Typical left celebrating Breitbarts death AGAIN in an op-ed in the Chicago Tribune

You mean like the media do constantly with any right wing comment? Like Romney being accused of 'I like to fire people' or that he 'doesn't care about the poor'. Selective editing is rampant - from both sides. The pity is that partisans care about it only when it goes against their side.
Breitbart made the practice an ART. As with Breitbart's Sherrod & ACORN "exposes", the editing is the MESSAGE. Romney is running for office, thus those are soundbites. STILL misleading & to be noted. Thank you for pointing this out.

Oh please. You buy that bullshit if it makes you feel better. Breitbart did no more and no less than the MSM has been doing for fucking decades.

It is not acceptable - to me anyway - for any politician to be deliberately misquoted for political bullshit. If that is the only way you can make a point, the point is unworthy.

I remember a couple of years ago when the left wingers were ranting about Glen Beck - apparently he 'hates the victims of 9-11'.... so I investigated that claim for myself. Did he say it? Technically yes. He did say that - and in the next sentence he explained it by saying that he didn't actually hate the victims of 9-11, he hated the way SOME of them - and clarified that to 9 or 10 individuals - who used the tragedy for political purposes. But, to this day, the left still lie about that.
I wrote the Romney quotes were misleading, did you miss that?
I will give my sympathy to the family and relatives of the andrew breitbart family. I will spare none for andrew breitbart.

If Obama, Reid, Pelosi, or any other Democrat died breitbart would have been cheering in the streets, high fiving everyone, and shooting off fireworks to celebrate their death. I will give him the same sympathy he would have given others who disagreed with him. The man was an ass and the world is a better place without him.
Really? You think Breitbart hadn't had his gloves off for years?

He did. Now we need the rest of conservatives to stop being so polite. Killing 'em with kindness will never work.
Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.

Only if the shoe fits......

Kim Kardashian is a tramp and a slut who had sex on film for money and fame. She is an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter. Is it OK to point that out?

Point out the 'celebration', dickhead.

The headline dickhead...

Not to mention I know Page - I have read the guys op-ed's for a decade, oh and not to mention I KNOW THE GUY..............

Anyone who is from Chicago and is informed on currant events and politics knows who he is. Hes spews his nonsense on the local public broadcasting station left and right.

Clarence Page WISHES he was a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton - He's been riding their coattails for quite sometime now.

Page is throwing salt and rubbing it in.

That is clear via his headline and intro..

I wouldn't expect a progressive to understand tho...
You know more of Page than I; I noted condolences. I'm still stuck.............IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, YEAH*.

*Chrssie Hynde.

Page is into that "social justice" nonsense..

Page is a blatant big government fascist er "socialist" (if that makes any sense).

The guy literally despised the Tea Party, and like every totalitarian lunatic the guy did his best to demonize and manifest propaganda.

Page is a wanna be Jessie Jackson...

In the article Page is basically mocking Breitbart... That is why I'm pissed - because it demonstrates progressive hypocrisy.
The headline dickhead...

Not to mention I know Page - I have read the guys op-ed's for a decade, oh and not to mention I KNOW THE GUY..............

Anyone who is from Chicago and is informed on currant events and politics knows who he is. Hes spews his nonsense on the local public broadcasting station left and right.

Clarence Page WISHES he was a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton - He's been riding their coattails for quite sometime now.

Page is throwing salt and rubbing it in.

That is clear via his headline and intro..

I wouldn't expect a progressive to understand tho...
You know more of Page than I; I noted condolences. I'm still stuck.............IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, YEAH*.

*Chrssie Hynde.

Page is into that "social justice" nonsense..

Page is a blatant big government fascist er "socialist" (if that makes any sense).

The guy literally despised the Tea Party, and like every totalitarian lunatic the guy did his best to demonize and manifest propaganda.

Page is a wanna be Jessie Jackson...

In the article Page is basically mocking Breitbart... That is why I'm pissed - because it demonstrates progressive hypocrisy.
In other words Page is of the SHOCK media variety?
And Ted Nugent supports Romney. Both of equal importance.

Now he is off his rocker (no pun of course)...

I always thought of Nugent as a classical liberal.

Guess not....

The only way I'm supporting Romney is if he goes toe to toe with Obamafuck...

It be another "vote for the lesser of the two evils" vote.
You know more of Page than I; I noted condolences. I'm still stuck.............IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD, YEAH*.

*Chrssie Hynde.

Page is into that "social justice" nonsense..

Page is a blatant big government fascist er "socialist" (if that makes any sense).

The guy literally despised the Tea Party, and like every totalitarian lunatic the guy did his best to demonize and manifest propaganda.

Page is a wanna be Jessie Jackson...

In the article Page is basically mocking Breitbart... That is why I'm pissed - because it demonstrates progressive hypocrisy.
In other words Page is of the SHOCK media variety?

I don't know - it depends on if you're concerned with politics.

He is no star, he's no "Jessie Jackson."

He does his best to divide, and he is certainly a race baiter... He HATES the Tea Party - that is certain. He does his best to demonize the Tea Party.. He has had some odd obsession with the Tea Party since the party/movement was formed.

