Typical left wing commie hypocrite wants the "1%" to pay 80% in taxes


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Of course when Tucker said she could voluntarily pay more herself.....

Typical of this pathetic COLLEGE PROFESSOR teaching and brainwashing kids (of course she is a product of 60 years of commie brainwashing).
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Of course when Tucker said she could voluntarily pay more herself.....

Typical of this pathetic COLLEGE PROFESSOR teaching and brainwashing kids (of course she is a product of 60 years of commie brainwashing).

Have you every done your own federal income taxes? Do you understand how the columns of "tax owed" work?

"commie brainwashing"? You really need to read and study history. The RED SCARE is so 20th Century, and is only feared by the biddable and promulgated by the mendacious (or truly stupid, which are you?).

Progressive and liberal policies are not premised on anything more than a sense of what's fair, not on envy of the very rich but an understanding that the power elite are greedy and callous. That is history, from recorded time and exist once again today - exploitation of the many by the few.

The concern for communism is foolish, the greater threat to this nation is plutocracy, and that is what and who fools like you voted for in 2016.

Of course when Tucker said she could voluntarily pay more herself.....

Typical of this pathetic COLLEGE PROFESSOR teaching and brainwashing kids (of course she is a product of 60 years of commie brainwashing).


Looks like she and her family fit into the 60-70% tax plan she's proposing. That way she can pay for my college too.


So, here you have a member of the top 2% going after those in the top 1%.

I just hope those in the top 3% are paying attention.
Liberals are so good at spending other people's money but when it comes to their own money
it is simply do as I say not as I do. The liberal socialists can simply go fuck off

Nice echo of the RW meme, to bad you really have no concept of economic policy and its impact. BTW, telling liberal socialists to "fuck off" is a sure sign you are a goon and an ignorant member of the echo chamber.

We live in mixed economy, not the lassiez faire form of anarchy sought by the idiot fringe. But, we are close; the last election + the two Citizen's United SC decisions have created a plutocracy. The majority of members in the H. of Re. are now owned outright by the Power Elite, who can influence elections and run biddable and ambitious people against current members who do not support their agenda; using unlimited and anonymous money amounts of money they can buy and elect others. Simply the threat is sufficient to get their way.

Ben Franklin was spot on, if and when he responded to a question about the Constitution, "you have a Republic, if you can keep it".

We no longer have a Republic as designed by the founders, the H. of Rep. once considered "the people's house" has a majority - including a Speaker - who operate on the, I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" foundation, but say they really really care about all of us.

Remember this: It is very important to Watch the Feet of a Politician, not their Lips; it's not what they say, it's what they do. Take Trump as a very good example.
The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

I love how the arrogant twat Wry doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about so typical.

Smugly ignorant. It's hilarious.
The actual tax revenue from the top 1 percent is much higher than that. Liberal economics challenged idiots do not realize who pays the actual revenue that is collected by the government in this country. If they were even one thousandth as smart as they consider themselves they would almost catch a snail. I would just ask a couple of questions, Who does pay the actual primary source revenue that is collected in this country? Where does all revenue collected from all other sources come from?
Even the stupidest person in the third grade should be able to tell us the FACTS about those things. Of course all liberals are counter educated and probably will tell us the government is the primary source.

If she's wants to pay more taxes and not have the CPA's and Lawyers help her to hide her money, since she doesn't like them doing that as she stated in the interview, all she has to do is fill out the 1040EZ form to file her taxes.

She should practice what she preaches and lead by example.




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That interview is fucking GOLD.

She says shouldn't have to pay the 80% in marginal taxes she is proposing because she isn't QUITE in the top 1%, and besides, she TIPS WELL?


Holy shit, what a bitch.
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The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.

I love how the arrogant twat Wry doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about so typical.

Smugly ignorant. It's hilarious.

You've proved the opposite, I make an argument, you provide an ad hominem. You project your arrogance and ignorance on me.

That said, I'm not a Socialist and the fact that you cannot discern the difference between socialism and a mixed economy is telling, and what it tells is you are an uneducated and biddable fool, who echo meme's and really believes them.
That interview is fucking GOLD.

She says shouldn't have to pay the 80% in marginal taxes because she isn't QUITE in the top 1%, and besides, she TIPS WELL?


Holy shit, what a bitch.

Do you understand what the marginal tax rate is? I doubt it, and even if you do most of those who bitch and whine about federal income taxes have no clue.
Using Obama's own numbers, if the "rich" were taxed at 99% that would have just barely covered the deficits in his first years with nothing left for future increases or paying down the debt. Newsflash the "rich" don't have THAT much money.

