TX democrat gov candidate lied about how she paid for college

Y'all must be really scared of Wendy.

I'm scared for this country when you idiots keep voting in liars.

But as for as Wendy's concerned, I'm not afraid one bit. The Republicans outnumber the idiots in this great state.
Wendy Davis' campaign to become first Democratic governor of Texas in 20 years stumbles as she is caught out exaggerating divorce and living in a trailer park | Mail Online

Speaking in a recent federal lawsuit she said that she ‘got divorced by the time she was 19 years old... after I got divorced, I lived in a mobile home park in southeast Fort Worth’. It turns out that she was in fact 21 when she got divorced from a man called Frank Underwood and only lived in the mobile home for a few months.

Last I checked, lying in support of a Federal Lawsuit is Perjury.

But we know that dimocrap scum don't care about that. We know they don't care about the law.

Except as how it applies to Conservatives and other Patriotic Americans.

dimocrap scum? They get a pass. Every time.

Oh...... Isn't it curious that it took a Foreign Newspaper to have enough interest to dig into the lying whore's background?


Just what I thought.
TX democrat gov candidate lied about how she paid for college

No, she did not

Davis testified, "I had a baby. I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old ... After I got divorced, I lived in a mobile home park in southeast Fort Worth."

She now admits that she was 21 when she divorced Frank Underwood and spent only a few months in the family mobile home before moving to an apartment with her daughter.

Yes she lied.
I was going to say..I've never noticed that dems have a problem voting for admitted criminals and felons...let alone liars.

Criminals vote for the people who they relate to.

She also lied about dealing with a pregnancy at the age of 17.

What scum. Using the poor and exploiting women for wealth and power.

that is the essence of the left - LIES.

otherwise they won't ever get into power - because they are the scum of the earth.

surprisingly they find a lot of idiots which WANT to be cheated and lied to to vote them in.

She is not an exception - rather the honest democrat ( please, show me ONE) is an extreme exception.
They all LIE - rangel, clinton, obama, jesse jackson, pelosi, reid, warren, and the name to them all - legion...
I was going to say..I've never noticed that dems have a problem voting for admitted criminals and felons...let alone liars.

Criminals vote for the people who they relate to.

She also lied about dealing with a pregnancy at the age of 17.

What scum. Using the poor and exploiting women for wealth and power.

that is the essence of the left - LIES.

otherwise they won't ever get into power - because they are the scum of the earth.

surprisingly they find a lot of idiots which WANT to be cheated and lied to to vote them in.

She is not an exception - rather the honest democrat ( please, show me ONE) is an extreme exception.
They all LIE - rangel, clinton, obama, jesse jackson, pelosi, reid, warren, and the name to them all - legion...

dimocrap scum voters know which way is up.

It's really simple..... Republicans expect you to work for a living....

dimocrap scum politicians will simply steal money from Republicans and give it to dimocrap scum voters.

Guys, I am NOT kidding. I see it every day. I mean EVERY day.

Kids on Welfare, fat mama sitting at home doing nothing, the teenagers under 18 on the street dealing drugs, older people teaching the younger people how to scam the system and get welfare bennies.... Older kids running some kind of scam or another, constantly in and out of Jail and/or Prison..... The Males have been made into Feral Creatures while the females squat in their filth hovels and squirt out one dimocrap voter/breeder/future ward of the State after another....

The young women who can't wait to get preggo and get Welfare, SNAP, AFDC, Housing Assistance..... All before they even learn to read. The wandering, aimless, directionless males with no education, no training, no one to raise his children, no one to 'humanize' or civilize him..... Inevitable ending up incarcerated -- Or dead.

Which way do you think those scumbags are gonna vote?

Think they're gonna vote for someone that says, "Bitch, get a fucking job." And take a fucking shower once in a while.

Or the dimocrap scumbag who steals money from people that work for it and doles it out to people that vote dimocrap and tells them it's always somebody else's fault.... Usually 'Whitey' or Republicans.

It really is just that simple.
is it any surprise that a democrat doesn't tell the truth and jakestarkey claims she didn't lie?


1. she lied about her age at divorce

2. she neglected to mention her husband paid for the last two years of harvard law school. --- this important because jakey has called me a liar for not including every detail.

poor jakey, hung by his own petard again
Democrats lie.

That's what people have to come to expect and they're disappointed when a Democrat doesn't lie.

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