TYRRELL: Why the left really, really hates us


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Ive mentioned this a few times...They don't just disagree if you have different political views, they hate you for it..their elected Representatives show so openly today it's no wonder..
Links in article at site


By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.


The Washington Times

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Though it pains me to say it, I have made my final judgment about the left. They do not like conservatives very much. In fact, they come to an immediate boil when we enter their admittedly limited range of perception. It all began back in the 1960s when radical thought gained a footing with American liberals. Back in those days, liberals relished America, the mixed economy (as they called capitalism) and our system of government, and they were free of the bees in their bonnets that eventually drove them to collective suicide: feminism, socialism, identity politics and all the little stuff: consumerism, the sky is falling, something about organic foods. Taken one thing with another, it finally consumed liberalism, moving me last year to administer the last rites to the whole gaudy set of bugaboos and to pronounce liberalism dead in a sad little book, “The Death of Liberalism.”

Now liberalism’s heirs compose the left. From the radicalism of the 1960s, the left emerged, grew powerful in the Democratic Party and replaced the corpses of liberalism to become the reigning orthodoxy of the Democratic Party. As recently as 2006, Machiavellians such as Rahm Emanuel tried to reinvigorate the party by running moderates and traditional liberals as candidates in congressional races, but his achievement was completely undone by the Republican sweep of 2010. By 2012, the left, led by their leader, the improbable president Barack Obama, completely took over the Democratic Party. These people are not like the liberals, who, while condescending to conservatives, did not hate us. These left-wingers really do hate us. That is why not much in the way of compromise can be achieved in Congress. Sometime back, I dined on Capitol Hill with a senator who had been around some three decades. He said it with telling precision, “Up here, the two sides hardly ever meet.” The left hates us.

I personally discovered this back in the Clinton days. A friend probably of the moderate left came banging into my gym to announce, “Well, if Clinton had sex with a young intern, you were right. He should be impeached.” My friend held to this view for about a month, whereupon he came again into the gym and announced, “But we can’t possibly side with Ken Starr.” In the months ahead, the Clintons diabolized Mr. Starr so successfully that Democrats and their allies in the media came to disrelish anyone favoring the Boy President’s impeachment. Mr. Clinton survived. Even Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a moderate liberal if there ever was one, voted against impeaching good old lovable Bill, after having said on national television that to lie under oath was cause for impeachment.

By manipulating moderate liberals’ passions, the left has come to this happy pass; they dominate the Democratic Party and they hate us. I know we are very likable people. We do many good works. We are kind to children and to household pets, but the left hates us. That is the way it is today. The left rarely has any dealings with conservatives whatsoever. On a growing list of issues, from guns to affirmative action to whatever militant homosexuals want, the very mention of our side of the issue brings the left to a boil. Talk radio brings the left to a boil. Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin can sally forth into comedic genius. I laugh. You laugh. Even a moderate laughs. Yet the left-wingers see no humor at all, and they have even tried to limit talk radio’s First Amendment rights. Such extreme measures would have been unthinkable when Hubert Humphrey was in his prime, say in 1968.

All of it here
Read more: TYRRELL: Why the left really, really hates us - Washington Times
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Marxists are in full control of the Dems, including how Libs have to "think" about things
Marxists are in full control of the Dems, including how Libs have to "think" about things

If you think it's just the left that lets others think for them you are in denial. The right goose-steps to other thinker's talking points as frequently has the left does.

While I agree you have the bootlickers on both sides.
The left seems a bit more fervent. The current crap going on at the white house is a good example.
I would want heads to roll if it were Republicans in this position.
I dont pick party over country. You do something that harms Americans you are toast in my book. Whether you have a D or an R in front of your name doesn't enter into the discussion.
This OP never did live up to its promise:

Why the left really, really hates us

was never really addressed.

Perhaps had the title been : The LEFT - they really hate us!" it would not have so failed to live up to it's promise.
The left seems a bit more fervent.

It does? Go over to the political forums and count the number of threads expressing outright glee over Obama's troubles right now. Count the number of threads wherein conservatives are called "the enemy," or "traitors." Then, count the number wherein liberals are described using those terms.

Then get back to us.
The left seems a bit more fervent.

It does? Go over to the political forums and count the number of threads expressing outright glee over Obama's troubles right now. Count the number of threads wherein conservatives are called "the enemy," or "traitors." Then, count the number wherein liberals are described using those terms.

Then get back to us.

When people pick party over Country,I would say they are pretty fervent.
Most republicans I know would be extremely pissed and want whoever was responsible to be punished regardless of political affiliation.
Some dems obviously are smarter then others and want justice....or at least they appear to.
While you have others(like some libs on this board)who will deny,deny,deny......just so their guy can win. And in doing so say FUCK AMERICA!

I find that very disturbing.
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If the left hates the right, the right hates the left just as much.

The national experiment is over. The country is divided with neither side able to find a point of compromise with the other. They are moving further and further apart. The left's answer is that they can impose leftist ideals and principles on the right no matter how many objections there are and eventually, the right will get in line.

