Tyre Nichols body cam footage

How would anybody know what he was being stopped for other than the officers that were there?
You know that radio is in their car for a reason, when they pull someone over or chase someone they CALL it in.
The Chief is trying to pander to the angry crowd so they don't act like a bunch of animals like the Floyd riots.
Is that the best excuse you can come up with, these officers were fired and charged with 2nd degree murder. What the hell do they need to protest for? Your argument is stupid as hell.
Like I always say, first reports are usually 50% wrong. Wait until people have to take an oath in court to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Then and only then will we see what the real truth is.
Yea the videos are all fabricated and were made in Hollywood, why in the hell would we believe our lying eyes. That's the same lame ass excuse you tried to use in the Arbery Case and the Chauvin Case. Too bad that didn't call a lot of racist like you in those cases.
You know that radio is in their car for a reason, when they pull someone over or chase someone they CALL it in.

Then they had to call for backup for some reason other than a traffic stop. Why haven't we heard those radio calls yet?

Is that the best excuse you can come up with, these officers were fired and charged with 2nd degree murder. What the hell do they need to protest for? Your argument is stupid as hell.

Chauvin was immediately put on leave and charged the next day for murder and they started a riot anyway. Lowlifes look for any reason to riot so they can try to rob businesses and burn them down with impunity.

Yea the videos are all fabricated and were made in Hollywood, why in the hell would we believe our lying eyes. That's the same lame ass excuse you tried to use in the Arbery Case and the Chauvin Case. Too bad that didn't call a lot of racist like you in those cases.

Where did I say the videos were fabricated? I swear you leftists are born liars so to the point it's not a conscious thing for you anymore.

They are not charged for murder as a gang, their cases will be heard individually. You can't charge an officer for murder over something another office might have done. In each case they will watch the video frame by frame if necessary and look at what part that particular officer played in all this. Not all the officers were punching or kicking the suspect. Some were just trying to get his arms behind his back. You can't charge somebody for murder for doing that. It's part of the job of a police officer.

Then the autopsy report will play an important role. If it's determined his death was caused by blows to the head, an officer that was only punching him in the stomach or chest can't be responsible for a blow to the head if he never hit him in the head. So a lot hinges on what the autopsy report says.

In the end even if a jury determines the charge of murder was proper, you can't charge all of them if some had nothing to do with the murder. So don't expect all five to be found guilty of it. if you do I think you're going to be very disappointed in the end.
None of the 5 that were arrested activated or removed their body camera's.

All 5 officers charged in Tyre Nichols' death removed or failed to activate their body-worn cameras. They were caught by a 'sky cop' camera installed to monitor crime hotspots.

Tennessee policy requires officers to activate their body cameras during "all law enforcement encounters and activities."

But investigators said Martin failed to activate his body-worn camera during the first confrontation with Nichols. "At some point," he also removed the camera from his duty vest and placed it in an unmarked vehicle, according to the documents.

According to the records, Bean also removed his body-worn camera from his duty vest and put it on the trunk of a squad car during the "active scene" and then walked away from the device while it was still recording in order to have a conversation with his fellow officers about the incident.

Mills's camera caught the initial interaction with Nichols, officials said, but the officer later removed his duty vest and placed it on the trunk of an unmarked vehicle with the camera still attached.

Prosecutors are going to prove intent with this.

I also do not understand after knowing what we know abou the Chief of Police, how it is that she still has not been fired.
Ex-Memphis police officer Preston Hemphill lied about seeing reckless driving and that Tyre Nichols put up a fight during the traffic stop that eventually led to him being beaten, newly obtained documents show.

" The video footage does not corroborate [Hemphill's] statement," the document read. "Video evidence shows [Nichols] was not resisting, but was running away from you while you attempted to tase him."

