Two women thrown off flight for complaining about ‘terrorist’ Muslim passengers

Should these women have been removed from the flight

  • Yes - better safe than sorry

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No - this is discrimination against Muslims

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • I really don't care either way

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters
The women were British. Muslims make up a large percentage of the population of Britain right now. The women are experienced in assessing the danger presented. Muslims are well known for being suicide bombers.
Yet somehow the plane along with all of it's passengers landed safely once the bigots were removed.
Until it doesnt.

It may have just as well ended with the fools hitting the ground at 600 mph and the "bigots" as the only survivors

Speculation is all you have, isn't it? We don't persecute people based on what might happen!
DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL. Insults are the weak man's excuse for lacking any real argument.

By what right would they have in throwing the Muslim's off the plane? Why should they change their apparel?

As one of the resident bigots, can you explain that for us?

Same reason that you hypocritical Lib assholes attack and throw out Trump supporters from restaurants or spit on them or assault them just for wearing a red baseball cap.

I am not a lib and do not support any such thing. You may be a conservative, but you are still a bigot and a dumbass!

Funny how all you libs say your not a democrat or republican, not a liberal or moderate, not an independent nor constitutionalist, none of you lemmings stand for much of anything, but are all so good at throwing labels at people, anyone, who actually does. The new clown logic:
  • If a Black man walks before you and say say you see a Black man, instant racist label.
  • If the Arab race declares war against you, destroys a city, kills thousands, promises to annihilate you and the Jews and you say: Hey, they are a threat! Instant racist and xenophobe.
Just what is the right label for a horse's ass who can't see his hand before his face? I'm not sure, but sooner or later, idiots like you will surely get our country attacked again if not destroyed from within.

What does any of that diatribe have to do with my post? Not a damn thing!

Why is it you see everyone who disagrees with you as being a liberal? My views are more in line with our Constitution than your bigoted, racist, and xenophobic views are! The reason you mentioned them in your post is because that is how you truly feel and don't like it when people call you out on it.

Thank you.
/——-/ Your first option, better safe than sorry, makes no sense. Why would throwing the women off make anyone safe?
You're right, that's the thinking of the bigots.

Oh Gee, I do so hope so much all you f*ckers calling everyone else a racist or a bigot just because they question the sanity of throwing a passenger(s) off a plane because they were frightened by someone identifying himself with the one group of people in this world who invented and popularized terrorism, then have another yelling Allah Akbar! at the top of his lungs yet in BOTH cases, the Muslim guy(s) are totally left to their own! Not even talked to, looked at, questioned. HANDS FUCKING OFF. I do so hope one of these days soon your gamble that all these people are innocent pays off (for them) after they find the Western World totally complacent again, shackled in their own fears of not being "racist" and blow the living snot out of something somewhere again one of these days, hopefully with your family and loved ones aboard, and you all live to find out what total asses you've been made fools of once again by al Quada.

Racism works both ways, and by far the worst kind are idiots like you who let down their guard and exercise reverse racism against western civilians just to prove what level-headed and "fair and trusting" people you are willing to be. News Flash for you boobs---- these people are still out there, they have not gone away, and very much mean that they want every last westerner dead or at least subservient to them as Dhimmis, and they are infiltrating every western country with their people day by day as you fucks pat yourselves on your backs what "civilized" and welcoming asses you are.
Guy should have been tackled and the wind knocked out of him with a good knee to the gut

You have to love someone who is always telling others the way to fight from behind a keyboard.

Reminds me of some high-ranking police officials I know.
I vote Republican and have been a conservative all my adult life.

It's not what I'm about.

It's called "invincible conservative innocence." Like, consistently voting for the racist party of the Southern Strategy and Willie Horton ads, Birtherism, racist mass incarceration, homophobia, and Nativism, without having anything at all to do with "Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity". Nothing, I tells ya!

Not even talked to, looked at, questioned. HANDS FUCKING OFF. I do so hope one of these days soon your gamble that all these people are innocent pays off (for them) after they find the Western World totally complacent again, shackled in their own fears of not being "racist" and blow the living snot out of something somewhere again one of these days, hopefully with your family and loved ones aboard, and you all live to find out what total asses you've been made fools of once again by al Quada.

