Tyrants targeting Jews again.....in New York

Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.
Never Forget..
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Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.

WHERE are ALL the Leftists aka Communists and the MSM human SLUGS, and at this forum especially those two British Leftists you know they have an obsession with posting about Da Joos to illustrate how they apparently LOVE Da Joos and how Patriotic Conservative Nationalists HATE Da Joos, those Leftists aka Communists LOVE LEFTIST aka COMMUNIST Whining Jews but they HATE Orthodox Jews who are Conservative and practice their Faith.

CAN you IMAGINE IF a Republican OR ANY Rightist was literally rounding up Orthodox Jews, what the REACTION would be from the filthy Leftists aka Communists and the MSM human SLUGS.
Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.
Never Forget..

Yes . . . somebody please inform the democrats THEY are becoming Nazis. How can any American with two functioning eyes not see this? Who will fight for the Jews and the rest of the American people? This time. Any volunteers?
Who didn't see this coming?

The Democrat Party has ALWAYS been Antisemitic.

Religion or rather belief in any power higher than the Party and State is forbidden by democrat ideology. This is simply phase fucking one. In phase two . . . the internments begin. Phase three, well you all know about phase three . . . if you've ever read a history book.
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Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.
Never Forget..

First of all, your source is highly biased

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Citizen Free Press Right Biased for story selection and Mixed for factual reporting due to use of some poor sources and a complete lack of transparency.

Secondly "Rounding up Jews" ??Really ? What are they doing with them? Are they being sent to extermination camps in box cars as this shit rag publication would like us to believe. ?And let me ask you this . Are they being treated any differently than anyone else who flagrantly violates Covid rules and guidelines? You jackasses will stop at nothing to smear Democrats. You have no principles, boundaries, or moral core.
First of all, your source is highly biased

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

  • Overall, we rate Citizen Free Press Right Biased for story selection and Mixed for factual reporting due to use of some poor sources and a complete lack of transparency.

Secondly "Rounding up Jews" ??Really ? What are they doing with them? Are they being sent to extermination camps in box cars as this shit rag publication would like us to believe. ?And let me ask you this . Are they being treated any differently than anyone else who flagrantly violates Covid rules and guidelines? You jackasses will stop at nothing to smear Democrats. You have no principles, boundaries, or moral core.
Actually the story originates from SV News on Twitter ..... not Citizens Free Press.'

Secondly, there is actual video of the cops dispersing these people.

And, I see you fail to mention that Black LIES Matters and other looters are not being dispersed.

Only these Jewish people.

That's why folks are "smearing Democrats" ..... Jackass !!!!
Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.
Never Forget..

babylonbee and the onion have called it quits.
Breaking — DeBlasio rounding up Jews who ‘peacefully protest’ lockdown orders…

7 Oct 2020

Orthodox Jews fighting for the right to pray in their synagogues after Cuomo shutters schools and places of worship in Brooklyn, and DeBlasio is rounding them up for arrest. BLM and Antifa are free to shoot cops and torch the city, but Jews gathering together to worship is apparently a bridge too far.

Now who are the Nazi's now?
Actually, “Rounding up the Jews” is an optic that I would never have expected to see in my American lifetime, especially in New York City. No wonder De Blasio changed his name from Wilhelm. He is an anti-Semite thug piece of excrement.
Marxist Socialist Democrat Commies persecuting Jews. Comrade Wilhelm trying to repeat history. For some reason i am not surprised.
It looks like there are reincarnated new Mussolini (Cuomo) and Hitler (De Blasio) versions 2.0 in the State and City of New York.
Meanwhile, it's ironic how Jews have mostly supported the very Marxist Socialist Democrat regime that persecutes them. They're repeating their mistakes of the 1920's in Russia and 1930's in Germany.
Never Forget..

A blatant lie from a Reich Wing Site....they lie and you believe

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