Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

Funny. All the nuts who have been accepting on faith every crackpot accusation made about the OWS'ers have suddenly stumbled onto a whole shitpot full of innocent until proven guilty.

don't they always?

they're hypocrites and hacks to the end.

oh jilly, like YOU don't fit in all that..we saw that with your reply about LEWINSKY..:lol:

The Right wanted Clinton OUT of office for sexual misconduct. Now they want Cain IN for it?

That is certifiably demented.
Cain is a loser who convinced people to eat junk food, so he thinks he's a hero.

A millionaire who used to work for the Federal Reserve.

The perfect Republican candidate.
If this turns out to be true..I feel that it's unacceptable that the republicans party accept sexual inappropriate behavior of its members. Are we really going to become straight up like the democrats? I thought we were better then this...I can understand wanting to make sure he is guilty first, but if he is he should step down.
Geraldo Rivera just now had on Cain's campaign spokesman JD Gordon who called his show to say "this is what the left does to conservative candidates," and Geraldo asked him to speak directly to the issue "did the restaurant association settle with the two women or not."

Gordon said "you'll have to ask the restaurant association that question" and would not speak for Cain.

Geraldo pleaded with him to please speak to the issue, that it's not too late, that the Monday morning newspapers "still have not gone to press," and Gordon still refused to speak other than boiler plate, and when asked wouldn't or couldn't put Cain on the phone.
Time to bring out Obama's past in full force. This time we don’t have McCain who was a frightened to speak of Obama's Muslim upbringing and God only knows what else. The gloves should come off about his ineligibility, college transcripts, Gay lovers and all.
If this turns out to be true..I feel that it's unacceptable that the republicans party accept sexual inappropriate behavior of its members. Are we really going to become straight up like the democrats? I thought we were better then this...I can understand wanting to make sure he is guilty first, but if he is he should step down.


One thing I really detest about my fellow conservatives is when they act all high and mighty like a person should never have ever freaking sinned before in their lives.

His behaviour from 20 years ago has jack shit to do with today. AND what really pisses me off are my fellow born agains who seem to expect every R politician to come out of a bloody monastery and never have a past.

What's worse is when I have to listen to any fellow conservative who is also a born again not getting the real deal that Christ just didn't die on the cross for their sins but also for others sins.

If Cain sinned twenty years ago and has asked the Lord for forgiveness for his sins, who the hell is anyone on this planet to condemn him now.

It's bad enough when I have to listen to Democrats bitch whine and moan like all their candidates are angels, but when I have to listen to a conservative condemn someone for any action in the distant past I want to bazooka barf.
It must be a credible story. For after all, it's not like there's any motivation to make that shit up just because Mr. Cain has moved into a good position in the GOP nomination race.
Of course it is credible, all stories relying on anonymous sources are.
He knew this was out there: 24th paragraph.

Herman Cain sounds off on race, a debate win, and the need to simplify government

"They're going to come after me more viciously than they would a white candidate," Cain responded. "You're right. Clarence Thomas. And so, to use Clarence Thomas as an example, I'm ready for the same high-tech lynching that he went through -- for the good of this country." Cain smiled broadly. "I'm ready for the same high-tech lynching."
Gay lovers and all.
You mean the three dead ones who were members of the choir at the church obama attended for 20 something years? Amazing to me that the murders of three gay choir members of that curch happening in 2007 shortly before obama announced his run for president not only havent been solved, there was not and isn't any outcry at all.
AMAZING what the Washington Compost can dig up WHEN IT WANTS TOO..

Just like they went DIGGING under a rock for a name that was painted on it.
Gay lovers and all.
You mean the three dead ones who were members of the choir at the church obama attended for 20 something years? Amazing to me that the murders of three gay choir members of that curch happening in 2007 shortly before obama announced his run for president not only havent been solved, there was not and isn't any outcry at all.
That is exactly who I am talking about. The media was totally silent and they refused to investigate.
The next question is were they white?

Actually, No I find your Avatar to be a Symbol of Dated Racial Bigotry. It's Idiots like you the left points at, when they label the rest of us Racists.

He's a lib plant designed to be provocative and to make you hate Palin for starters. There were more than a few in 2008 that were so over the top Palin it turned a lot of posters off.

Team Sarah was on to the game and put the word out. I'm not a conspiracy nut. It's just what the left do.

They did the same thing with Ron Paul. The faux Paulites were swarming boards everywhere making normal conservatives just want to bazooka barf next time they saw a post by a Paulite.

Who? ArmyRetard or Cain? :lol:

Has anyone considered that Cain might be a Liberal plant? :eusa_whistle:
Gay lovers and all.
You mean the three dead ones who were members of the choir at the church obama attended for 20 something years? Amazing to me that the murders of three gay choir members of that curch happening in 2007 shortly before obama announced his run for president not only havent been solved, there was not and isn't any outcry at all.

I've always wondered who were Obama's girlfriends? In highschool? Did he take someone to a prom?

A girlfriend in college? Any one before Michelle?
Gay lovers and all.
You mean the three dead ones who were members of the choir at the church obama attended for 20 something years? Amazing to me that the murders of three gay choir members of that curch happening in 2007 shortly before obama announced his run for president not only havent been solved, there was not and isn't any outcry at all.
That is exactly who I am talking about. The media was totally silent and they refused to investigate.
Im surprised anyone knows about it. Had it been a republican candidate's church we would still be hearing all about it, america's most wanted would be all over it, Oprah would never let it drop, there would a manhunt for the "right wing serial killer of gays in chicago," the families would be on tv constantly, dateline nbc would revisit it once a month, you name it.

The wall of silence on this is deafening. And telling.

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