Two trends that must be terrifying for the Democrat party.

Then why didn't the rich people screw me until Ears got into the White House?

They were screwing you all along.... you were just too stupid to notice.

Well if that's how you feel, then quit giving the 1% your money! You give them money night and day and then complain about it. That's like complaining about bird crap on your car all the time. Look dummy! If you don't want bird crap on your car all the time, quit parking your car under a tree!

And don't worry about a thing, we will miss you. Because by boycotting the 1%, that means you won't have internet access anymore. It means you won't have a cell phone anymore. Just borrow other people's phones. You won't have time to talk or be on the internet anyway since you will have to hunt for your food instead of buying it from the 1% who brings your food to you. Books are great too! You'll need them with no cable or satellite television. So get some oil on that bike chain because the 1% made the car you drive, and I know you'll get rid of. The 1% make all the busses and trains, so a bike is the only way to escape giving them anymore of your money.

You'll be fine. Just think how many thousands of years people got along before we started to give our money to other people to make them the 1% they are today. I think you'll survive. Just avoid getting sick or having a medical condition that would require treatment from the 1% at hospitals and those who make all that medical equipment to determine your problem and the solution to it.
Well if that's how you feel, then quit giving the 1% your money! You give them money night and day and then complain about it.

dude, you are sputtering...

We have a solution to the one percent having too much of the money.

Fair wage laws, universal health care and make the fuckers pay their fair share.

"easy-peasy lemon squeezy" as my 3 year old nephew likes to say.
Well if that's how you feel, then quit giving the 1% your money! You give them money night and day and then complain about it.

dude, you are sputtering...

We have a solution to the one percent having too much of the money.

Fair wage laws, universal health care and make the fuckers pay their fair share.

"easy-peasy lemon squeezy" as my 3 year old nephew likes to say.

Can your nephew say the word HYPOCRITE? Because that's what their Uncle is.

Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.

The top 20% of wage earners pay over 85% of all collected income taxes in our country. I would say that's more than their fair share. But you leftists are so selfish......all you can obsess on is how much more we should take from them. Oh, but what about those top 1% people who don't pay enough? They pay almost 40% of all collected income taxes in our country.
Blowback from rational Americans on the sanctuary city/state policies.

Blacks rising up against the left on social media platforms.

Both situations if allowed to continue growing would spell disaster for the Democrat party. Especially the blacks speaking out against the left. It is quite clear that without that voting block the left would cease to exist as effective opposition to the GOP.
When considering this the sudden rise of reparations talk amongst the left makes complete sense as a last ditch effort to keep the plantation operational.

Now I am not saying the elections are going to flip anytime soon but I do see the trends that dont bode well for the left gaining steam.

The real question is can the rational people on the left regain control of their party and stop this train before it completely derails? Are there enough Jim Webbs left in the party to bring it back to where it once was?
All of this is just fluff. What matters is, you know, facts and trends. Democrats have won almost every election since Trump’s inauguration and there have been a lot of them. The deep red republican win of late in AZ was by a margin of 5 points. Face it: the GOP is scared shitless. Dems will take the House in 2018.
Can your nephew say the word HYPOCRITE? Because that's what their Uncle is.

Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.

Actually, wealth inequity causes all sorts of problems. You bitch all day about how there are welfare people, but guess what, we wouldn't need welfare of people got a living wage. You bitch all day about your inability to get health insurance because your employer doesn't consider you worth insuring, but you wouldn't have an issue if we had universal coverage.

See how that works?

The top 20% of wage earners pay over 85% of all collected income taxes in our country. I would say that's more than their fair share. But you leftists are so selfish......all you can obsess on is how much more we should take from them. Oh, but what about those top 1% people who don't pay enough? They pay almost 40% of all collected income taxes in our country.

Um, yeah... here's the thing. The top 20% have 87% of the wealth. The top 1% has 43% of the wealth. So they aren't paying their fair share, that's the point. And that's just income tax, we won't even get into flat taxes like Social Security or Medicare where the rich are capped off, or various things like sales taxes which impact the poor more.

