Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers

Should these women have been removed from the flight

  • Yes - better safe than sorry

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No - this is discrimination against Muslims

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • I really don't care either way

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
The women were British. Muslims make up a large percentage of the population of Britain right now. The women are experienced in assessing the danger presented. Muslims are well known for being suicide bombers.
Just once, I would like to have seen the airline go to those three men and tell them they were offending passengers and ask them to remove their turbans or whatever and JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You KNOW what would have happened.
Imagine they went to several Christians and asked them to remove crosses from their necks and leave their Bibles in storage so it wouldn't offend anyone.

This whole incident was wrong because people simply wearing Muslim ethnic clothing is not a threat.

These people objecting were hysterical and rude.

They should have been told to shut the hell up about it or find another flight
There are plenty of American Muslims who serve in our Armed Forces while these so-called Patriots do nothing but run their damn mouths.
The hysterical women were Brits.
American Patriots serve their country, defending your right to be a troll online, running your damn mouth.
There are plenty of American Muslims who serve in our Armed Forces while these so-called Patriots do nothing but run their damn mouths.
Not that many and two of the few are on federal death row for killing real American soldiers.

That's just stupid.
It’s kinda funny, but this was a flight from Turkey, a Muslim shit hole, so don’t know what these ladies were expecting.
It’s kinda funny, but this was a flight from Turkey, a Muslim shit hole, so don’t know what these ladies were expecting.
Turkey is not a shit-hole, dude as Istanbul is a modern city, at least. My wife has been there and to Ankara and they are nice places other than she hates Muslims.
There are plenty of American Muslims who serve in our Armed Forces while these so-called Patriots do nothing but run their damn mouths.
The hysterical women were Brits.
American Patriots serve their country, defending your right to be a troll online, running your damn mouth.

Focus, Old Fogey! As the OP has it, the women "are believed to be British". That's not quite like an established fact.

It doesn't even become a fact while you clothe yourself in the mantle of the heroism of "American Patriots".
It’s kinda funny, but this was a flight from Turkey, a Muslim shit hole, so don’t know what these ladies were expecting.
Turkey is not a shit-hole, dude as Istanbul is a modern city, at least. My wife has been there and to Ankara and they are nice places other than she hates Muslims.

Well since the Ataturks failed to overthrow Erdofag(thanks Obama), it’s going downhill fast and will become like every other Islamic shithole fast.
Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity, is about the least American thing I can imagine.

So if a group of Aryan skinheads wearing Nazi gear and pro-Hilter stuff get on your plane and you are a Jew, you are good as gold with it?

But, just to be fair, being a Nazi isn't a race, a religion, or an ethnicity.

What is "fair" about trying to change the subject? I didn't say they were Nazis, I said they were Aryans WEARING pro Nazi/Hitler stuff! Damn, FNC, try to at least READ, damn it! Are you trying to tell me an Aryan isn't a race or ethnicity? Or are you trying to claim that being a skinhead pro-Nazi type isn't a religion/philosophy? Hell, even atheism is recognized as a religion these days.
Just once, I would like to have seen the airline go to those three men and tell them they were offending passengers and ask them to remove their turbans or whatever and JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You KNOW what would have happened.
Imagine they went to several Christians and asked them to remove crosses from their necks and leave their Bibles in storage so it wouldn't offend anyone.

This whole incident was wrong because people simply wearing Muslim ethnic clothing is not a threat.

These people objecting were hysterical and rude.

They should have been told to shut the hell up about it or find another flight

Maybe/probably so, but, if you went to some people and asked them to remove their crosses or put away their Bibles because of complaints, etc., I think you know that while not happy and upset about it, in all likelihood, they would probably peaceably agree rather than be removed. Turn the other cheek and all that. The thing is that:
  1. Islamic organizations remain a clear terroristic threat and symbol worldwide. Identified with 9/11 and conflicts all over the world. No one toting Bibles and crosses are.
  2. As such, if I were Muslim, I would want to minimize tension and conflicts by keeping my muslim gear to myself until I was not in a public area. No one needs to wear prayer towels while flying in a jet. Just as many people don't display Trump support and gear out of concern for sparking conflict, these guys could do the same for the greater good.
  3. People wearing offensive gear have been asked to take it off. School kids have been asked to remove pro-Trump or even pro-America tee shirts! People on planes are asked to remove offensive clothing, turn down offensive music, even removed for SMELLING offensive. Fact of the matter is that these people were bothering passengers for what they were wearing and had it been ANYONE ELSE, you and I both know the airline would have approached them and asked them to remove it or just put it away.
  4. ALL such situations are wrong. But only some of them seem to be selectively enforced. Muslim = hands off.
  5. I doubt these people were hysterical and rude until all their complaints fell on deaf ears. Had it been a Muslim complaining about a white person, I bet you anything the airline would have taken it to the white people long before even considering throwing the Muslims off the jet. Don't you dare try to deny that.
  6. If Muslims weren't involved in so many problems and conflicts all over the world from al Quada to ISIS, 9/11, many other wars and conflicts, and immigrating to foreign countries then effectively taking over whole communities while pushing out the indigenous people and their traditions and replacing it with mini-Islamic communities, there wouldn't be this tension and feelings in the first place, all the while always defended and protected by local governments.
SO I ABSOLUTELY SAY that it was these three men and not the other passengers who caused the problem and should have been told to put away their prayer towels or get off the plane, not the other way around. After all, this happened WHERE, in WHAT country? And WHO was removed?

