Two Yale Classmates: "Brett was a Sloppy Drunk"

Use words with respect not in the confused and pedantic way you use words Paradox!
Sorry, no go. I've seen more and more directly obfuscated, insulting, demeaning and hateful things said from member to member here, I've unfortunately gotten used to it. Start with them first.

Democrats lie.
It's one of the few things they're good at.
What does "classmate" mean in this context? From what I can tell, all it means is that they went to Yale in the same years as Kavanaugh. It doesn't mean they knew Kavanaugh, were friends with Kavanaugh or ever talked to Kavanaugh.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”
I watched the hearings. I think Pat Leahy slurred his words every time he spoke.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.
Is it you: PEDANT- because that is what it seems. Perhaps a paradox too although you picked this arrogant name to sound better than other people.31282718975_e65b645d5a_b.jpg MEET DR. PARADOX
Why? He has served for years as a judge with distinction and integrity. Why is suddenly unfit?
The easiest response is that's just my opinion. An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. By it's very nature, it doesn't need to be defended. No one needs to defend their opinion. If I were to say, "I just don't like his face" no doubt I'd get howls of protest but that's no different from me laying out a page full of anointed, linked reasons, both ideological and political.

In my real world, I just don't deal with politics outside of local and state. When it comes to the federal level, who cares what I think? I certainly cannot affect any outcome. I detest trump. I can't stand the democrats or republicans. I liked Sanders and Warren but they backed Hillary, so they're out. I voted for Jill Stein (Green Party) in the last two presidential elections but after I found out she was schmoozing it with Putin, I blew that party off.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.
Why? He has served for years as a judge with distinction and integrity. Why is suddenly unfit?
The easiest response is that's just my opinion. An opinion is a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. By it's very nature, it doesn't need to be defended. No one needs to defend their opinion. If I were to say, "I just don't like his face" no doubt I'd get howls of protest but that's no different from me laying out a page full of anointed, linked reasons, both ideological and political.

In my real world, I just don't deal with politics outside of local and state. When it comes to the federal level, who cares what I think? I certainly cannot affect any outcome. I detest trump. I can't stand the democrats or republicans. I liked Sanders and Warren but they backed Hillary, so they're out. I voted for Jill Stein (Green Party) in the last two presidential elections but after I found out she was schmoozing it with Putin, I blew that party off.
Exactly, your opinion. I am basing my opinion on information and facts. The facts are that the judge has served as a judge for years and has served with honor and integrity. There isn't a hint of any corruption or misbehavior. You may not like Trump, but that has nothing to do with the judge. He is very qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.
Exactly, your opinion. I am basing my opinion on information and facts. The facts are that the judge has served as a judge for years and has served with honor and integrity. There isn't a hint of any corruption or misbehavior. You may not like Trump, but that has nothing to do with the judge. He is very qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.
If I wanted to prolong this conversation, which I don't, I'd ask you to provide such information and facts but quite frankly, I don't care. The fact that you support Kavanaugh for the reasons you stated are good enough for me. I'm just not as tied into politics as some people are. I'll respect their interest level if they will respect mine. This issue is going to be around for a couple more weeks anyways.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

His friend could place him there. He has not been questioned, only made a statement, a terse one and asked not to be questioned further. That in and of itself is a red flag considering the same person had no problem writing two books about his drinking and partying. And his calendar may very well place him at the party. But you are wrong, the sexual assault is not the only thing that matters. Kavanaugh LIES. He did in previous testimony and he most certainly did Thursday. That is an immediate disqualification for a SCOTUS judge.
Exactly, your opinion. I am basing my opinion on information and facts. The facts are that the judge has served as a judge for years and has served with honor and integrity. There isn't a hint of any corruption or misbehavior. You may not like Trump, but that has nothing to do with the judge. He is very qualified to serve on the Supreme Court.
If I wanted to prolong this conversation, which I don't, I'd ask you to provide such information and facts but quite frankly, I don't care. The fact that you support Kavanaugh for the reasons you stated are good enough for me. I'm just not as tied into politics as some people are. I'll respect their interest level if they will respect mine. This issue is going to be around for a couple more weeks anyways.
It's simple. Kavanaugh has served as a judge for 12 years. You can find nothing against his character or job performance. Six FBI background checks found nothing. Suddenly this nut shows up claiming she was sexually assaulted by the judge, yet she can't name the place, can't remember how she got there, how she got home, can't remember the date, no one else can remember the party..... This is nothing but a smear and the people responsible are low life scum.
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Aren’t most boys in their 20s slurring their words and stumbling when they consume too much alcohol? That’s usually the classification of someone who is drunk. Show me one who acts that way, gets angry and violent, when they are SOBER and you might have a stronger “moral” argument.