The rich are not paying their fair share.
Actually, wealth inequity causes all sorts of problems. You bitch all day about how there are welfare people, but guess what, we wouldn't need welfare of people got a living wage. You bitch all day about your inability to get health insurance because your employer doesn't consider you worth insuring, but you wouldn't have an issue if we had universal coverage.

See how that works?

If you want to make a living wage, then get a job that pays a living wage. You leftists really hate personal responsibility, don't you? Hey! We need tens of thousands of drivers companies can't find. Send all those people who are not making a living wage our way. Many places will even train you for free. After two years of experience, you have a career for life. You can go anywhere you want; you can live anywhere you want. Never have to worry about being unemployed again or working for substandard wages.

Thanks to Trump, the wealthy just got wealthier. Did that change your situation any? Did it change mine? Did it change anybody's? Well.......yes it did. Thousands of people got raises and bonuses.

Um, yeah... here's the thing. The top 20% have 87% of the wealth. The top 1% has 43% of the wealth. So they aren't paying their fair share, that's the point. And that's just income tax, we won't even get into flat taxes like Social Security or Medicare where the rich are capped off, or various things like sales taxes which impact the poor more.

The rich are not paying their fair share.

Yes, that's not including all taxes. They too pay state taxes like the rest of us, only much more. They too pay city tax, just much more than the rest of us. They too pay county taxes, just much more than the rest of us.

There is no "the wealth." Your leaders have brainwashed you into believing that we live in a capsule. There is only so much money in our capsule, and if one has too much, that's why others have too little. The biggest liberal lie they ever promoted.

If not for the wealthy, you would be living out in the street like most everybody else.
If you want to make a living wage, then get a job that pays a living wage. You leftists really hate personal responsibility, don't you? Hey! We need tens of thousands of drivers companies can't find. Send all those people who are not making a living wage our way. Many places will even train you for free. After two years of experience, you have a career for life. You can go anywhere you want; you can live anywhere you want. Never have to worry about being unemployed again or working for substandard wages.

Wait, now, you are saying there are all these truck driving jobs out there, and you can't find one that pays health insurance or lets you make enough to move out of a dump like Cleveland? Hmmmmm.... okay.

ALL JOBS should pay a living wage. Not just the ones you are barely capable of doing.

Thanks to Trump, the wealthy just got wealthier. Did that change your situation any? Did it change mine? Did it change anybody's? Well.......yes it did. Thousands of people got raises and bonuses.

Um, yeah, dummy, it's going to affect all of our lives when they have to start finding other sources of income to make up for that money they just gave the rich. For instance, all those tariffs are going to be paid by working people.

Yes, that's not including all taxes. They too pay state taxes like the rest of us, only much more. They too pay city tax, just much more than the rest of us. They too pay county taxes, just much more than the rest of us.

Um, no, they really don't... nowhere near. Most states have a flat income tax. Sales taxes impact working people more because- wait for it - more of their income is spent on consumer goods.

There is no "the wealth." Your leaders have brainwashed you into believing that we live in a capsule. There is only so much money in our capsule, and if one has too much, that's why others have too little. The biggest liberal lie they ever promoted.

Guy, "wealth" only grows by 2-3% a year... the idea that the shift of the wealth from the working class to the investor class is "healthy" is kind of retarded.

Here's a chart for you buddy, so you get the point. Please note that that before the New Deal, the one percent had more than half the wealth... Then we got minimum wage laws, unionization, progressive tax rates, etc. And a funny thing happened, when the One Percent had a "mere" 20% of the wealth, Americans enjoyed their greatest prosperity.



The Ironic thing about Trump is that he has managed to tap into your LIzard brain appreciation of what has happened. You KNOW you aren't living the good life your parents or grandparents lived. You work more hours making other people richer.

But he's managed to play on your racism and resentment and gotten you to blame the darkies next door who are getting a HUD grant to live in a house that is about as shitty as yours.
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.
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Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
Wait, now, you are saying there are all these truck driving jobs out there, and you can't find one that pays health insurance or lets you make enough to move out of a dump like Cleveland? Hmmmmm.... okay.

ALL JOBS should pay a living wage. Not just the ones you are barely capable of doing.

