Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

Son yer lost. Keep going down that trail and really, I mean it...STAY there. And forget to vote.

I really understand that people hate Ron Paul's type of conservatism.

Get lost, fool.

It pains them hard.

You're either Conservative, or you aren't. it's that simple.

I am a person who hates the fact that personal freedom cannot lead by example.

We should lead by example.

Now, get lost.
This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.

Says who?

says me. Ya wanna disagree? Thats OK- in America one is free to be dead wrong.
I really understand that people hate Ron Paul's type of conservatism.

Get lost, fool.

It pains them hard.

You're either Conservative, or you aren't. it's that simple.

I am a person who hates the fact that personal freedom cannot lead by example.

We should lead by example.

Now, get lost.

If your posts, your Ideals are leardership...then you lead NOTHING but your own deluded voices in yer head.

This Republic was all about the Individual...and their Liberty. And it's something that is still alive...or didn't November tell you anything?

And by the way?

Personal FREEDOM produces REAL LEADERS.

Shame you aren't ONE of them.
Boeing lawsuit: South Carolina vs. big labor | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

My God, are we now the USSA?? (For stupid libs, thats akin to USSR, which to also add, is bad).

The Obama Admin has now filed a lawsuit against Boeing. Why? Boeing was tired of dealing with unions in Seattle. So, they took their new Dreamliner production planet, and built it in non-union North Charleston, South Caroline, bringing 5,000-8,000 good paying jobs to the area. The planet in SC is almost finished, with work about to start.

Now Tyrant Obama has filed a federal lawsuit claiming, get this, DISCRIMINATION!!!! They say Boeing is discriminating against union workers.....by daring build a plant in non-union South Carolina. Our federal government is trying to force a private company to use their preferred labor pool. The lawsuit seeks to force Boeing to relocate that new plant in SC back to Seattle.

Never in my wildest imagination could I have thought the United States government would begin filing lawsuits to force a private company to locate it's operations in the politicially preferred choice of the US government. It's basically a political assault on right wing South Carolina. Tyrant tactics, no doubt about it. Chicago thuggery in plain sight.

So now, even if Boeing wins that lawsuit, which they will, Boeing is gonna have to shell out millions of dollars to defend this suit.

Is this how Obama's Admin is gonna do business? SUE companies that provide jobs....for daring not use union labor? Punish states that voted against him with lawsuits against any non-union company within it's borders?

How anyone can continue to support Tyrant Obama baffles me.

This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.

You'll probably see the opposite of what you suggest. Unions take away the incentive from the workers, no matter how hard you work, your going to get paid the same as the lazy ass who is protected under the union. Probably will end up with a better product and less rework for the same reason as mentioned before.

Doubtful very doubtful. While it may well be true that unionized government work forces are often unmotivated and unproductive such is NOT true of the unionized private sector workers I have seen in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest. Those folks are the sort who do a fine job of managing both quality and quantity of output on the shop floor. Main 'problem' with the workforce is that it will also be pretty diligent & unbending regarding management attempts to dodge the terms of signed contracts. The culture places a high value on being serious about work. The deep south (Carolinas thru LA) has a different culture. People are often burst workers- hit it hard for a long day & then slack off rather than maintaining a continuous steady pace which accomodates the task being paid for. Take a bunch of these folks suddening going from $5 an hour clerking at the 'sack of suds' to $15 at the new factory and lots of 'em are gonna decise that they have enough money for the week working thru wednesday and just disappear the rest of the week. Good quality is also going to require much closer inspection of output. That is expensive. Heck the low level of/poor quality of education among the locals is going to be an issue.
Remember during all the Wisconsin brouhaha, when we heard repeatedly from the Right that it was the public sector unions they had a problem with,

NOT the private sector unions?


And remember how some of us laughed our asses off at that LIE??

well, here you go.

Since private sector union members pay and benefits come from the private sector and public sector union members pay and benefits come from the taxpayers, where is the lie? The changes made in the law only affected public sector Union members.
Remember during all the Wisconsin brouhaha, when we heard repeatedly from the Right that it was the public sector unions they had a problem with,

NOT the private sector unions?