Lose the hate already. It makes you stupid. And ugly.
I vote Republican and have been a conservative all my adult life.

It's not what I'm about.

It's called "invincible conservative innocence." Like, consistently voting for the racist party of the Southern Strategy and Willie Horton ads, Birtherism, racist mass incarceration, homophobia, and Nativism, without having anything at all to do with "Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity". Nothing, I tells ya!

/——-/ FYI The Willie Horton ad was created by democRAT Al Bore.
The women were British. Muslims make up a large percentage of the population of Britain right now. The women are experienced in assessing the danger presented. Muslims are well known for being suicide bombers.
Yet somehow the plane along with all of it's passengers landed safely once the bigots were removed.
Until it doesnt.

It may have just as well ended with the fools hitting the ground at 600 mph and the "bigots" as the only survivors

Speculation is all you have, isn't it? We don't persecute people based on what might happen!
They have the right to complain based on past experience.
I vote Republican and have been a conservative all my adult life.

It's not what I'm about.

It's called "invincible conservative innocence." Like, consistently voting for the racist party of the Southern Strategy and Willie Horton ads, Birtherism, racist mass incarceration, homophobia, and Nativism, without having anything at all to do with "Singling out people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity". Nothing, I tells ya!

/——-/ FYI The Willie Horton ad was created by democRAT Al Bore.
It was also justified. He was a MONSTER.
Hell, even atheism is recognized as a religion these days.
Only by raving loonies.
So you're a raving loonie?
Atheism is a BELIEF, son, a PHILOSOPHY, the religion that man is at the center of his universe, and you can no more objectively prove God does NOT exist as any theist can objectively show he DOES.
The women were British. Muslims make up a large percentage of the population of Britain right now. The women are experienced in assessing the danger presented. Muslims are well known for being suicide bombers.
Yet somehow the plane along with all of it's passengers landed safely once the bigots were removed.
Until it doesnt.

It may have just as well ended with the fools hitting the ground at 600 mph and the "bigots" as the only survivors

Speculation is all you have, isn't it? We don't persecute people based on what might happen!
They have the right to complain based on past experience.

No, that is why the word is prejudice. You prejudge people.

I am part Native American. Do you think I might jump up in the middle of your next airline flight and scalp you?
The women were British. Muslims make up a large percentage of the population of Britain right now. The women are experienced in assessing the danger presented. Muslims are well known for being suicide bombers.
Yet somehow the plane along with all of it's passengers landed safely once the bigots were removed.
Until it doesnt.

It may have just as well ended with the fools hitting the ground at 600 mph and the "bigots" as the only survivors

Speculation is all you have, isn't it? We don't persecute people based on what might happen!
They have the right to complain based on past experience.

No, that is why the word is prejudice. You prejudge people.

I am part Native American. Do you think I might jump up in the middle of your next airline flight and scalp you?
/——/ If you’re part Apache, yes. Navaho, not so much except smoke ‘em peace pipe.
Yet somehow the plane along with all of it's passengers landed safely once the bigots were removed.
Until it doesnt.

It may have just as well ended with the fools hitting the ground at 600 mph and the "bigots" as the only survivors

Speculation is all you have, isn't it? We don't persecute people based on what might happen!
They have the right to complain based on past experience.

No, that is why the word is prejudice. You prejudge people.

I am part Native American. Do you think I might jump up in the middle of your next airline flight and scalp you?
/——/ If you’re part Apache, yes. Navaho, not so much except smoke ‘em peace pipe.

My son was working on a reservation in North Dakota and his coworker said he could tell he was Indian because he had "Apache beard"!
Atheism is a BELIEF
Only to raving loonies. To sane people it is a lack of belief.

If you believe in atheism, it is a BELIEF, dumbass.
If you believe a belief isn't a belief but a lack of belief, you are just one more of the Lost In The Ozone K*nthead raving loonies you see everywhere else but in the mirror.

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