Tzipi Livni: Will fight new "Basic Law"


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10
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Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10

Does Israel have a basic law (constitution) or not?

Does it call for equality of all of its citizens?

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Article 18

Freedom of belief, worship and the performance of religious functions are guaranteed, provided public order or public morals are not violated.

Article 20

Freedom of residence and movement shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.

2003 Amended Basic Law | The Palestinian Basic Law
Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10

This is one reason why I don't care for the liberals, they are too worried about offending someone. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, always has been what’s wrong with stating that fact? How can we expect the Arabs to recognize Israel as a Jewish when some Jews won't even do it? I heard Livni was supposed to be heading up peace negotiations, is that still the case Lipush?
Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10

Does Israel have a basic law (constitution) or not?

Does it call for equality of all of its citizens?

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Article 18

Freedom of belief, worship and the performance of religious functions are guaranteed, provided public order or public morals are not violated.

Article 20

Freedom of residence and movement shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.

2003 Amended Basic Law | The Palestinian Basic Law

I don't understand the question, and do not understand the problem, if to be honest.

Israel can be recognized as the homeland of the Jewish people AND be concidered a "state of all civilians".

I don't understand why there is a touble combining both.
Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10

This is one reason why I don't care for the liberals, they are too worried about offending someone. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, always has been what’s wrong with stating that fact? How can we expect the Arabs to recognize Israel as a Jewish when some Jews won't even do it? I heard Livni was supposed to be heading up peace negotiations, is that still the case Lipush?

Livni is interested in a good government seat.

She screwed up her voters. She sad she will not, under any circumstances, sit along with Netanyahu in the same government, because he didn't change anything in peace making.

But hey! The FIRST ONE to jump on the carriage, was her.

My conclusion is that she doesn't at all care about peace, she's trying to do things to make the world think she's ok, but inside, I believe even her voters are not pleased with her.

I voted Bennett, and for the first time, I am happy with how I voted!
Within the coalition agreement of the new Israeli government, Naftali Bennett, Yair Lapid and Binyamin Netanyahu are expected to agree on setting (or "re-setting") the new basic law, "Isreal homeland of the Jewish people" law, saying that Israel should be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people. Tzipi Livni says she will fight the bill, for it is going against democracy. As for now, Israel is defined as "A state for all civilians".

חברת הכנסת ציפי לבני הדגישה כי לא תתמוך בהצעת חוק יסוד "ישראל מדינת הלאום של העם היהודי", שאמורה להיות מקודמת לפי ההסכמים הקואליציוניים עם הבית היהודי. "אני מתנגדת לחוק ואפעל שלא יעבור", אמרה בתוכנית "המטה" עם נדב פרי. שרת המשפטים המיועדת אף הוסיפה כי מונתה גם לתפקיד יושבת ראש וועדת השרים לענייני חקיקה "כדי למנוע חקיקות שיפגעו בערכים הדמוקרטים של מדינת ישראל​

Source: Nana10

Does Israel have a basic law (constitution) or not?

Does it call for equality of all of its citizens?

Article 9

Palestinians shall be equal before the law and the judiciary, without distinction based upon race, sex, color, religion, political views or disability.

Article 18

Freedom of belief, worship and the performance of religious functions are guaranteed, provided public order or public morals are not violated.

Article 20

Freedom of residence and movement shall be guaranteed within the limits of the law.

2003 Amended Basic Law | The Palestinian Basic Law

I don't understand the question, and do not understand the problem, if to be honest.

Israel can be recognized as the homeland of the Jewish people AND be concidered a "state of all civilians".

I don't understand why there is a touble combining both.

I understand that you do not understand and that you will never bother to do so.
What's discriminating about it?

the law says "Israel is to be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people".

It already is..

That's exactly like saying "Jerusalem is to be recognized that the city holding the most sacred of places (western wall)."

Is the second descriminating?

What's the dif?
What's discriminating about it?

the law says "Israel is to be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people".

It already is..

That's exactly like saying "Jerusalem is to be recognized that the city holding the most sacred of places (western wall)."

Is the second descriminating?

What's the dif?

The Palestinians state that all native Jews are Palestinian citizens.

What does Israel say about native Arabs?
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What's discriminating about it?

the law says "Israel is to be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people".

It already is..

That's exactly like saying "Jerusalem is to be recognized that the city holding the most sacred of places (western wall)."

Is the second descriminating?

What's the dif?

The Palestinians state that all native Jews are Palestinian citizens.

What does Israel say about native Arabs?

What do PAlestinians say about NAtive Israelis ?
You mean the people living under the Palestinian Authority? They are Palestinians, not Israelis.

That law doesn't emply to them at all

Palestinians living anywhere whose home is in what is now called Israel cannot go back to their homes simply because they are not Jewish. Palestinian Jews can live in Israel. Palestinian non Jews cannot. That is pure racism.
What's discriminating about it?

the law says "Israel is to be recognized as the national home for the Jewish people".

It already is..

That's exactly like saying "Jerusalem is to be recognized that the city holding the most sacred of places (western wall)."

Is the second descriminating?

What's the dif?

The Palestinians state that all native Jews are Palestinian citizens.

What does Israel say about native Arabs?

What do PAlestinians say about NAtive Israelis ?

They have stated that they can become Palestinian citizens.
Why am I a racist for not wanting to be resident of "Palestine"? I want to live in a Jewish state, with my people. like you said, it called the right for self definition. I don't see racism here.
Why am I a racist for not wanting to be resident of "Palestine"? I want to live in a Jewish state, with my people. like you said, it called the right for self definition. I don't see racism here.

That is self determination and it is the right of the natives not foreigners.

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