And remember how some of us laughed our asses off at that LIE??

well, here you go.

Since private sector union members pay and benefits come from the private sector and public sector union members pay and benefits come from the taxpayers, where is the lie? The changes made in the law only affected public sector Union members.

You have to excuse NY Cabonated...he's confused.
This lawsuit is simply fed showboating for the base prior to the 2012 elections. It will never go anywhere serious.

That said from a pure $$$$$$$ viewpoint when the bottomline is calculated say 5 - 7 years from now it will be obvious that the SC plant is sooooo very much less productive than the WA facility in producing the 787 that those union wages will be seen as a bargain. If the company execs were not taking the union boss vs ceo headbutting so personal & just looked at business they would already recognise that the current non-union parts plant they have near the new site is a huge white-elephant and a major drain on profits. The assemby plant will fare no better.

You'll probably see the opposite of what you suggest. Unions take away the incentive from the workers, no matter how hard you work, your going to get paid the same as the lazy ass who is protected under the union. Probably will end up with a better product and less rework for the same reason as mentioned before.

Doubtful very doubtful. While it may well be true that unionized government work forces are often unmotivated and unproductive such is NOT true of the unionized private sector workers I have seen in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest. Those folks are the sort who do a fine job of managing both quality and quantity of output on the shop floor. Main 'problem' with the workforce is that it will also be pretty diligent & unbending regarding management attempts to dodge the terms of signed contracts. The culture places a high value on being serious about work. The deep south (Carolinas thru LA) has a different culture. People are often burst workers- hit it hard for a long day & then slack off rather than maintaining a continuous steady pace which accomodates the task being paid for. Take a bunch of these folks suddening going from $5 an hour clerking at the 'sack of suds' to $15 at the new factory and lots of 'em are gonna decise that they have enough money for the week working thru wednesday and just disappear the rest of the week. Good quality is also going to require much closer inspection of output. That is expensive. Heck the low level of/poor quality of education among the locals is going to be an issue.

Wow. Your idea of South Carolina workers is so off. Of course, you're probably one of those people who've never been here, and only know what Hollywood and MSNBC says about SC.

For one, BMW has found SC labor to be VERY productive and efficient. It's why they still operate in Greenville, SC, and have for almost 20 years, and Greenville has boomed behind that economic push.

Second, you describe workers slacking off. Well, thats EXACTLY what non-union labor is great for. The slackers can be fired and replaced. In a union deal, it's much harder to fire sorry workers. In SC we don't have that problem. And Boeing isn't hiring "$5 an hour clerks". They're hiring college grads and people with prior experience. Local Trident Technical College (The 2nd largest college in SC behind USC) has created specifically new programs designed to land a Boeing job, and people are flocking to it.

Lastly, I don't think you should be commenting on the education level of anyone while displaying so many spelling errors in your own post.

Boeing and Charleston are going to be outstanding partners for decades to come, despite Obama and the left's attempt to block it.
The right to work at Boeing | The Post and Courier, Charleston SC - News, Sports, Entertainment

National media is picking up this story that the Obama appointees really wanted to keep quiet. Of all the 50 states to pick a fight with, South Carolina is the last one the left would want to do it with. SC is known as being fiercly independent, right wing and willing to fight for what it's people believe in.

This could shape up to be a tremendously symbolic event. The president's un-elected appointees file an attack lawsuit on Boeing, for daring to build a plant in right wing, non-union SC. Why? One would think the following would be a good thing:

- USA needs jobs. Boeing is creating 8,000.
- USA needs manufacturing jobs. Boeing's are manufacturing.
- USA needs green energy. The SC Boeing plant is 100% solar powered.

Yet, Obama's NLRB appointees are in attack-mode to stop it. They argue that the mere act of building a plant in non-union SC is "intimidation" to union members. How? By opening a plant in SC? Boeing EXPANDED it's workforce in union-labor Seattle/Puget Sound by 2,000 employees. So Boeing didn't slash union labor, they simply opened in SC also.