Ex-MPD officer falsely reported Tyre Nichols' stop, had 'personally owned' handcuffs
Then they had to call for backup for some reason other than a traffic stop. Why haven't we heard those radio calls yet?
Could it be because they didn't make any.
Chauvin was immediately put on leave and charged the next day for murder and they started a riot anyway. Lowlifes look for any reason to riot so they can try to rob businesses and burn them down with impunity.
People start protesting immediately after seeing the death of Floyd and yea low lifes take advantage of tragic situations. He was not charged with murder the next day, that's a lie.
Where did I say the videos were fabricated? I swear you leftists are born liars so to the point it's not a conscious thing for you anymore.
You keep bitchng and moaning that your eyes are lying about what they see on the video.
They are not charged for murder as a gang, their cases will be heard individually. You can't charge an officer for murder over something another office might have done. In each case they will watch the video frame by frame if necessary and look at what part that particular officer played in all this. Not all the officers were punching or kicking the suspect. Some were just trying to get his arms behind his back. You can't charge somebody for murder for doing that. It's part of the job of a police officer.

Then the autopsy report will play an important role. If it's determined his death was caused by blows to the head, an officer that was only punching him in the stomach or chest can't be responsible for a blow to the head if he never hit him in the head. So a lot hinges on what the autopsy report says.

In the end even if a jury determines the charge of murder was proper, you can't charge all of them if some had nothing to do with the murder. So don't expect all five to be found guilty of it. if you do I think you're going to be very disappointed in the end.
The walls are crumbling down on this murder.

Ex-MPD officer falsely reported Tyre Nichols' stop, had 'personally owned' handcuffs​

Could it be because they didn't make any.

People start protesting immediately after seeing the death of Floyd and yea low lifes take advantage of tragic situations. He was not charged with murder the next day, that's a lie.

You keep bitchng and moaning that your eyes are lying about what they see on the video.

The walls are crumbling down on this murder.

Ex-MPD officer falsely reported Tyre Nichols' stop, had 'personally owned' handcuffs​

What a dumb statement: the police didn't make any calls for backup. Then tell me, how did the other officers arrive, mental telepathy?

The truth of the matter is we don't know the entire situation and so it seems, they are not going to tell us either. We won't know until the trials start unfortunately. The media knows how to control the minds of people, so they are going to keep the truth from getting out because they do want protests and riots.

That's why I said outside of the guy that was kicking the suspect, I'll withhold judgement until we do get the entire story. Right now all we have are these dark videos where the body cam is shaking so much you really can't tell who did what.
so since they didnt plan to kill him its OK to kill him,,,

youre one sick mother fucker,,

funny how 5 guys that outweighed him by 6-8 hundred pounds and were well trained couldnt restrain a 130 guy,,,

sadly the dead guy doesnt get a day in court because they beat him to death,,,

Ray would cheer the Gestapo herding Jews into boxcars. His worship of Authority is THAT over the top.

what crime did he comitt???

Police have directive authority and when encountered and directed by them to do something and you don’t then you have committed illegality also know as a crime.

Stop tap-dancing and answer the question!

Police don't sit on people. Police restrain suspects by placing them in handcuffs for their safety, the suspect and the public.

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There is a reason so many cops were there, and it was not for a simple traffic violation.

Yes: one saw the guy he wanted to kill, so he called in his buddies. Not unlike a gangbanger seeing someone in the "wrong" colors and calling in his buddies.

None of the 5 that were arrested activated or removed their body camera's.

All 5 officers charged in Tyre Nichols' death removed or failed to activate their body-worn cameras. They were caught by a 'sky cop' camera installed to monitor crime hotspots.

Tennessee policy requires officers to activate their body cameras during "all law enforcement encounters and activities."

But investigators said Martin failed to activate his body-worn camera during the first confrontation with Nichols. "At some point," he also removed the camera from his duty vest and placed it in an unmarked vehicle, according to the documents.

According to the records, Bean also removed his body-worn camera from his duty vest and put it on the trunk of a squad car during the "active scene" and then walked away from the device while it was still recording in order to have a conversation with his fellow officers about the incident.

Mills's camera caught the initial interaction with Nichols, officials said, but the officer later removed his duty vest and placed it on the trunk of an unmarked vehicle with the camera still attached.