YOU DAMN RIGHT. It is not the job of the majority to conform to a minority especially when that minority has immigrated into their space. I'm SICK AND TIRED of majority populations always being told they have to bend over and kiss the ass of some minority. Why is it that majorities never seem to count for SHIT with the Left except when the majority supposedly got the popular vote in a Trump election? THEN we never hear the end of it!
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Or are you trying to claim that being a skinhead pro-Nazi type isn't a religion

No, it's not. There is no 'church of skinheads'.

If someone is acting in a disruptive manner, regardless of the race or their faith, a company has the right to exclude them from service. Public accommodation is for the benefit of all patrons.


If you single someone out simply for being white, or black, or red, or green and exclude them from service ... that's un-American.

This is wrong...


This is wrong ...


The women kicked off that flight weren't excluded for being white ... they were excluded for making other passengers ... with the same right to be there as anyone else ... uncomfortable and for causing a disruption.
Here is a group of people ... which ones make you feel threatened and afraid?


Which ones do we make stay home so you can feel more comfortable?
Just once, I would like to have seen the airline go to those three men and tell them they were offending passengers and ask them to remove their turbans or whatever and JUST SEE WHAT HAPPENS. You KNOW what would have happened.
Imagine they went to several Christians and asked them to remove crosses from their necks and leave their Bibles in storage so it wouldn't offend anyone.

This whole incident was wrong because people simply wearing Muslim ethnic clothing is not a threat.

These people objecting were hysterical and rude.

They should have been told to shut the hell up about it or find another flight

Maybe/probably so, but, if you went to some people and asked them to remove their crosses or put away their Bibles because of complaints, etc., I think you know that while not happy and upset about it, in all likelihood, they would probably peaceably agree rather than be removed. Turn the other cheek and all that. The thing is that:
  1. Islamic organizations remain a clear terroristic threat and symbol worldwide. Identified with 9/11 and conflicts all over the world. No one toting Bibles and crosses are.
  2. As such, if I were Muslim, I would want to minimize tension and conflicts by keeping my muslim gear to myself until I was not in a public area. No one needs to wear prayer towels while flying in a jet. Just as many people don't display Trump support and gear out of concern for sparking conflict, these guys could do the same for the greater good.
  3. People wearing offensive gear have been asked to take it off. School kids have been asked to remove pro-Trump or even pro-America tee shirts! People on planes are asked to remove offensive clothing, turn down offensive music, even removed for SMELLING offensive. Fact of the matter is that these people were bothering passengers for what they were wearing and had it been ANYONE ELSE, you and I both know the airline would have approached them and asked them to remove it or just put it away.
  4. ALL such situations are wrong. But only some of them seem to be selectively enforced. Muslim = hands off.
  5. I doubt these people were hysterical and rude until all their complaints fell on deaf ears. Had it been a Muslim complaining about a white person, I bet you anything the airline would have taken it to the white people long before even considering throwing the Muslims off the jet. Don't you dare try to deny that.
  6. If Muslims weren't involved in so many problems and conflicts all over the world from al Quada to ISIS, 9/11, many other wars and conflicts, and immigrating to foreign countries then effectively taking over whole communities while pushing out the indigenous people and their traditions and replacing it with mini-Islamic communities, there wouldn't be this tension and feelings in the first place, all the while always defended and protected by local governments.
SO I ABSOLUTELY SAY that it was these three men and not the other passengers who caused the problem and should have been told to put away their prayer towels or get off the plane, not the other way around. After all, this happened WHERE, in WHAT country? And WHO was removed?


Does this child make you feel threatened?


How about this? Is this scary to you?


Should these people not be allowed in public so you feel safer?

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