Speaking of morals, why are democrats so slow in denouncing Anthony Weiner and Al Franken and seeking their removal, based on “physical evidence” collaborating testimony of their behavior. Are they the kind of morals you find harder for those individuals to see departing their seat? An individual’s drunk recollection of events not collaborated through physical evidence or testimony .. vs .. the acts of those found through uncovered evidence. I personally find the comparisons very interesting and telling, ESPECIALLY when we are so very strongly concerned about “morals” and “the integrity of the seat they hold”
Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

Kavanagh was the most Combative, Most Non-Responsive, Most Partisan, and Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.
Now, for the first time, I think he's going down.

But Maybe he can be CEO of BUDWEISER.

Brett Kavanaugh: Former Yale classmates speak out after ‘choir boy’ Fox News interview

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, a Democrat and chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“There's no medical way I can say that he was blacked out. ... But it's not credible for him to say that he has had no memory lapses in the nights that he drank to excess.”

Lynne Brookes, who like Ms Swisher was a college roommate of one of the two women now accusing Mr Kavanaugh of misconduct, said the nominee's comments on Fox did not match the classmate she remembered.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“You can't lie your way onto the Supreme Court, and with that statement out, he's gone too far. It's about the integrity of that institution.”

Least Truthful Witness I have Ever seen before any Congressional committee.

Boy howdy but ain't that the truth.

I understand that most people are not as adept as I am at spotting deception signals but, good lord, Kavanaugh was screaming them. And the FBI investigation is going to focus on some key inconsistencies in his testimony. Perhaps the most critical, his constant parroting of the statement that "all four witnesses who were alleged to be at the event said it did not happen". That is not what they said, the three that have made public statements all said they did not RECALL the event. Not a single one made the claim that it did not happen.

Then there is his calendar. Am I the only one that thinks it is ironic, that the same people that refuse to believe Dr. Ford actually believe a Yale graduate would keep a handwritten calendar from high school for almost forty years? But taking that calendar at face values reveals a day when the incident could have occurred, July 1. It was a weekday, Thursday, and it indicated that three of the people Mrs. Ford claimed were at the party, were at the social gathering documented.

"I like beer". How many times did he say it? While watching it reminded me of that old country song, "I like beer". But to me, well "I like beer" is not an appropriate response to someone questioning you about rather you have drank to excess.

I don't really know what the FBI investigation is going to turn up but I can guarantee one think, it will show that Kavanaugh is a LIAR, which is probably why the Republicans fought so hard to keep it from happening.

Disagree. No one besides the "professor" can put Kavanaugh with her. There's nothing here. The fact Judge Kavanaugh likes beer is meaningless. The only thing that matters here is did he sexually assault the "professor". No one says he did except for the "professor". She looks a lot worse for wear than the Judge. Let's do an investigation on her drinking habits.

His friend could place him there. He has not been questioned, only made a statement, a terse one and asked not to be questioned further. That in and of itself is a red flag considering the same person had no problem writing two books about his drinking and partying. And his calendar may very well place him at the party. But you are wrong, the sexual assault is not the only thing that matters. Kavanaugh LIES. He did in previous testimony and he most certainly did Thursday. That is an immediate disqualification for a SCOTUS judge.
No, there is no friend of the judge that placed him there. Show your source for that. What did the judge lie about, be specific.
Cry harder. The tears haven't stopped since 2016
This is an opinion forum. I've learned not to expect anything more intellectual from partisans like you. I can qualify my opinions at least. You just blab out the first thing that comes to your head......however, you are in good company here so carry on.

You cannot even qualify the last dump you took, which is probably higher quality shit than you post. That's just my opinion of course!

You have shown repeatedly like the true libtard you are, that what you call facts are opinions, despite your posting of the actual definitions.
Politics. Used to be the prevue for informed adults.

WTF is a "prevue"?

Don't use $5.00 words on a two-bit mental budget!

I didn't catch that. Do you suppose she meant "purview"?

She's better be careful, Jakey and the horseman accused me of being a foreigner for using unusual "syntax and grammar" here. That is: typing above a fourth grade level. I guess they're not used to that.

ETA: the two dots I use, thusly: is called a colon. It precedes (that is, "comes before") an explanation or list.

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