I could find all kinds of jobs. It's just that the government won't let me take 99% of them. That's my fault?

However for those who can pass a DOT physical and drug test, the world is wide open in this profession. Don't believe me? Look at one of your employment sites you told me about and look up Transportation and tell me what you see. In fact, look in any state or city and tell me what you see.

Why should all jobs pay a living wage if you are not going to buy what they are making? That's kind of stupid thinking, even for a liberal.

Um, yeah, dummy, it's going to affect all of our lives when they have to start finding other sources of income to make up for that money they just gave the rich. For instance, all those tariffs are going to be paid by working people.

The tariffs and tax cuts had nothing to do with each other.

So how much are you losing today since the "rich" got their tax cuts?

Um, no, they really don't... nowhere near. Most states have a flat income tax. Sales taxes impact working people more because- wait for it - more of their income is spent on consumer goods.

A flat state tax? You mean the rich pay the exact same amount as the poor? Can you give me the names of a couple of those states? And no, I don't mean Florida where nobody pays state tax.

Guy, "wealth" only grows by 2-3% a year... the idea that the shift of the wealth from the working class to the investor class is "healthy" is kind of retarded.

Here's a chart for you buddy, so you get the point. Please note that that before the New Deal, the one percent had more than half the wealth... Then we got minimum wage laws, unionization, progressive tax rates, etc. And a funny thing happened, when the One Percent had a "mere" 20% of the wealth, Americans enjoyed their greatest prosperity.

Yes they did, and then all the jobs moved out of the country. Congrats.

The Ironic thing about Trump is that he has managed to tap into your LIzard brain appreciation of what has happened. You KNOW you aren't living the good life your parents or grandparents lived. You work more hours making other people richer.

But he's managed to play on your racism and resentment and gotten you to blame the darkies next door who are getting a HUD grant to live in a house that is about as shitty as yours.

That's the problem, it's a good house just like mine. Of course I object to supporting myself and them too. If government wants me to give them housing, let it be in lower income areas instead of the suburbs. I strongly object to that. HUD targets areas for destruction and moves in full force to do just that. Wait until they target your area. Then you'll see.
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP. Reagan ism only works with huge debts and defense spending. The 1% are so bloated now it's ridiculous. And all they produce is minimum wage life is impossible crap jobs. The country is is dying 4 a Giant Non rich tax cut, a big hike on the rich, and investment in America. You are an idiot.
Wait, now, you are saying there are all these truck driving jobs out there, and you can't find one that pays health insurance or lets you make enough to move out of a dump like Cleveland? Hmmmmm.... okay.

ALL JOBS should pay a living wage. Not just the ones you are barely capable of doing.

I could find all kinds of jobs. It's just that the government won't let me take 99% of them. That's my fault?

However for those who can pass a DOT physical and drug test, the world is wide open in this profession. Don't believe me? Look at one of your employment sites you told me about and look up Transportation and tell me what you see. In fact, look in any state or city and tell me what you see.

Why should all jobs pay a living wage if you are not going to buy what they are making? That's kind of stupid thinking, even for a liberal.

Um, yeah, dummy, it's going to affect all of our lives when they have to start finding other sources of income to make up for that money they just gave the rich. For instance, all those tariffs are going to be paid by working people.

The tariffs and tax cuts had nothing to do with each other.

So how much are you losing today since the "rich" got their tax cuts?

Um, no, they really don't... nowhere near. Most states have a flat income tax. Sales taxes impact working people more because- wait for it - more of their income is spent on consumer goods.

A flat state tax? You mean the rich pay the exact same amount as the poor? Can you give me the names of a couple of those states? And no, I don't mean Florida where nobody pays state tax.

Guy, "wealth" only grows by 2-3% a year... the idea that the shift of the wealth from the working class to the investor class is "healthy" is kind of retarded.

Here's a chart for you buddy, so you get the point. Please note that that before the New Deal, the one percent had more than half the wealth... Then we got minimum wage laws, unionization, progressive tax rates, etc. And a funny thing happened, when the One Percent had a "mere" 20% of the wealth, Americans enjoyed their greatest prosperity.

Yes they did, and then all the jobs moved out of the country. Congrats.