I suppose in the end he has a First Amendment RIGHT to do that, however his position is also counter productive to the First Amendment...
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He did. Now we need the rest of conservatives to stop being so polite. Killing 'em with kindness will never work.
Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.

Only if the shoe fits......

Kim Kardashian is a tramp and a slut who had sex on film for money and fame. She is an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter. Is it OK to point that out?


Go right ahead. It amuses me that you have to dig HER up as your example. :lol::lol::lol:
I will give my sympathy to the family and relatives of the andrew breitbart family. I will spare none for andrew breitbart.

If Obama, Reid, Pelosi, or any other Democrat died breitbart would have been cheering in the streets, high fiving everyone, and shooting off fireworks to celebrate their death. I will give him the same sympathy he would have given others who disagreed with him. The man was an ass and the world is a better place without him.

Other then talking out of your ass, what of substance do you have is real?
He did. Now we need the rest of conservatives to stop being so polite. Killing 'em with kindness will never work.
Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.
Yes, Coulter & Rush are TOO mild! ; )

When a "slut" believes it's governments responsibility to provide condoms and birth control - then she is a fucking whore slut and a tyrannical piece of shit to boot.

Fuck that whore...

It's not societies burden to ensure the slut doesn't get knocked up and only a tyrannical lunatic would believe it is....

I don't even listen to Rush - It's a waste of my time, however in this case I side with him...
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Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.

Only if the shoe fits......

Kim Kardashian is a tramp and a slut who had sex on film for money and fame. She is an ardent, die-hard Obama supporter. Is it OK to point that out?


Go right ahead. It amuses me that you have to dig HER up as your example. :lol::lol::lol:
Rather odd. But the word SLUT came from Breitbart, so it is a favorite. Did ya know? AGENDA has made a comeback, by several individuals; I do not know all the posters views.

First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. by Mahatma Gandhi.
Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.
Yes, Coulter & Rush are TOO mild! ; )

When a "slut" believes it's governments responsibility to provide condoms and birth control - then she is a fucking whore slut and a tyrannical piece of shit to boot.

Fuck that whore...

It's not societies burden to ensure the slut doesn't get knocked up and only a tyrannical lunatic would believe it is....

I don't even listen to Rush - It's a waste of my time, however in this case I side with him...
Can't she just be a selfish, self centered nitwit?
"Breitbart's culture war ends"

"Speak no ill of the dead. So goes a saying from ancient Greece. I must beg for an exception in the case of the late Andrew Breitbart."

Conservative warrior Andrew Breitbart - chicagotribune.com
Point out the 'celebration', dickhead.

The headline dickhead...

Not to mention I know Page - I have read the guys op-ed's for a decade, oh and not to mention I KNOW THE GUY..............

Anyone who is from Chicago and is informed on currant events and politics knows who he is. Hes spews his nonsense on the local public broadcasting station left and right.

Clarence Page WISHES he was a Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton - He's been riding their coattails for quite sometime now.

Page is throwing salt and rubbing it in.

That is clear via his headline and intro..

I wouldn't expect a progressive to understand tho...

Here's the headline:
Breitbart's culture war ends

Where is the celebration, asshole?
Yeah, they're very happy Andrew Breitbart's dead. Most on the Left didn't even bother to pretend they had any humanity left over this one. I'm not angry though. I just think it's very sad seeing what the Left has become. Most have lost their humanity.
You confuse being happy that he will no longer pollute the national debate with being happy that the man is dead.

But you confuse a lot of things, like your support for a candidate who doesn't share your views.
Yes. Keep calling women "sluts". Very effective. Very.
Yes, Coulter & Rush are TOO mild! ; )

When a "slut" believes it's governments responsibility to provide condoms and birth control - then she is a fucking whore slut and a tyrannical piece of shit to boot.

Fuck that whore...

It's not societies burden to ensure the slut doesn't get knocked up and only a tyrannical lunatic would believe it is....

I don't even listen to Rush - It's a waste of my time, however in this case I side with him...

What a great example of the kind of word that needs to get out there to the voters on the Republican/Rightwing views. :clap2:
I do find it highly illustrative of the double standard. Liberals are all up in arms because Rush Limbaugh had the audacity to call an abortion rights activist a "slut"; while at the same time they call Breitbart the most evil and vicious names imaginable.

The only way to beat these cocksuckers is at the ballot box (by electing conservatives) and the public square (by exposing leftist hypocrisy). We conservatives have to stop using Marquess of Queensberry rules when we are in a street fight! It really is time to take the gloves off....

Really? You think Breitbart hadn't had his gloves off for years?

He did. Now we need the rest of conservatives to stop being so polite. Killing 'em with kindness will never work.
Exactly right! Follow your dittohead master's lead and insult over half the population.

Oh, the hissy-fit that the wingnuts will throw when they get their asses waxed in November! :laugh:
The Tribune is the most conservative paper in Chicago. They supported Bush both terms.

Ha, you're fucking delusional.

They thew Bush under the bus (as well as any conservative) with every opportunity they had/have.

Presently the Trib is nothing more than an pro-Obama, anti-conservative propaganda paper.

Only to myopic wingnuts like you.

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