Prosecutors are going to prove intent with this.

I also do not understand after knowing what we know abou the Chief of Police, how it is that she still has not been fired.

This is why police body cameras running every second of every minute of every shift simply need to be a Federal mandate, and deactivating or disabling them needs to be a felony with mandatory two years in prison's general population.
Yes: one saw the guy he wanted to kill, so he called in his buddies. Not unlike a gangbanger seeing someone in the "wrong" colors and calling in his buddies.

This is why police body cameras running every second of every minute of every shift simply need to be a Federal mandate, and deactivating or disabling them needs to be a felony with mandatory two years in prison's general population.

This is why police body cameras running every second of every minute of every shift simply need to be a Federal mandate, and deactivating or disabling them needs to be a felony with mandatory two years in prison's general population.

Feel free to pay for it then! You have to outfit them, store, manage, archive, save the data. GOVT is crazy over-budget in every department. You remind me of the Black sportscasters on Sirius who are outraged that the NFL cuts off FREE HEALTH Insurance 5 years AFTER players leave the NFL. WTH! If I leave Texas Instruments....you insurance is over right then and there. YOU PAY for it.
Kiss off, Thinking money grows on trees.
Correct. Stating I want to hear both sides of the story is Gestapo like. You people like the Kim Dong Un version where you judge somebody guilty with no trial or defense. How American of you.

Brush your teeth, I can smell the jackboot polish from here.

Look...there is NOTHING a cop does you would condemn. You worship Authority, with religious fervor.
Feel free to pay for it then! You have to outfit them, store, manage, archive, save the data. GOVT is crazy over-budget in every department. You remind me of the Black sportscasters on Sirius who are outraged that the NFL cuts off FREE HEALTH Insurance 5 years AFTER players leave the NFL. WTH! If I leave Texas Instruments....you insurance is over right then and there. YOU PAY for it.
Kiss off, Thinking money grows on trees.

Data storage is cheap. Your deflection about NFL health insurance is pathetic.

And who said anything about paying? Just require it federally. Can't afford it? Not my fucking problem.
Data storage is cheap. Your deflection about NFL health insurance is pathetic.

And who said anything about paying? Just require it federally. Can't afford it? Not my fucking problem.

You and your stupid tribe of gimmee gimmee gimmee. Go get it yourself! Normal people don't interact with Police at all! Not enough to care if some street vermin takes off running and gets roughed up. I don't F-ing care.
Nothing is FREE you dumb OX. You pay for it. You and your kind can pay for free health care for every American, X-NFL player and Illegal South American they can shoe-horn in.
You and your stupid tribe of gimmee gimmee gimmee. Go get it yourself! Normal people don't interact with Police at all! Not enough to care if some street vermin takes off running and gets roughed up. I don't F-ing care.
Nothing is FREE you dumb OX. You pay for it. You and your kind can pay for free health care for every American, X-NFL player and Illegal South American they can shoe-horn in.

As expected, you are just a copsucker, and projecting your faults on others.
Brush your teeth, I can smell the jackboot polish from here.

Look...there is NOTHING a cop does you would condemn. You worship Authority, with religious fervor.

I said repeatedly I thought the cop that kicked him in the head should be held to charges. So your lying doesn't cut it here because there is too much evidence against you.
What a dumb statement: the police didn't make any calls for backup. Then tell me, how did the other officers arrive, mental telepathy?
So tell us how they Memphis PD came to the conclusion that Nichols wasn't pulled over for reckless driving, also have you ever heard of a cellphone.
The truth of the matter is we don't know the entire situation and so it seems, they are not going to tell us either. We won't know until the trials start unfortunately. The media knows how to control the minds of people, so they are going to keep the truth from getting out because they do want protests and riots.

That's why I said outside of the guy that was kicking the suspect, I'll withhold judgement until we do get the entire story. Right now all we have are these dark videos where the body cam is shaking so much you really can't tell who did what.
Yes we know the entire situation, for the simple fact it is on video.

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