership was actually pretty rare in 1776. The "I gots to have me some guns" interpretation is a modern invention.

So how did they hunt, bow and arrow? You do know that government didn't always provide weaponry in the event of war, don't you? People brought their own firearms if needed. This was especially true if a militia was to be needed.

I lived in a minority neighborhood (Cicero, IL) for about 13 years. They treated me just fine.

Hmmm. Well I looked it up, and it seems the majority of your area is white with less than 4% blacks. Lots of Hispanics, but hispanics are usually not a real problem in most areas.

Guy, I've seen your downtown... most of the buildings are old except or the ones run by the banks... It's kind of the last stage of a malignant cancer.

So how were your big buildings built in Chicago, by the homeless?

Um, no, it's mostly government that does that.

Again, the mistake you battered housewife Republicans make is you think a parasite is a vital organ. We could do just fine without the One Percent... The Europeans do just fine without the uber rich... so do the Japanese.

No,outside of community colleges, the government doesn't fund hospital and college wings. They are mostly funded with money from the consumers of these products and again, donations from the very wealthy.

If we took every poor person from the US and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, our society would be much greater. If we took all the rich people from the US and did the same, the country collapses.

Where do you think our government gets the money for all these wonderful social programs, our military, our government and government agencies? The homeless?

The wealthy are the most vital part of our country, and without them, we don't have much of a country left.
So how did they hunt, bow and arrow? You do know that government didn't always provide weaponry in the event of war, don't you? People brought their own firearms if needed. This was especially true if a militia was to be needed.

That's simply not true. Here's a hint. When the attack came on Lexington and Concorde, the Brits weren't seizing weapons from home, they were seizing the local armory.

Hmmm. Well I looked it up, and it seems the majority of your area is white with less than 4% blacks. Lots of Hispanics, but hispanics are usually not a real problem in most areas.

Um, Cicero is 89% Hispanic... so your claim that OH MY GOD THE MINORITIES ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL doesn't hold water.

If we took every poor person from the US and put them on an island somewhere, nobody would miss them. In fact, our society would be much greater. If we took all the rich people from the US and did the same, the country collapses.

If we took all the racist rednecks like you and put you on an Island... there would be rejoicing.
Um, Cicero is 89% Hispanic... so your claim that OH MY GOD THE MINORITIES ARE GOING TO KILL US ALL doesn't hold water.

As of the 2010 census, 83,891 people, 22,101 households, and 17,752 families resided in the town. The population density was 14,315.9 people per square mile (5,527.4/km²). There were 24,329 housing units at an average density of 4,151.7 per square mile (1,600.6/km²). The racial makeup of the town was 51.9% White (9.2% Non-Hispanic white), 3.8% African American, 0.8% Native American, 0.6% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander American, 39.3% some other race, and 3.5% from two or more races. 89.6% of the population were Hispanic or Latino of any race, with 80.2% of Mexican descent.[6]

Hmmm. So according to Wiki, 52% of the population is white while 90% of the population is Hispanic? Why don't these numbers add up unless you combine whites and Hispanics together?

If we took all the racist rednecks like you and put you on an Island... there would be rejoicing.

Actually it would be even better if we did the same with liberals. Nobody needs liberals around. They are violent trouble makers.
(9.2% Non-Hispanic white)

Hmmm. So according to Wiki, 52% of the population is white while 90% of the population is Hispanic? Why don't these numbers add up unless you combine whites and Hispanics together?

No, it's 9.2% white. The problem with the Census questions on race is that it is confusing as fuck. It has a question about what race you are, when Most Hispanics are a mixture of races. (Latin American never had our idiotic racial policies.)

Actually it would be even better if we did the same with liberals. Nobody needs liberals around. They are violent trouble makers.

No, you see, the thing is, the only reason why the One Percent keeps fucking Americans is dumb, inbred bible-thumping rednecks keep voting in Republicans.

Then when you stupid fuck watch your jobs go to China and your health insurance get cancelled, you scratch your big monkey craniums and wonder why Rich people screwed you.

No, you see, the thing is, the only reason why the One Percent keeps fucking Americans is dumb, inbred bible-thumping rednecks keep voting in Republicans.

Then when you stupid fuck watch your jobs go to China and your health insurance get cancelled, you scratch your big monkey craniums and wonder why Rich people screwed you.

Then why didn't the rich people screw me until Ears got into the White House?

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