Two Women Accuse Herman Cain Of Inappropriate Behavior

Gay lovers and all.
You mean the three dead ones who were members of the choir at the church obama attended for 20 something years? Amazing to me that the murders of three gay choir members of that curch happening in 2007 shortly before obama announced his run for president not only havent been solved, there was not and isn't any outcry at all.

I've always wondered who were Obama's girlfriends? In highschool? Did he take someone to a prom?

A girlfriend in college? Any one before Michelle?
Strange aint it?
During Herman Cain’s tenure as the head of the National Restaurant Association in the 1990s, at least two female employees complained to colleagues and senior association officials about inappropriate behavior by Cain, ultimately leaving their jobs at the trade group, multiple sources confirm to POLITICO.

The women complained of sexually suggestive behavior by Cain that made them angry and uncomfortable, the sources said, and they signed agreements with the restaurant group that gave them financial payouts to leave the association. The agreements also included language that bars the women from talking about their departures.

Read more: Exclusive: Two women accused Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior - Jonathan Martin and Maggie Haberman and Anna Palmer and Kenneth P. Vogel -

it's not like the rightwingnuts will care. they'll just lie and try to trash the women like they did anita hill.

they'll probably just like the idiot more.

Meanwhile Obama and the democrats openly lie about who controls Congress and people like Jillian support that lie. Meanwhile the left lies openly about the tea party while supporting criminal activity of the OWS.

Clinton has sex with his subordinates and the left says " so"? Absolutely no credible evidence is presented that Anita hill was not a paid shill for the left and the left "believes" her.

Lies and hypocrisy know no end for the left. Any lie is good so long as it helps the left.
AMAZING what the Washington Compost can dig up WHEN IT WANTS TOO..

Just like they went DIGGING under a rock for a name that was painted on it.

This early on I'm really wondering who's pulling the strings on this one. DNC or one of his opponents on the Republican side or Rove who wants to keep the RINO brand intact.


Gawd bless Anita Hill.
Cain was obviously preying on young minimum wage subordinates. Shameful...
AMAZING what the Washington Compost can dig up WHEN IT WANTS TOO..

Just like they went DIGGING under a rock for a name that was painted on it.

This early on I'm really wondering who's pulling the strings on this one. DNC or one of his opponents on the Republican side or Rove who wants to keep the RINO brand intact.


I would think it could be any of the ones you mentioned.
don't they always?

they're hypocrites and hacks to the end.

oh jilly, like YOU don't fit in all that..we saw that with your reply about LEWINSKY..:lol:

The Right wanted Clinton OUT of office for sexual misconduct. Now they want Cain IN for it?

That is certifiably demented.

That doesn't stand; the right wanted Clinton impeached for lying under oath to a federal judge. It was an issue of equal justice under the law.
Will this be the top story in the left wing media this week? what if there is an LA Earthquake, or a Nuclear Accident in Nevada? Odds are, MSNBC will lead off with the Cain Sex Scandal, spend 30 minutes on it,,then maybe a minute on the other two.
I wonder what color the women were that he reportedly sexually harassed?
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Cain looks like the type.

His pervert smile in his latest ad tells it all.

I wouldn't want my kids any where near that man. He looks creepy.

Amen! That creepy smile at the end of his cigarette commercial really creeped me out.

Cain needs to make an upgrade of the commercial using the infamous smoking man of the X-Files. He Ruled in that series. I Loved The Smoking Man ! and Scully was pretty hot too!

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