Tyre Nichols body cam footage

The video shows she didn't even enter the building yet.
Babbitt was NOT in the building??
Is that the hill you wanna die on Ray?

Clue for the cluefull:
She had to enter the building ---deep into the building----in order to access that hallway. No?


This guy wasn't even investigated by his own police force.
I don't think you have that one right either.
The incident WAS investigated.
Ray....I generally will read some of your stuff; however, amigo.....you really need to do a little more due diligence before you start to make assertions and claims here. You too often come off as half-cocked or unprepared.
Google is your friend.

From the DOJ website, to wit:
" The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia’s Public Corruption and Civil Rights Section and the Civil Rights Division, with the Metropolitan Police Department’s Internal Affairs Division (IAD), conducted a thorough investigation of Ms. Babbitt’s shooting.

Officials examined video footage posted on social media, statements from the officer involved and other officers and witnesses to the events, physical evidence from the scene of the shooting, and the results of an autopsy. Based on that investigation, officials determined that there is insufficient evidence to support a criminal prosecution.

"The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways. USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby .....

Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects. As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out. An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor.

Specifically, the investigation revealed no evidence to establish that, at the time the officer fired a single shot at Ms. Babbitt, the officer did not reasonably believe that it was necessary to do so in self-defense or in defense of the Members of Congress and others evacuating the House Chamber.

"....the U.S. Attorney’s Office and U.S. Department of Justice have therefore closed the investigation into this matter."
In most states you can't shoot anybody through a door or window.
You can if they are trying to kick it down or coming through it. That's what happened to Ashlli.
Yes, they have to be in the building first. I posted the video and it showed she was shot outside of the glass that was busted.
Who broke it and why did they break it?
The cop was never investigated for the shooting which anywhere else, would have to be investigated even if it was already assumed that the officer shot in self-defense.
Sure he was, he was put on administrative leave while it was investigated and it was found to be a clean shoot.
Not only that, but most shootings are also investigated by other enforcement agencies besides the one the officer worked for just to assure it was not a biased investigation. This guy wasn't even investigated by his own police force.

More than that he's been cited in the past for careless handling of a firearm. He went to the bathroom and left his gun in there.
Do you have a link to any of this?
Who is still yearning for the 81st command to “lie on the ground” because 1-80 wasn’t enough effort.
We need to stop teaching Burka love in school and start teaching how not to render yourself deceased.
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Babbit was no imminent threat
That’s the requirement
What she could maybe have possibly done to somebody later on does not get you killed in the present moment-that’s called murder
You weren't there, so how do you know what he assessed.
Well there is this modern thing called video and cell phone cameras
The facts of what we all saw was a woman on her belly crawling through a window and trying to stand up but she was shot dead first
CALL: Babbit was no imminent threat
RESPONSE: too bad for Ashlli the authorities didn't see it that way.
CALL: He did not correctly assess imminent lethal threat.
RESPONSE: too bad for Ashlli the authorities didn't see it that way.
The facts of what we all saw was a woman on her belly crawling through a window and trying to stand up but she was shot dead first
Umm, nope.
It seems no one, but good poster Wthr53 saw her on her belly. Everybody else saw her on her feet charging through a violently smashed breach in the purpose-erected barricade towards the police who had warned her to back off.

Poor dead Ashli is dead because of poor decisions by the live Ashli.
Play stupid games, get..............
You can if they are trying to kick it down or coming through it. That's what happened to Ashlli.

Who broke it and why did they break it?

Sure he was, he was put on administrative leave while it was investigated and it was found to be a clean shoot.

Do you have a link to any of this?

No, in a lot of places, especially in your anti-gun commie states, you cannot use deadly force against somebody that is not posing a threat to you in way of bodily harm or death. They consider a person outside your home not a threat. It used to be that way here in my state of Ohio. In fact, the law read If somebody was breaking into my home and I had a reasonable way to leave my home, I must exercise what was called duty to retreat. That means even if they did step into my home and I didn't leave and used deadly force instead, I could be charged for murder. That's why our legislatures changed it, but, it's still that way in a number of states today.

Now show me this investigation of the Capitol officer and the results.

States with Duty to Retreat Laws:​

The following states currently have “duty to retreat” laws in place:

  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Iowa
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Missouri
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

And quit breaking up my posts sentence by sentence. If you can't figure out how to answer a post without doing that, check with your local high school to see if they offer adult writing classes at night.
No, in a lot of places, especially in your anti-gun commie states, you cannot use deadly force against somebody that is not posing a threat to you in way of bodily harm or death. They consider a person outside your home not a threat. It used to be that way here in my state of Ohio. In fact, the law read If somebody was breaking into my home and I had a reasonable way to leave my home, I must exercise what was called duty to retreat. That means even if they did step into my home and I didn't leave and used deadly force instead, I could be charged for murder. That's why our legislatures changed it, but, it's still that way in a number of states today.

Now show me this investigation of the Capitol officer and the results.

States with Duty to Retreat Laws:​

The following states currently have “duty to retreat” laws in place:

  • Arkansas
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Iowa
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Missouri
  • Minnesota
  • Nebraska
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

And quit breaking up my posts sentence by sentence. If you can't figure out how to answer a post without doing that, check with your local high school to see if they offer adult writing classes at night.
It's so much bullshit in trash in each sentence, they have to be broken down by sentence to weed out the garbage.