This is what makes civil wars and if it doesn't make a civil war, it makes the country ungovernable. Take all those millions of people who rejected obama and they just stop cooperating. They engage in small acts of rebellion all the time. Civility breaks down into open and vocal contempt. The nation cannot function. It just stops working and that is beginning right now. The left thinks they can put more than 100 million people in jail and still run the country when they can do neither.
Ive mentioned this a few times...They don't just disagree if you have different political views, they hate you for it..their elected Representatives show so openly today it's no wonder..
Links in article at site


By R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.


The Washington Times

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Though it pains me to say it, I have made my final judgment about the left. They do not like conservatives very much. In fact, they come to an immediate boil when we enter their admittedly limited range of perception. It all began back in the 1960s when radical thought gained a footing with American liberals. Back in those days, liberals relished America, the mixed economy (as they called capitalism) and our system of government, and they were free of the bees in their bonnets that eventually drove them to collective suicide: feminism, socialism, identity politics and all the little stuff: consumerism, the sky is falling, something about organic foods. Taken one thing with another, it finally consumed liberalism, moving me last year to administer the last rites to the whole gaudy set of bugaboos and to pronounce liberalism dead in a sad little book, “The Death of Liberalism.”

Now liberalism’s heirs compose the left. From the radicalism of the 1960s, the left emerged, grew powerful in the Democratic Party and replaced the corpses of liberalism to become the reigning orthodoxy of the Democratic Party. As recently as 2006, Machiavellians such as Rahm Emanuel tried to reinvigorate the party by running moderates and traditional liberals as candidates in congressional races, but his achievement was completely undone by the Republican sweep of 2010. By 2012, the left, led by their leader, the improbable president Barack Obama, completely took over the Democratic Party. These people are not like the liberals, who, while condescending to conservatives, did not hate us. These left-wingers really do hate us. That is why not much in the way of compromise can be achieved in Congress. Sometime back, I dined on Capitol Hill with a senator who had been around some three decades. He said it with telling precision, “Up here, the two sides hardly ever meet.” The left hates us.

I personally discovered this back in the Clinton days. A friend probably of the moderate left came banging into my gym to announce, “Well, if Clinton had sex with a young intern, you were right. He should be impeached.” My friend held to this view for about a month, whereupon he came again into the gym and announced, “But we can’t possibly side with Ken Starr.” In the months ahead, the Clintons diabolized Mr. Starr so successfully that Democrats and their allies in the media came to disrelish anyone favoring the Boy President’s impeachment. Mr. Clinton survived. Even Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a moderate liberal if there ever was one, voted against impeaching good old lovable Bill, after having said on national television that to lie under oath was cause for impeachment.

By manipulating moderate liberals’ passions, the left has come to this happy pass; they dominate the Democratic Party and they hate us. I know we are very likable people. We do many good works. We are kind to children and to household pets, but the left hates us. That is the way it is today. The left rarely has any dealings with conservatives whatsoever. On a growing list of issues, from guns to affirmative action to whatever militant homosexuals want, the very mention of our side of the issue brings the left to a boil. Talk radio brings the left to a boil. Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin can sally forth into comedic genius. I laugh. You laugh. Even a moderate laughs. Yet the left-wingers see no humor at all, and they have even tried to limit talk radio’s First Amendment rights. Such extreme measures would have been unthinkable when Hubert Humphrey was in his prime, say in 1968.

All of it here
Read more: TYRRELL: Why the left really, really hates us - Washington Times
Follow us: [MENTION=39892]Was[/MENTION]htimes on Twitter
The RW Persecution Complex is always so amusing to watch.
Marxists are in full control of the Dems, including how Libs have to "think" about things

If you think it's just the left that lets others think for them you are in denial. The right goose-steps to other thinker's talking points as frequently has the left does.

While I agree you have the bootlickers on both sides.
The left seems a bit more fervent. The current crap going on at the white house is a good example.
I would want heads to roll if it were Republicans in this position.
I dont pick party over country. You do something that harms Americans you are toast in my book. Whether you have a D or an R in front of your name doesn't enter into the discussion.

My evidence that the right is just as bad as the left, Ijust look at all the threads,,it's talking points-arama! As far as the left,,just follow rdean, truthmatters Lakota; etc!
One is no better or worse at this boring BS.
If you think it's just the left that lets others think for them you are in denial. The right goose-steps to other thinker's talking points as frequently has the left does.

While I agree you have the bootlickers on both sides.
The left seems a bit more fervent. The current crap going on at the white house is a good example.
I would want heads to roll if it were Republicans in this position.
I dont pick party over country. You do something that harms Americans you are toast in my book. Whether you have a D or an R in front of your name doesn't enter into the discussion.

My evidence that the right is just as bad as the left, Ijust look at all the threads,,it's talking points-arama! As far as the left,,just follow rdean, truthmatters Lakota; etc!
One is no better or worse at this boring BS.

So, you therefore choose the mid-ground, thinking that is safe.
Appears apathetic to me.

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