Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change the Election


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months

to Change the Election

1 Apr 2024

In 1845, Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The Act sought “to establish a uniform time” for Americans to cast their ballots for president. Historically, voters needed to provide a valid reason – such as illness or military service – to qualify for absentee ballots.
But Covid served as a pretext to overturn that tradition. Just 25% of votes in 2020 occurred at the polls on Election Day. Mail-in voting more than doubled. Key swing states eliminated the need to provide a valid reason to cast absentee ballots. The virus and racial justice became justifications to disregard verification methods like signature requirements.
Rejection rates for absentee ballots plummeted by more than 80% in some states as the Covid regime welcomed an unprecedented increase in mail-in voting. Politicians and media outlets ignored rampant voter fraud in the months leading up to the election. They treated concerns surrounding absentee voting as obscure conspiracy theories despite a bipartisan commission describing it as “the largest source of potential voter fraud” just a decade earlier.
It is now clear that the overhaul of our election system was a deliberate initiative from the outset of the pandemic response. In March 2020, when the Government’s official policy was still “two weeks to flatten the curve,” the administrative state began instituting the infrastructure to hijack the November presidential election, more than 30 weeks beyond when the Covid response was supposed to end.

The United States of Amnesia: Voter Fraud Was Nothing New

The Covid regime’s messaging was clear: only conspiratorial lunatics would question the integrity of an election system that more than doubles its mail-in voting. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified, “We have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it’s by mail or otherwise.”
But this wasn’t true. It contradicted long-standing conclusions regarding electoral integrity. Just as the public health apparatus abandoned thousands of years of epidemiological practice to implement lockdowns, the media and elected officials abandoned principles that until that moment had been common sense.
This is all theater. From the outset of the pandemic response, the liberalization of voting rules was integral, all justified based on nonscientific grounds while invoking the cover of science. It wasn’t stopping disease spread that drove the dramatic upheaval in the American system of voting that has caused such widespread distrust. It was the drive for a result different from one that swept the country four years earlier.

Actually the aericle shiuld be titled. 'Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change Steal the Election'.
Yet, what lessons were learned by Consevratives or The GOP? They have not stopped the tools of the steal nor have they embraced it as seen by the 2022 elections.
Remember when, “A judge voided the results and ordered the city to hold a new election due to “a pattern of fraudulent, intentional, and criminal conduct.” The results were reversed in the subsequent election
In Arizona, literally tens of thousands of people were deterred from voting by the staged “problem” with the ballot printing and the idiot Mormon “judge” wouldn’t order a new election. Democrat Neo-Marxists were jubilant. Normally an event like that would be an automatic re-run.
I'm seeing more and more articles about bird flu in mammals. If they try that shit again there should be mass protests and a clear message that unless this election is seen by ALL as being free anf fair, there will be mass protests and disobedience against an EFFING ILLEGITIMATE DC government. NO MORE... NEVER AGAIN!
I'm seeing more and more articles about bird flu in mammals. If they try that shit again there should be mass protests and a clear message that unless this election is seen by ALL as being free anf fair, there will be mass protests and disobedience against an EFFING ILLEGITIMATE DC government. NO MORE... NEVER AGAIN!
Wonder if Democrat Neo-Marxists will try to use it to enforce their Covid -19 Quarrantine method's? Will they seal people into their homes as China does?
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The Covid regime’s messaging was clear: only conspiratorial lunatics would question the integrity of an election system that more than doubles its mail-in voting.
guess i'll be looking for a tin hat then.....



Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months

to Change the Election

1 Apr 2024

In 1845, Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The Act sought “to establish a uniform time” for Americans to cast their ballots for president. Historically, voters needed to provide a valid reason – such as illness or military service – to qualify for absentee ballots.
But Covid served as a pretext to overturn that tradition. Just 25% of votes in 2020 occurred at the polls on Election Day. Mail-in voting more than doubled. Key swing states eliminated the need to provide a valid reason to cast absentee ballots. The virus and racial justice became justifications to disregard verification methods like signature requirements.
Rejection rates for absentee ballots plummeted by more than 80% in some states as the Covid regime welcomed an unprecedented increase in mail-in voting. Politicians and media outlets ignored rampant voter fraud in the months leading up to the election. They treated concerns surrounding absentee voting as obscure conspiracy theories despite a bipartisan commission describing it as “the largest source of potential voter fraud” just a decade earlier.
It is now clear that the overhaul of our election system was a deliberate initiative from the outset of the pandemic response. In March 2020, when the Government’s official policy was still “two weeks to flatten the curve,” the administrative state began instituting the infrastructure to hijack the November presidential election, more than 30 weeks beyond when the Covid response was supposed to end.

The United States of Amnesia: Voter Fraud Was Nothing New

The Covid regime’s messaging was clear: only conspiratorial lunatics would question the integrity of an election system that more than doubles its mail-in voting. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified, “We have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it’s by mail or otherwise.”
But this wasn’t true. It contradicted long-standing conclusions regarding electoral integrity. Just as the public health apparatus abandoned thousands of years of epidemiological practice to implement lockdowns, the media and elected officials abandoned principles that until that moment had been common sense.
This is all theater. From the outset of the pandemic response, the liberalization of voting rules was integral, all justified based on nonscientific grounds while invoking the cover of science. It wasn’t stopping disease spread that drove the dramatic upheaval in the American system of voting that has caused such widespread distrust. It was the drive for a result different from one that swept the country four years earlier.