So 17 out of 50 states. In Georgia if someone is kicking in your door you don't have to wait until they kick it down to fire, if you are in your car and someone is trying to break the window of your car to get in, you can drop them where they stand.

“I think the police officer did his job,” McCarthy said Thursday in response to a question from HuffPost about whether Babbitt was murdered.

Your speaker said the officer did his job.

The Capitol Police said the officer’s action potentially saved lawmakers and staff from potential injuries and death at the hands of the mob attacking the Capitol.

The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways. USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby and the Chamber, and three officers positioned themselves between the doors and the mob. Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects. Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate. As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out. An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor. A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.

It's so much bullshit in trash in each sentence, they have to be broken down by sentence to weed out the garbage.

So 17 out of 50 states. In Georgia if someone is kicking in your door you don't have to wait until they kick it down to fire, if you are in your car and someone is trying to break the window of your car to get in, you can drop them where they stand.

“I think the police officer did his job,” McCarthy said Thursday in response to a question from HuffPost about whether Babbitt was murdered.

Your speaker said the officer did his job.

The Capitol Police said the officer’s action potentially saved lawmakers and staff from potential injuries and death at the hands of the mob attacking the Capitol.

The investigation further determined that Ms. Babbitt was among a mob of people that entered the Capitol building and gained access to a hallway outside “Speaker’s Lobby,” which leads to the Chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time, the USCP was evacuating Members from the Chamber, which the mob was trying to enter from multiple doorways. USCP officers used furniture to barricade a set of glass doors separating the hallway and Speaker’s Lobby to try and stop the mob from entering the Speaker’s Lobby and the Chamber, and three officers positioned themselves between the doors and the mob. Members of the mob attempted to break through the doors by striking them and breaking the glass with their hands, flagpoles, helmets, and other objects. Eventually, the three USCP officers positioned outside the doors were forced to evacuate. As members of the mob continued to strike the glass doors, Ms. Babbitt attempted to climb through one of the doors where glass was broken out. An officer inside the Speaker’s Lobby fired one round from his service pistol, striking Ms. Babbitt in the left shoulder, causing her to fall back from the doorway and onto the floor. A USCP emergency response team, which had begun making its way into the hallway to try and subdue the mob, administered aid to Ms. Babbitt, who was transported to Washington Hospital Center, where she succumbed to her injuries.

So what make you think I agree with everything every Republican says? The truth of the matter is (and your link describes) she wasn't even in the building yet. She was still in the hallway where she dropped.

As for duty to retreat, again, it depends on which state you're talking about. If somebody is breaking into my car, in my state, yes, I am legally allowed to use deadly force. I couldn't do that before we passed our Castle Doctrine and it applied to CCW holders in our car. Now that we are a constitutional carry state, it applies to anybody that's legally allowed to be in a possession of a firearm.

Try doing that in NY and see what happens to you. You only have to look at that bodega store clerk to know that. He was an older guy that was attacked by a young ex-con and used deadly force to defend himself. He was arrested and charged with murder; even sent to Riker island. If not for the public outrage, he'd still be there and likely found guilty of murder. That's how they do things in commie states.
So what make you think I agree with everything every Republican says? The truth of the matter is (and your link describes) she wasn't even in the building yet. She was still in the hallway where she dropped.
Was she authorized to be in that hallway?

Was she trying to force her way into the chambers where members of Congress were conducting business?
As for duty to retreat, again, it depends on which state you're talking about. If somebody is breaking into my car, in my state, yes, I am legally allowed to use deadly force. I couldn't do that before we passed our Castle Doctrine and it applied to CCW holders in our car. Now that we are a constitutional carry state, it applies to anybody that's legally allowed to be in a possession of a firearm.

Try doing that in NY and see what happens to you. You only have to look at that bodega store clerk to know that. He was an older guy that was attacked by a young ex-con and used deadly force to defend himself. He was arrested and charged with murder; even sent to Riker island. If not for the public outrage, he'd still be there and likely found guilty of murder. That's how they do things in commie states.
I don't live in NY, good for him. Every man has a right to defend himself and his property.
"The truth of the matter is (and your link describes) she wasn't even in the building yet. She was still in the hallway where she dropped."

Ray, Ray, Ray, ---- what is it that you don't get that for now dead Babbitt to be in that hallway she had to be inside the building. You are mis-speaking. And it makes your assertions look silly and untutored.

PS....it is the "Capitol Building". She was deep inside it. She had to be to get to the hallway that led to the Chamber.

You may want to mean that she was not even in the 'House Chamber".....'The Hall of the House of Representatives'.

Keep up, son. You are holding your own arguments back, making them look silly.
Ray, Ray, Ray, ---- what is it that you don't get that for now dead Babbitt to be in that hallway she had to be inside the building. You are mis-speaking. And it makes your assertions look silly and untutored.

PS....it is the "Capitol Building". She was deep inside it. She had to be to get to the hallway that led to the Chamber.

You may want to mean that she was not even in the 'House Chamber".....'The Hall of the House of Representatives'.

Keep up, son. You are holding your own arguments back, making them look silly.

Because she was in the hallway separated by a window means she was no immediate threat to the officer or Congress which is the only time it's justified to use deadly force. He got away with it regardless what our laws are.
Because she was in the hallway separated by a window means she was no immediate threat to the officer or Congress which is the only time it's justified to use deadly force. He got away with it regardless what our laws are.

She was climbing through the broken window. But you know this.

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