Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers

Should these women have been removed from the flight

  • Yes - better safe than sorry

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No - this is discrimination against Muslims

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • I really don't care either way

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:

For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:
Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers
Shoulda removed the Muzzies, but only after the plane took off.
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Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity, is about the least American thing I can imagine.

For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:
Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers
Shoulda removed the Muzzies, but only after the plane took off.

It's important for people to see just how stupid you are. Please post often.
For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:
Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers
Shoulda removed the Muzzies, but only after the plane took off.

Muslims are one of the "protected class" now. Part of the way how we deal with denying 9/11 ever happened. In all likelihood, they were indeed innocent, harmless folk but let's face facts: had these three people been white, christian, Trump supporters wearing MAGA hats, etc., and those complaining of being offended, scared or concerned Muslims, Blacks, liberals, etc., in all likelihood, the innocent white people would have been removed for causing a disturbance. It has already happened many times in the news.

In today's world, just being white and normal already has you half way to being guilty of something.

Just once, I would like to have seen the airline go to those three men and tell them they were offending passengers and ask them to remove their turbans or whatever and JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You KNOW what would have happened.
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Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity, is about the least American thing I can imagine.

So if a group of Aryan skinheads wearing Nazi gear and pro-Hilter stuff get on your plane and you are a Jew, you are good as gold with it?

They wouldn't be sitting in my class.

But, just to be fair, being a Nazi isn't a race, a religion, or an ethnicity.
Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity, is about the least American thing I can imagine.

Fool yourself all you like. Real terrorists are paying attention to see how deceived the authorities are so next time they'll get more Americans killed the next time they decide they need more world attention for grievances against Israel, which they failed to wipe out during the Holocaust and in fact, lost out because Israel refused to have more mass murders taken out on their people after Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem succeeded in wiping out six million Jews in four years of discriminating against them starting with Krystallnacht and ending with Hitler allegedly committing suicide in his own office along with his cousin/wife when it was clear to him Berlin was lost and he had no place left to hide. By some fluke, the Mufti of Jerusalem was free to leave Germany and go back home to kill as many Jews as he possibly could when World War II didn't work out for their worldwide extinction. Guess who owns Jerusalem now. Hint: it is not the Mufti and his band of genocidal maniacs against the Jewish nation of survivors.
Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity, is about the least American thing I can imagine.

So if a group of Aryan skinheads wearing Nazi gear and pro-Hilter stuff get on your plane and you are a Jew, you are good as gold with it?

They wouldn't be sitting in my class.
How would you guarantee that? You ride in baggage?

But, just to be fair, being a Nazi isn't a race, a religion, or an ethnicity.
Neither is just wearing white prayer shawls. I could wear a white prayer shawl. Neither is wearing a red MAGA hat. Yet people get thrown off planes, out of restaurants, etc., just for wearing them. You avoided my question.
I would have answered no, but with prejudice, no was connected with some kind of undeserved discrimination. Yes or no with no attachments would have been more honest. My parents taught that honesty was the best policy. When the Muslims come up with the idea that murdering Jews is a bad policy, and they actually punish evildoers who discriminate against Jews, that's when real proven discrimination has a chance. I hope the women who complained got home safely and without worrying about whether Muslims, wearing their finest terror clothing, would rise up with hidden AK-47s, razor blades, or whatever and drive a planeful of people into the Queen's castle or a George Soros bank target. The Muslim world is merciless to this day against Jews. That in and of itself is sad. We will forget the little skirmishes we've had with Muslim societies who have targeted American Presidents for assassination, but the world will never forget Adolph Hitler and the Mufti of Jerusalem of the 1930s and 1940s murderous holocaust and expropriation of Jewish assets for funding their mass genocide from Europe--killing people in every country Hitler controlled and instilled he built gas chambers to exterminate people his political party made to pay for their own success in the business world.
Nazi Extermination Camps, "Concentration" camps, etc.

The actual count was near to the 6 million figure. What wasn't counted were the killings of Jews that took place before arrivals before the trains got to the camps. Uncooperating people were shot on site by the SS loading men, women, and children onto the trains taking them to extermination sites, slave camps, and concentration camps, many of which destroyed records between the time of Berlin's fall and discovery of the 'camps.' As bad as it was, the official count did not include other races killed by Hitler to rid himself of political opposition nor the killings Stalin (and before him, Lenin) the bolsheviks administered to all dissidents in Russia in and around the time of WWII, not to mention Mao's Chinese massacres that were categorically ignored during WWII since the world's attention was on Hitler due to Blitzkreig short wars that were so horrific nations fell while royals and legislative bodies throughout the world took night planes out of their kingdoms. America's killing fields are in pink-walled abortion clinics and is thought to be at 60 million, and it is going on right now. The screamers behind this put themselves and vanity ahead of their unborn American citizen babies' lives on earth. Someday we will see abortion clinic maps in which thousands of millions of unborn human beings of America were dealt with, one at a time by lying to and sedating the mothers and butchering their offspring with no mercy whatever.​
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It's important for people to see just how stupid you are. Please post often.
Some of us have jobs. It's a Republican thing.

Most people have jobs. Most aren't bigoted pigs like you.
How easy it is for a Democrat to call a working man a 'bigoted pig.' The evil Democrats paved your way to unfettered hatred for working class people, bullydog.
Which is why the working class turned their backs on the Democrats. Bulldog has probably never had a job, finding it much easier to get government handouts, so he may not understand.
It's important for people to see just how stupid you are. Please post often.
Some of us have jobs. It's a Republican thing.

Most people have jobs. Most aren't bigoted pigs like you.
How easy it is for a Democrat to call a working man a 'bigoted pig.' The evil Democrats paved your way to unfettered hatred for working class people, bullydog.
Which is why the working class turned their backs on the Democrats. Bulldog has probably never had a job, finding it much easier to get government handouts, so he may not understand.
The gal with the huge red nipple is a guy???? /redface
For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:
Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers
/——-/ Your first option, better safe than sorry, makes no sense. Why would throwing the women off make anyone safe?
For once, the right people were removed from the plane. Kudos to the passengers who stood up against bigotry.

Pair reportedly tried to have three men removed from plane

Click to follow
The Independent
Two women were thrown off a Thomas Cook flight from Turkey to Gatwick after they allegedly said three Muslim men in white prayer shawls were “terrorists” and a “threat” to the safety of the plane, other passengers have claimed.

Videos of the incident, which took place after 1am on Friday, show one of the women, who are believed to be British, removing her bag from the overhead luggage rack before being escorted off the plane by police.

The incident meant the flight from Dalman to Gatwick was delayed by over an hour.

Mario Van Poppel, a Belgian father-of-three who was on the flight, said the woman was a “crazy racist”.

“A passenger on our Thomas Cook flight refuses to stay on the plane because three bearded men in white prayer robes are on board,” he tweeted.

Shanea Kerry, who was also on the plane, said the women had tried to have the men taken off the flight.

She said: “They went to the front of the plane, spoke to the flight attendants & attempted to get the 3 men removed by stating that they are ‘disgusting’ & ‘a threat’.”

Continued here:
Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers
/——/ Muslim isn’t a race, you nitwit.

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