Tyson Foods’ Iowa plant to permanently close

Tn benefits. It is a RED state. If you don't live in TN you get no benefits.
You likely get no benefits if you live in TN either.

Back in Texas, you'd hear how plants relocated there all the time. Then either that same year or the year after, you'd have a bond election on the November ballot. Why? Usually it was for road construction (the new plants destroyed a lot of the roads) or building schools. Why did they need a bond election with all of these new industries moving in? Because to get them to move in, the agreement is that they pay little or no taxes. Oh...they do bring jobs...Lyondell, Cheniere, Hoechst and the like did hire people; usually from temp firms who didn't pay squat. So the tax base never really expanded all that much except in the odd times when populations were expanding. Automation wiped out most of that expansion.

Red state logic at its finest.
It would be if that were true.
It is true, there are over 50 million illegal aliens in this country.

It is really amazing how naive, how ignorant, the supporters of democrats are. It as if the democrat base has no brain.

Anything said, the democrat base believes. For the last 30 to 40 years the number of illegal aliens reported in this country has remained 10,000,000. It never changes, how is that possible.

Today 5000 a day is crossing the border, 35,000 a week, 14 million a year, in the last three years that is 42 million.

This has been going on for how long? Decades? Cut the number to 1 million a year, in the last 40 years how many illegal aliens is that?

If only you were right candycorn, instead of being criminally naive.
Thomas J. Vilsack is the Secretary of the Dept of Agriculture. Whether he has anything to do with this is a question and whether he has an opinion on it. On all of it.
Hay per ton is down

Hay per ton is down
2019-2022 Washington state; Supreme grade export alfalfa hay first cut(fine stock/heavy on the leaf, green no yellow) $450.00-$500.00 per ton. 2023 same quality alfalfa hay as before mentioned $160.00 per ton. For about that same time frame FAIR-GOOD grade Timothy hay was fetching somewhere around $270.00/$280.00 per ton. 2023 FAIR-GOOD grade Timothy $150.00 per ton. Then folks wonder WHY farmers, @ least the small time farmers run a heavy set of discs over their field(s), then harrow the field(s) & let the fields 'rest' for a couple/three years or so. Worse, a LOT of us old hands are @ the end of our tether & the generation(s) behind us have zero interest in following in our foot steps(can't blame them). Maybe computerized/robotic farm machinery will be the next generation of farmers???
It is true, there are over 50 million illegal aliens in this country.

It is really amazing how naive, how ignorant, the supporters of democrats are. It as if the democrat base has no brain.

Anything said, the democrat base believes. For the last 30 to 40 years the number of illegal aliens reported in this country has remained 10,000,000. It never changes, how is that possible.

Today 5000 a day is crossing the border, 35,000 a week, 14 million a year, in the last three years that is 42 million.

This has been going on for how long? Decades? Cut the number to 1 million a year, in the last 40 years how many illegal aliens is that?

If only you were right candycorn, instead of being criminally naive.
elektra, don't forget the anchor babies!!!
2019-2022 Washington state; Supreme grade export alfalfa hay first cut(fine stock/heavy on the leaf, green no yellow) $450.00-$500.00 per ton. 2023 same quality alfalfa hay as before mentioned $160.00 per ton. For about that same time frame FAIR-GOOD grade Timothy hay was fetching somewhere around $270.00/$280.00 per ton. 2023 FAIR-GOOD grade Timothy $150.00 per ton. Then folks wonder WHY farmers, @ least the small time farmers run a heavy set of discs over their field(s), then harrow the field(s) & let the fields 'rest' for a couple/three years or so. Worse, a LOT of us old hands are @ the end of our tether & the generation(s) behind us have zero interest in following in our foot steps(can't blame them). Maybe computerized/robotic farm machinery will be the next generation of farmers???
in agriculture it seams once facet of agriculture suffers at the expense of another.
Boy that is a relief to those living and working in Iowa.
Companies move operations for a variety of reasons, all the time, be it wage costs, taxes, regulation of trade or business practice. States, cities, towns around the world compete for business investment all the time. It is the natural order of business and community development. One community's loss is another community's gain.
Smithfield is Chinese. They sold out to China back in 2016

Workers at the Perry facility officially learned of the planned closure on Monday, according to the Des Moines Register. The plant reportedly has a workforce of more than 1,200.

For the record Perry, Iowa has a population of about 7,800.

In 2023, Tyson Foods indicated six chicken processing facilities would close permanently, and more recently, the company added a pair of "case ready value-added" beef plants to the list of closures, according to the company’s first-quarter earnings report. The shuttering of those facilities, which are located across six states, is meant to "optimize asset utilization."


But not to worry, Tyson foods also wants to hire 52,000 "asylum seekers".

This would be illegal if the gop would vote to fine employers like Trump seriously enough to force compliance with law
It is true, there are over 50 million illegal aliens in this country.

It is really amazing how naive, how ignorant, the supporters of democrats are. It as if the democrat base has no brain.

Anything said, the democrat base believes. For the last 30 to 40 years the number of illegal aliens reported in this country has remained 10,000,000. It never changes, how is that possible.

Today 5000 a day is crossing the border, 35,000 a week, 14 million a year, in the last three years that is 42 million.

This has been going on for how long? Decades? Cut the number to 1 million a year, in the last 40 years how many illegal aliens is that?

If only you were right candycorn, instead of being criminally naive.
50 million.

Good one!

Capitalism provided the right to employers to hire and fire workers.
Capitalism also provides workers with the right to strike.

It's only an issue of companies being more profitable with low paid immigrant workers.
This is only honouring the long held position of capitalism on 'supply and demand' of workers willing to do the job.

Those who are objecting to this seem to be advocating for more social responsibility of employers. That's accomplished by adding in a bit of socialism to the American capitalist way.

What to do? What to do?
Tyson Foods supplies most of the meat products for the military. They're based out of Arkansas. Guess who else is based out of Arkansas.

can you provide some evidence they plan to hire illegals in states like NY?


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