TX democrat gov candidate lied about how she paid for college

She's such a psycho she didn't even get custody of the kids. It takes a special kind of being insane for that to happen to a woman.

Ironic she's the same one that fillibustered for abortion, because that's the kind of thing that's the most important to her.
Oh, c'mon, this is nothing. She admitted she made the mistake of not using 'tighter' language in describing her background to potential voters and I think we should cut her some slack, just like the folks at, say, MSNBC would do if some Republican candidate made such a mistake.

Yeah, this is the kind of stuff that ruins a policital career alright. Reading further down into the article:

"""When asked about the shocking revelation that her spouse helped her complete her education, Wendy Davis responded, "It was community resources. We paid for it together."

He doesn't seem bitter about it either. "I was making really good money then, well over six figures," he told the paper. "But when you’ve got someone at Harvard, you’ve got bills to pay, you’ve got two small kids. The economy itself was marginal. You do what you have to do, no big deal."

The tighter language comment was about needing to learn how to handle soundbites and not rely on the press to give someone anymore than that.
Abortion Barbie has no chance.

After his information gets out, she'll have even less than that.

She'll end up in some dimocrap stronghold in some fucking diploma factory somewhere.

Most of them do after their career of political dishonesty is over.

Yeah, this is the kind of stuff that ruins a policital career alright. Reading further down into the article:

"""When asked about the shocking revelation that her spouse helped her complete her education, Wendy Davis responded, "It was community resources. We paid for it together."

He doesn't seem bitter about it either. "I was making really good money then, well over six figures," he told the paper. "But when you’ve got someone at Harvard, you’ve got bills to pay, you’ve got two small kids. The economy itself was marginal. You do what you have to do, no big deal."

The tighter language comment was about needing to learn how to handle soundbites and not rely on the press to give someone anymore than that.

Doesn't change the fact that the bitch lied.

Texans are funny about that kind of shit.

And how is it her ex-husband ended up with both kids, not just his biological kid, but her little one from a previous marriage as well?

Tell that to the female voters of Texas.... Or anywhere.

Most women would fight for custody of their children virtually to the death.

And VERY, VERY, VERY seldom is custody NOT given to the Mother.

Unless she's incompetent.

Hmmmmmmm..... Incompetent to raise her own kids, but competent to be the Chief Executive of Texas?

Yeah, right.

This thing isn't worth two seconds of time. The bitch has NO chance. None.
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I was going to say..I've never noticed that dems have a problem voting for admitted criminals and felons...let alone liars.

Criminals vote for the people who they relate to.

She also lied about dealing with a pregnancy at the age of 17.

What scum. Using the poor and exploiting women for wealth and power.
So we get to find out how Wendy Davis had her education paid for at Harvard but we can't find out how Obama paid for ANY of his education at ANY college he attended. Interesting!
So we get to find out how Wendy Davis had her education paid for at Harvard but we can't find out how Obama paid for ANY of his education at ANY college he attended. Interesting!

There's nothing wrong with how she "paid" it, or even Obama, so long as it was legal. The issue was she' was trying to make herself out to be some oppressed victim who made it on her own, when the truth is antyhing but that. She's a fucking liar, lying for political gain. Which will make liberals love her even more becaucse they will call anything other than praise for her as "war on women".
She's not going to win anyway. Who cares
Tons on libfags are fleeing to texas, then voting for libfags there, forgetting the libfag policies that htey voted for in their prior states caused the high taxes and unemployment they fled from. But faggot liberals are retarded, and cannot learn.
...if that was the only thing a Texas politician lied about this country wouldn't be in the mess it is now...

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We don't know how Barry Hussein paid for college either. Maybe CUSA or domestic terrorist funding from robbing banks and armored cars.

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