Two U.S. Soldiers From Wikileaks ‘Collateral Murder’ Video Apologize In Open Letter

From the 15-6

b. 0620:07 Z (Exhibit B photo) Two individuals are seen openly displaying a RPG and an AKM, while a third individual carries what appears to be a RPG round.

g. 0631:53Z (Exhibit G Photo) The first elements of Bravo Company, 2-16 infantry arrive on scene and begin to secure the area. They discover two RPGs and an AK-47 or AKM among the group of insurgents clustered near the wall.

I will believe the official report.....

How do those times line up with the times from the apache videos? Do you realize you are providing evidence that unarmed civilians were killed?
I'm sure those families feel a whole lot better now.

Dear Mohammed. I was having a very bad day that day, I got my dick caught in my zipper. I'm sorry about getting pissed off and wiping your whole family out with rockets at your daughter wedding.
Have a nice day.
You made the claim that there were NO WEAPONS...back it up. I've watched that video several times and arrive at the same conclusion...there are VISIBLE weapons in the possession of the insurgents. I don't have to post another link to the video in have to prove to me that there were no weapons and the preponderance of the evidence says you will FAIL. The journalists, all 2 of them were quite foolish to be in their company while they were armed.

I watched the video, and there were no weapons.

You have claimed that the army's report said that guns were recovered.

I have not been able to find this "report".

What "preponderance of the evidence" would you be talking about? The video that has no visible weapons in it? These imaginary army reports?

The fact of the matter is, all of the evidence that I've seen, from the testimony of people present (the letter in this thread), every reference I've seen online, and the video itself seem to point against you.

Http:// Brigade Combat Team 15-6 Investigation.pdf

The funny part is it is an edited version of the 15-6 Report but nobody is whining about an edited version being released.

Except looks like you just provided more facts that every single thing you posted is your own little fantasy cooked up in your warped mind. Get back on your meds psycho...we don't need you going around Boston strangling white males and leaving "I hate PP" carved into their chests....:lol:
From the 15-6

b. 0620:07 Z (Exhibit B photo) Two individuals are seen openly displaying a RPG and an AKM, while a third individual carries what appears to be a RPG round.

g. 0631:53Z (Exhibit G Photo) The first elements of Bravo Company, 2-16 infantry arrive on scene and begin to secure the area. They discover two RPGs and an AK-47 or AKM among the group of insurgents clustered near the wall.

I will believe the official report.....

How do those times line up with the times from the apache videos? Do you realize you are providing evidence that unarmed civilians were killed?

You do realize that you are a psychotic bitch who's been pwned time after time on this thread right? anti-war website lacks credibility...............


The only proper and reasonable point of disputation is were these men members of the unit in question at the time of the event and are they speaking objective truth about said events? anti-war website lacks credibility...............


The only proper and reasonable point of disputation is were these men members of the unit in question at the time of the event and are they speaking objective truth about said events?

Wrong. The only proper points of disputation are were both men in fact present at the scene when the incident happened and could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.

To both...the answers are NO!!!! anti-war website lacks credibility...............


The only proper and reasonable point of disputation is were these men members of the unit in question at the time of the event and are they speaking objective truth about said events?

Wrong. The only proper points of disputation are were both men in fact present at the scene when the incident happened and could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.

To both...the answers are NO!!!!

One of them was on scene. All you are doing is proving my predictions correct.

The only proper and reasonable point of disputation is were these men members of the unit in question at the time of the event and are they speaking objective truth about said events?

Wrong. The only proper points of disputation are were both men in fact present at the scene when the incident happened and could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.

To both...the answers are NO!!!!

One of them was on scene. All you are doing is proving my predictions correct.

and one was not...all you are doing is proving my POINTS correct. Thank you.
Wrong. The only proper points of disputation are were both men in fact present at the scene when the incident happened and could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.

To both...the answers are NO!!!!

One of them was on scene. All you are doing is proving my predictions correct.

and one was not...all you are doing is proving my POINTS correct. Thank you.

You haven't made any points. All you have done is whine.
................could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.


Sooooo it would be OK with you if they were exploited by Pro-war activists, eh?
................could they objectively speak about the incident WITHOUT being exploited by the anti war movement.


Sooooo it would be OK with you if they were exploited by Pro-war activists, eh?

Your critical thinking skills are a failure. Name one pro war activist group.

Certainly Hannity Forums would qualify.

Regardless though why didn't you just answer the question rather than divert, eh?
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That is why PP is such a joke and probably a freudian slip on choosing those initials......

Whatsa matter....can't debate? You're such a whiny ass bitch....

Lol......yep. You got me. Do you have anything to actually say about these Vets offering their apologies?

They are entitled to make any statement they want. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it...but when you have their statements exploited by a partisan anti war website it makes one wonder what their motivations are...especially since this alleged letter has received ZERO coverage in the MSM...MSNBC and Olberman won't even touch it...that's quite telling.
Whatsa matter....can't debate? You're such a whiny ass bitch....

Lol......yep. You got me. Do you have anything to actually say about these Vets offering their apologies?

They are entitled to make any statement they want. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it...but when you have their statements exploited by a partisan anti war website it makes one wonder what their motivations are...especially since this alleged letter has received ZERO coverage in the MSM...MSNBC and Olberman won't even touch it...that's quite telling.

Of course you are a sheep so if it isn't in the msm that means it's not happening or valid. DACORB already approved Justin's petition after almost a year of investigating. Why try to make the Vets sound like victims in referencing the anti War movement? Are you aware of the roles played by Vets in the anti War movement? Of course not....if the msm doesn't cover it you are ignorant of it happening. You don't give a fuk about Vets you punk. All you care about is defending your pro war bowlshit.
Lol......yep. You got me. Do you have anything to actually say about these Vets offering their apologies?

They are entitled to make any statement they want. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it...but when you have their statements exploited by a partisan anti war website it makes one wonder what their motivations are...especially since this alleged letter has received ZERO coverage in the MSM...MSNBC and Olberman won't even touch it...that's quite telling.

Of course you are a sheep so if it isn't in the msm that means it's not happening or valid. DACORB already approved Justin's petition after almost a year of investigating. Why try to make the Vets sound like victims in referencing the anti War movement? Are you aware of the roles played by Vets in the anti War movement? Of course not....if the msm doesn't cover it you are ignorant of it happening. You don't give a fuk about Vets you punk. All you care about is defending your pro war bowlshit.

OK Code Pink cocksucker....all I know is if you admit to committing genocide on a daily basis like these 2 soldiers did and you give them a free're a goddam freak!!!!!
Whatsa matter....can't debate? You're such a whiny ass bitch....

Lol......yep. You got me. Do you have anything to actually say about these Vets offering their apologies?

They are entitled to make any statement they want. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it...but when you have their statements exploited by a partisan anti war website it makes one wonder what their motivations are...especially since this alleged letter has received ZERO coverage in the MSM...MSNBC and Olberman won't even touch it...that's quite telling.
Because the Media is corporate-owned...they only cover certain stuff.

Ever hear of "alternative" media? It's pretty cool.

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