Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

Actually both sides escalated it. I think once the tape is reviewed completely, both sides are going to want this to go the hell away.
Not really.

The onus on the cops is to act like professionals.

They didn't.

On the other hand, our celebrities have a sense of entitlement that we give them.

The cops are so screwed on this one.
Not really.

The onus on the cops is to act like professionals.

They didn't.

On the other hand, our celebrities have a sense of entitlement that we give them.

The cops are so screwed on this one.

The onus is on both parties. Also let's see if his driver window is legal for tint.

Again, I think both sides want this one to go away.
Police tell you t keep the window down, do it.

I knew there was more to this than people initially claimed. Just silly to not keep his window down.

He should have rolled the window down, clearly.


Bad police work here. Too quick off the trigger, no pun intended. Not removed enough. It happens, but it's not okay
Because you were white?
Because I didn’t act stupid
Check your privilege, buddy.
Privilege? You obviously have no clue who I am, you assume a lot of things, clarifies why you are so wrong about things
Of course, Hill acted like an ass, too. He should have immediately complied with all instructions, and if the police still acted like asses
Bingo!! Ding, ding, ding!!
THEN you file a complaint about racial profiling, which is certainly what this was.
Hispanic officers are now classified as racist perps, you need to get out of your bubble
Hey fncceo ...yer a cop. Does a window have to be all the way down, or can it be opened just wide enough to pass over papers?

(Just to solve this riddle since its being argued the window does not have to be all the way down.)
In Florida - all the way down. I posted the link last night. It's a safety issue.,
One question is how much tint did the windows have. If the cop can't see you with the window up, the whole rule thing about only having to roll down your window a bit goes out the window.

Plenty of people have an illegal amount of tint on their windows.
Particularly in FLorida
If you are disobeying the law and get pulled over, the cop has every right to make you open the window.
The weird thing was Tyreek had the window open and was talking to the Cop and then he closed it while the Cop was still trying to talk to him. That's basically saying F* Off which is what led to the take down and cuffs. I do think the Cops went over the top but as often happens, it starts with ignoring instructions or being combative.
So this loser was caught speeding and didn't want to roll his window down. What if he has a gun and police cannot see through the tinted window. This mofo is now a hero to blacks. Unbelievable.

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