Tyrant Obama Admin: Files lawsuit to force Boeing to use union labor!!! WOW!!

So since Boeing IS a Federal customer? Does that give the FED the right to tell them where they can conduct commerce?


Obviously, it can. I am all for the Fed getting out of Boeing's life, but you are not. You love our MIC.

You favor conditions that prop up Boeing and their executives at the expense of the taxpayer.


Then WHOM are they going to go to for contracts? Government doesn't OWN any businesses...but to hear YOU? One would belive that they DO.

Gov't owns Boeing. Boeing is a long arm of the government. Only a fool would think otherwise, and i don't take you as a fool, yet.
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So who do you think the government should award contracts to for building bombers and fighter planes?

I think that we need a FP based on peace and trade rather than irrational brute force.

Do you comprehend?

What an idiot. Any nation that cannot defend itself is suicidal.

Exactly. Can the Government legitimently OWN a business? (I mean other than the ones like GE that they are cahoots with for political purposes)?
Obviously, it can. I am all for the Fed getting out of Boeing's life, but you are not. You love our MIC.

You favor conditions that prop up Boeing and their executives at the expense of the taxpayer.


Then WHOM are they going to go to for contracts? Government doesn't OWN any businesses...but to hear YOU? One would belive that they DO.

Gov't owns Boeing. Boeing is a long arm of the government. Only a fool would think otherwise.

They do? Have a LINK to the Ownership? Bill Of Sale perhaps?
No, in a free society, the government cannot legitimately own a business. To do so is antithetical to equal protection under the law.
No, in a free society, the government cannot legitimately own a business. To do so is antithetical to equal protection under the law.

Exactly...Antiderivative just told me that the Government OWNS Boeing...:lol:
Discriminating against employees to encourage or discourage acts of support for a labor organization. 8(a)(3)

This is what Boeing is doing. They are retaliating against the 2008 labor strikes.

Yes. This exactly what I found as well. And the evidence they cite is conversations between boeing execs and union leaders where the execs essentially threatened to take their business to another state. And they then proceeded to make good on the threat.

But I disagree 100% that what they did violates that statute, and furthermore, I question the wisdom and sanity of anyone that thinks otherwise.

I really don't care. I'd be happy if the government got out of Boeing's life. However, this is not what Repukes are proposing. Instead, they are advocating for more personal involvement and favoritism. I really disagree with you voodoo supply-side economics.

You think that the taxpayers' money only should go to executives. I disagree that the executives should be the only recipients who capture the economic rents due to their relationship with the government.

We obviously have a severe disagreement here. You think that Boeing executives should only benefit from taxpayers' money and I strongly disagree.

How you got ANY OF THAT out of my post is beyond reasonable comprehension.

Boy? Son? Get over yourself. You are a Statist that belives Gubmint OWNS everything including it's people, and wealth belongs to Gubmint.

And as far as this topic is concerned? You're all wet. Move along to what you know. (But that would require YOU being on a different Message board that is infested with YOUR likes and of YOUR bent).
You want proof that Walmart has been kept out of New York City for decades?


No, I want proof to substantiate your refutations, using wal-mart as your example here in this thread.

You don't think that refutes the statement 'businesses have the right to locate anywhere they want'?

What is wrong with you?

me? not a thing, whats wrong is you mangle quotes to make yourself right and now here, you appear to have chosen to take this so uber literally, it is something that could only appeal to a shallow intellect.
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