Tyreek Hill body-cam video from Miami-Dade Police. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Am I right?

no law requires you to roll your window all the way down nor not talk,,
Hill could have easily avoided confrontation, if he rolled the window down and had the slightest ounce of respect, nothing happens
everything was fine until the cops turned violent for no reason,, he was getting out of the car,,
The officer had a short fuse, if Hill showed the slightest amount of respect, nothing escalates, the last thing you do is haul ass down the street, not the highway and then have a attitude, he acted like a punk. I have questioned officers that pulled me over, but I respected their request, guess what, it never escalated…wonder why….
You only have to roll down your window to pass documents and speak

There is no reason you have to have your window down for police safety

Given the police acting like goons over a simple traffic stop, you can see why people are hesitant to roll their window down all the way
The officer had a short fuse, if Hill showed the slightest amount of respect, nothing escalates

Hill asked for the ticket so he could move on.

All the officer required was documentation and write a ticket for the infraction.

No need to demand the window be down and no need to remove the driver and place him in cuffs
had the slightest ounce of respect

I will let you in on a little secret.

Police don't want your respect ... they just want your compliance.

The only thing any officer wants from a traffic stop is for it to go smoothly.

On a traffic stop, police need to

1. Determine you are not a threat ... The cop has no idea who you are ... you could be a nun or an axe murderer (or both). They need to see inside the car and what you are doing with your hands so you don't shoot them or drive over them.

2. Confirm your identity. In order to make a report or issue a ticket, they need to know who you are.

Do these two things and everything goes smooth ... it doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience for anyone.

If you feel the need to argue the facts of the traffic stop or feel you are being unjustly ticketed, the place to discuss or argue that is in court in front of a judge ... not on the side of a road with a cop who is just trying to get home after his shift.
There is no reason you have to have your window down for police safety

That's not always true ... window tint and the placement of the windows can leave blind spots. This is why ... typically, police will approach a stopped vehicle from the rear. Giving them opportunity to see in the rear and side windows while the passengers are facing away. If the windows are highly tinted, even legally tinted, the officer may not be able to see well enough to identify potential threats.

At the end of the day, a cop ONLY wants to go home at the end of his shift without stopping off at the ER to get treated for a gunshot wound.

A reasonable request.
I will let you in on a little secret.

Police don't want your respect ... they just want your compliance.

The only thing any officer wants from a traffic stop is for it to go smoothly.

On a traffic stop, police need to

1. Determine you are not a threat ... The cop has no idea who you are ... you could be a nun or an axe murderer (or both). They need to see inside the car and what you are doing with your hands so you don't shoot them or drive over them.

2. Confirm your identity. In order to make a report or issue a ticket, they need to know who you are.

Do these two things and everything goes smooth ... it doesn't have to be an unpleasant experience for anyone.

If you feel the need to argue the facts of the traffic stop or feel you are being unjustly ticketed, the place to discuss or argue that is in court in front of a judge ... not on the side of a road with a cop who is just trying to get home after his shift.
Generally, you are right. However, there is a wide fuzzy area on things police and civilians do. This case could end up costing the taxpayer money. Only the Dolphins and Hill smoothing it over will nullify that. Anyone not ever profiled knows nothing. profiling time after time becomes an accusation of guilt for nothing. So, comply. We are free. Comply. We are free. Comply. A percentage of the police would fall in comfortably in a totalitarian state easily.
That cop who initially approached the car was an ass. ............"why you not have your seat belt on"? Thats not professional. He needs some re-education. Ask for license and registration and let them know why they were pulled over. No need for that confrontational approach.
He followed instructions. The police were just wrong.

Head should roll on this one.
You've already had your feel of Derek Chauvins..... Even the most progressive citizens will eventually realize you cannot neutralize the police and have a successful society.
As well they should be.

They completely escalated a minor traffic situation.
It will always escalate when you have a stubborn commuter who won't roll this window down and who won't step out of the car when he's asked to. Neither one of those things is difficult.
You've already had your feel of Derek Chauvins..... Even the most progressive citizens will eventually realize you cannot neutralize the police and have a successful society.
Asking the police to act professionally is "neutralizing" them?

Here's the thing. They assumed a black man driving an expensive car probably stole it, and they approached him like he was a perp.

Seriously, four motorcycle cops to deal with a SEAT BELT violation?
he officer had a short fuse, if Hill showed the slightest amount of respect, nothing escalates, the last thing you do is haul ass down the street, not the highway and then have a attitude, he acted like a punk. I have questioned officers that pulled me over, but I respected their request, guess what, it never escalated…wonder why….

Because you were white?

Check your privilege, buddy.

Of course, Hill acted like an ass, too. He should have immediately complied with all instructions, and if the police still acted like asses, THEN you file a complaint about racial profiling, which is certainly what this was.

The only reason why this is getting attention is because Hill is a celebrity.
I don’t like this line of thinking. There is a bare minimum you are legally required to do for a cop. It does not include being polite or complying with request which they may attempt to disguise as an order. Thinking you have to do anything a cop says is willfully abandoning your rights. If you don’t protect your rights, no one will. The cop sure as hell isn’t going to.

It’s bizarre but I think we hold people to a higher standard than police. As if it’s a citizen’s fault that a cop couldn’t maintain professional conduct.
I can’t disagree. I support police, unfortunately, we see all the bad ones on YouTube all the time.

Too often, the police like to play games and “fish” for information trying to psychologically analyze you..thinking they can get you to say something that will give them probable cause, and make an arrest…or, cause to be aggressive with you, which will lead to you “resisting arrest”

I agree we should respect the police but they need to act professionally and give us reason to respect them.
You only have to roll down your window to pass documents and speak

There is no reason you have to have your window down for police safety

Given the police acting like goons over a simple traffic stop, you can see why people are hesitant to roll their window down all the way

One question is how much tint did the windows have. If the cop can't see you with the window up, the whole rule thing about only having to roll down your window a bit goes out the window.

Plenty of people have an illegal amount of tint on their windows.
As well they should be.

They completely escalated a minor traffic situation.

Actually both sides escalated it. I think once the tape is reviewed completely, both sides are going to want this to go the hell away.

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