Actually the aericle shiuld be titled. 'Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change Steal the Election'.
Yet, what lessons were learned by Consevratives or The GOP? They have not stopped the tools of the steal nor have they embraced it as seen by the 2022 elections.
Remember when, “A judge voided the results and ordered the city to hold a new election due to “a pattern of fraudulent, intentional, and criminal conduct.” The results were reversed in the subsequent election
In Arizona, literally tens of thousands of people were deterred from voting by the staged “problem” with the ballot printing and the idiot Mormon “judge” wouldn’t order a new election. Democrat Neo-Marxists were jubilant. Normally an event like that would be an automatic re-run.
Do you find it frustrating that nobody believes you?

Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months

to Change the Election

1 Apr 2024

In 1845, Congress established Election Day as the Tuesday after the first Monday of November. The Act sought “to establish a uniform time” for Americans to cast their ballots for president. Historically, voters needed to provide a valid reason – such as illness or military service – to qualify for absentee ballots.
But Covid served as a pretext to overturn that tradition. Just 25% of votes in 2020 occurred at the polls on Election Day. Mail-in voting more than doubled. Key swing states eliminated the need to provide a valid reason to cast absentee ballots. The virus and racial justice became justifications to disregard verification methods like signature requirements.
Rejection rates for absentee ballots plummeted by more than 80% in some states as the Covid regime welcomed an unprecedented increase in mail-in voting. Politicians and media outlets ignored rampant voter fraud in the months leading up to the election. They treated concerns surrounding absentee voting as obscure conspiracy theories despite a bipartisan commission describing it as “the largest source of potential voter fraud” just a decade earlier.
It is now clear that the overhaul of our election system was a deliberate initiative from the outset of the pandemic response. In March 2020, when the Government’s official policy was still “two weeks to flatten the curve,” the administrative state began instituting the infrastructure to hijack the November presidential election, more than 30 weeks beyond when the Covid response was supposed to end.

The United States of Amnesia: Voter Fraud Was Nothing New

The Covid regime’s messaging was clear: only conspiratorial lunatics would question the integrity of an election system that more than doubles its mail-in voting. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified, “We have not seen, historically, any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election, whether it’s by mail or otherwise.”
But this wasn’t true. It contradicted long-standing conclusions regarding electoral integrity. Just as the public health apparatus abandoned thousands of years of epidemiological practice to implement lockdowns, the media and elected officials abandoned principles that until that moment had been common sense.
This is all theater. From the outset of the pandemic response, the liberalization of voting rules was integral, all justified based on nonscientific grounds while invoking the cover of science. It wasn’t stopping disease spread that drove the dramatic upheaval in the American system of voting that has caused such widespread distrust. It was the drive for a result different from one that swept the country four years earlier.

Actually the aericle shiuld be titled. 'Two Weeks to Flatten Became Eight Months to Change Steal the Election'.
Yet, what lessons were learned by Consevratives or The GOP? They have not stopped the tools of the steal nor have they embraced it as seen by the 2022 elections.
Remember when, “A judge voided the results and ordered the city to hold a new election due to “a pattern of fraudulent, intentional, and criminal conduct.” The results were reversed in the subsequent election
In Arizona, literally tens of thousands of people were deterred from voting by the staged “problem” with the ballot printing and the idiot Mormon “judge” wouldn’t order a new election. Democrat Neo-Marxists were jubilant. Normally an event like that would be an automatic re-run.
Democrats have used Covid as an excuse to push through many things on their agenda and take American's rights away.
I'm seeing more and more articles about bird flu in mammals. If they try that shit again there should be mass protests and a clear message that unless this election is seen by ALL as being free anf fair, there will be mass protests and disobedience against an EFFING ILLEGITIMATE DC government. NO MORE... NEVER AGAIN!
If the tactic worked in 2020, you can bet the Dems will try to use it again this year.
I'm seeing more and more articles about bird flu in mammals. If they try that shit again there should be mass protests and a clear message that unless this election is seen by ALL as being free anf fair, there will be mass protests and disobedience against an EFFING ILLEGITIMATE DC government. NO MORE... NEVER AGAIN!

Look no further than State “Voter rolls”. Over 2million “names” added to TX voter roll since 2023. Do math on illegals “passing thru”. See WISC where you only need to check the box homeless (no ID required). Its maddening! No one working to clean it up as far as I know. MI, PA with millions registered vacant lots, RV parks, motels, Work addresses, shelters etc. AZ has the snowbirds voting in AZ and home states. They needed to be cleaning this up in 2018-2019.but R must go on winter breaks to Cancuun.

More mail-in ballot shenanigans coming. SIG review ignored. 4yrs in Court w/o any prosecutions, 300,000 missing scans, 147K ballots accepted w/SIG review (machine broken, they say). How will it be different?
Yes I am a DOOMER/REALIST. Give me reason to think otherwise? State Repubes? Those on winter break in AZ? Where they only “work” six months per year?
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