The Ironic thing about Trump is that he has managed to tap into your LIzard brain appreciation of what has happened. You KNOW you aren't living the good life your parents or grandparents lived. You work more hours making other people richer.

But he's managed to play on your racism and resentment and gotten you to blame the darkies next door who are getting a HUD grant to live in a house that is about as shitty as yours.

That's the problem, it's a good house just like mine. Of course I object to supporting myself and them too. If government wants me to give them housing, let it be in lower income areas instead of the suburbs. I strongly object to that. HUD targets areas for destruction and moves in full force to do just that. Wait until they target your area. Then you'll see.
Democrats want to give you a huge tax cut, dumbass.
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
And lazy Democrats are black, aren't they, racist dipstick?
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
And lazy Democrats are black, aren't they, racist dipstick?
Obviously you have never been to a rural trailer park LOL...
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
And lazy Democrats are black, aren't they, racist dipstick?

Of course. Only a lib would insert race into a conversation that didn't have race in the first place. Did it ever occur to you and your ilk this is exactly what people are sick of in Democrat politics these days?
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
You are a perfect chump of the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP. Reagan ism only works with huge debts and defense spending. The 1% are so bloated now it's ridiculous. And all they produce is minimum wage life is impossible crap jobs. The country is is dying 4 a Giant Non rich tax cut, a big hike on the rich, and investment in America. You are an idiot.

And you are a commie Socialist.
Offering a solution means that a problem must have that need. There is no problem with most of us on who has what. I don't care what somebody else makes. It's none of my business and it's none of yours. Worry about what you make--not what other people make.
What today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that wealth disparity has a fairly finite shelf life.

As more wealth & influence concentrates itself into a smaller and smaller percentage of the populace, the odds increase that there will be a pushback. It's just human nature, and it sure as hell isn't a tough sell. At some point, the lower strata are going to revolt, and that will manifest at the ballot box. A Libertarian laissez faire approach to wealth makes sense theoretically, but not in real life. Ultimately, people will revolt.

Another thing that today's conservatives don't (or refuse to) see is that, within a capitalist system, there will always be people who have a lesser capacity to create wealth. There will always be people who are simply built to work within it at a higher level. Okay, great. But the issue I point out above, remains.

Remember how fired up the Regressive Left got the Trump base, the role they played in helping him get elected by calling you stupid deplorables? Well, that backfired on them in 2016, didn't it? Calling people lazy freeloaders has pretty much the same effect in the opposite direction. So it's up to you.

I'm not worried too much because the lazy freeloaders never voted Republican in the first place. Lazy freeloaders are Democrats.

The deplorable remark insulted a much wider group of people. For instance, if a female was planning to vote for Hillary because she wanted to see the first female President, but agreed with Trump on many issues, Hillary basically insulted her. Or perhaps people who were on the fence and unsure of who they were going to vote for. Hillary made that decision easy for them.

So here is the way our society works:

People produce goods and services. They sell those goods and services for a profit. When somebody expands their services into let's say a franchise, or has such a good product everybody wants what that producer is making, the producers become the wealthy.

If people revolted, what would they be revolting for? As I pointed out to Joe, the wealthy didn't come in our home when we were working and take our money, we freely gave it to them; we gave it to them in exchange for a product or service we desired to have.

I'm happy to give the one percent my money. Why? Because look at all the things the one-percent create to make my life easier in exchange for my money. I love this internet. I love my Apple computer in spite of it's age. I love my 80" television set and the remote start on my car. I love my cell phone and it's ability to keep me connected to the internet while I'm away from home. I love my lawn tractor that I'll be using next week sometime. I love stopping at McDonald's for breakfast on the weekends. I love the joys of what the one-percent bring to me.

Why would I revolt? Who would I be protesting against, myself? I helped make and maintain the one-percent.
And lazy Democrats are black, aren't they, racist dipstick?

Of course. Only a lib would insert race into a conversation that didn't have race in the first place. Did it ever occur to you and your ilk this is exactly what people are sick of in Democrat politics these days?
You are just using code dot-dot-dot lazy Democrats from the inner city give me a break...

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