With the national media beginning to pick this up, I predict it's gonna be a topic of presidential debates in 2012. The GOP is gonna be all over this. Those 3 "needs" listed above will be cited, along with Obama's appointees trying to file suit to block them. Trouble for the left indeed.
Boeing has got to love this shit.

The Located in SC to avoid this BS, and king Obama the First has decided to Force it on them.

Next stop for Boeing. Mexico.
Washinton state should let Boeing exercise it's right to move but exercise it's right to tax anything from Boeing or South Carolina.
Boeing has got to love this shit.

The Located in SC to avoid this BS, and king Obama the First has decided to Force it on them.

Next stop for Boeing. Mexico.

Did you ever think you'd see the day when a US President's appointees file an aggressive lawsuit on a company....for daring locate in one of the 50 states that the President doesn't approve of them locating in?

South Carolina's low tax, non-union environment is slowly becoming a business magnet. It's beautiful beaches, friendly population, etc, are attracting a lot. In fact Sen. Lindsey Graham is working on moving the US Military's African Command from Germany to Charleston, SC: http://www.thesunnews.com/2011/04/0...gets-invitation-from.html................when speaking with the commanding officer, Graham proposed this move, and the officer stated he'd love to live in Charleston, and that should be considered strongly. Why? Because the soldiers could purchase a house for cheaper, buy stuff cheaper, and basically live a higher standard of living in SC off-base because the cost of living is simply cheaper in the South.

But Obama and the left are desperate to stop this slow but steady creep of business and jobs from union states to non-union states. The unions are among biggest source of campaign funds. The more the unions dwindle, the less $$ for Democrats. Hence their desperation to stop it.
Washinton state should let Boeing exercise it's right to move but exercise it's right to tax anything from Boeing or South Carolina.

Washington State shouldn't have the power to "let" Boeing do anything. The WA state government doesn't own Boeing. Boeing operates there, and hires citizens of WA state at it's own will. If WA and the Feds keep trying to bully Boeing, they'll move to friendlier atmospheres.

Like Charleston, SC, voted 12 years straight as America's friendliest city!!!!
Here: America's Favorite Cities 2010 - Charleston | Travel + Leisure

Thats why business is fleeing to Charleston. And why Obama hates it. Because Charleston isn't full of bitter, rotten, envious, mean-spirited fucking liberals!!!!!!! It's full of Southern hotties, like most right wing women are.....more attractive than liberal ones.

Fuck off lefties!!! Leave our state alone hahahaha!!!
The more this gets out the more Obama loses.

I forwarded the story to everyone in my email. The left wing press is trying to ignore it. But at it's root, this is a move of dictatorship. I mean by absolute definition: Obama's appointees are trying to "dictate" where Boeing will operate, "dictate" who Boeing will hire. By definition, dictatorship.
Washinton state should let Boeing exercise it's right to move but exercise it's right to tax anything from Boeing or South Carolina.

Washington State shouldn't have the power to "let" Boeing do anything. The WA state government doesn't own Boeing. Boeing operates there, and hires citizens of WA state at it's own will. If WA and the Feds keep trying to bully Boeing, they'll move to friendlier atmospheres.

Like Charleston, SC, voted 12 years straight as America's friendliest city!!!!

Washington state should and does have the power to enforce it's laws.
Washinton state should let Boeing exercise it's right to move but exercise it's right to tax anything from Boeing or South Carolina.

Washington State shouldn't have the power to "let" Boeing do anything. The WA state government doesn't own Boeing. Boeing operates there, and hires citizens of WA state at it's own will. If WA and the Feds keep trying to bully Boeing, they'll move to friendlier atmospheres.

Like Charleston, SC, voted 12 years straight as America's friendliest city!!!!

Washington state should and does have the power to enforce it's laws.

Is there a law that forces the Boeing company to locate it's operations in the state of Washington?
Is there a law that prohibits the Boeing company from operating any business in the state of South Carolina?
Let's keep this to one thread, please. I don't disagree with your politics, but creating myriad threads on one topic just make you look like a lefty.

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