So all you lazy fat ass moochers get off your couch, get a job, and start paying your own way.
She is not subjected to her own tax plan because she tips well.

I can't get over that statement....it's like out of a fucking SETH ROGAN movie...maybe even more stupid than anything ever said in a Seth ROGAN movie.

That is comedic GOLD. It's GOLD, JERRY!

Using Obama's own numbers, if the "rich" were taxed at 99% that would have just barely covered the deficits in his first years with nothing left for future increases or paying down the debt. Newsflash the "rich" don't have THAT much money.

So all you lazy fat ass moochers get off your couch, get a job, and start paying your own way.

I suggest that for a moment you stop being willfully ignorant (if in fact your ignorance is willfull) and look up Marginal Tax Rates. You (assume you work) pay a % on the first $30 k you earn, the 1% pays the SAME % on the first $30 k they earn. The Marginal Tax % goes up for the more earned income.

Do you comprehend?
Using Obama's own numbers, if the "rich" were taxed at 99% that would have just barely covered the deficits in his first years with nothing left for future increases or paying down the debt. Newsflash the "rich" don't have THAT much money.

So all you lazy fat ass moochers get off your couch, get a job, and start paying your own way.

I suggest that for a moment you stop being willfully ignorant (if in fact your ignorance is willfull) and look up Marginal Tax Rates. You (assume you work) pay a % on the first $30 k you earn, the 1% pays the SAME % on the first $30 k they earn. The Marginal Tax % goes up for the more earned income.

Do you comprehend?


She and you are suggesting increasing the progressive tax rates so I'll have no problem with her paying 70% or more of her and her families income.


Using Obama's own numbers, if the "rich" were taxed at 99% that would have just barely covered the deficits in his first years with nothing left for future increases or paying down the debt. Newsflash the "rich" don't have THAT much money.

So all you lazy fat ass moochers get off your couch, get a job, and start paying your own way.

I suggest that for a moment you stop being willfully ignorant (if in fact your ignorance is willfull) and look up Marginal Tax Rates. You (assume you work) pay a % on the first $30 k you earn, the 1% pays the SAME % on the first $30 k they earn. The Marginal Tax % goes up for the more earned income.

Do you comprehend?

View attachment 122912

She and you are suggesting increasing the progressive tax rates so I'll have no problem with her paying 70% or more of her and her families income.



No no no....she wants the "RICH" to pay their fair share....according to her, she is not rich and she tips well and is involved in philanthropy.....because NO ONE IN THE TOP 1% IS INVOLVED IN PHILANTHROPY and TIPS WELL.
Using Obama's own numbers, if the "rich" were taxed at 99% that would have just barely covered the deficits in his first years with nothing left for future increases or paying down the debt. Newsflash the "rich" don't have THAT much money.

So all you lazy fat ass moochers get off your couch, get a job, and start paying your own way.

I suggest that for a moment you stop being willfully ignorant (if in fact your ignorance is willfull) and look up Marginal Tax Rates. You (assume you work) pay a % on the first $30 k you earn, the 1% pays the SAME % on the first $30 k they earn. The Marginal Tax % goes up for the more earned income.

Do you comprehend?

View attachment 122912

She and you are suggesting increasing the progressive tax rates so I'll have no problem with her paying 70% or more of her and her families income.



No no no....she wants the "RICH" to pay their fair share....according to her, she is not rich and she tips well and is involved in philanthropy.....because NO ONE IN THE TOP 1% IS INVOLVED IN PHILANTHROPY and TIPS WELL.

The funniest thing is the cheapest people on earth are left wing elitists and it is not close.

At my club, you just have to see them. They are so annoying.

Many live in Chicago or Martha's Vineyard in the Summer. They treat the staff like shit, they complain about everything, and they never ever tip.

Not only that, but they brag about not tipping. All of them are absolute devoted liberals too.

Can't wait to piss on their graves. Here in South Florida palm Beach County is liberal as hell. Especially Boca Raton. The home of Wasserman(hyphen) Schultz .

Anything cheaper on earth than them?
I'd like to see all military spending to be derived from the top tax bracket and all funds from the top bracket be used only for the military.

Then as in the Eisenhower years when we have a war or two to pay off, a top 90% tax bracket may be justified. I think this would keep us out of needless wars and ill-fated attempts at nation building.

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